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“Privacy is dead,” they say.
So what?
Image: Sean MacEntee, “privacy”
The saying “privacy is dead” has been attributed to Mark Zuckerberg, but I can’t
nd any credible evidence he actually said it, so I’m not going to say he did. I think it’s
fair to say, however, that he and the company he founded have certainly acted on this idea, including trying to make it true.
And I hope I don’t have to explain to the librarians here today why privacy is important, but I also know that not all of you are librarians, or coming to this with the
importance of privacy baked into your bones the way I have.
So really brie
y, I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this… there are lots of ways to think about and research the importance of privacy to people, and there are a
couple-three basic things we’ve learned when we’ve done that. One is that privacy is necessary for us to learn and make progress, as individuals and as societies. As
individuals, it’s hard to feel safe enough to make mistakes, which is CRUCIAL to learning, if there’s always somebody looking over our shoulder and maybe judging us. As
societies, it’s hard to
x oppression, including of us by our governments, if there’s no place people can organize and protect one another unobserved.
Another thing is that privacy is a powerful harm-reducer. Think about the person who dislikes you most in the world, just really cannot stand you. Now imagine that
person, whoever they are, knowing practically everything there is to know about how you live your life. Does that feel like a safe situation to you? It doesn’t to me. Privacy
is one defense you have against that person, against all the people or groups who totally wouldn’t mind seeing harm come to us.
As I tell my students, “information about people equals power over them.”