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Slide 1
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Memory Management
Slide 2
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-[NSObject retainCount]
Slide 3
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Retainable Object Pointers
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Object Pointers id Class NSObject __attribute__((NSObject))
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@property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t queue;
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Ownership Qualification
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id objc_storeWeak(id *object, id value)
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Property Declarations assign __unsafe_unretained copy -copy + __strong retain __strong unsafe_unretained __unsafe_unretained weak __weak
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`strong` vs `copy`
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Always use copy
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@property (nonatomic, copy)
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dispatch_block_t block = ^{ NSLog(@"Hello World!"); }; ! NSArray *blocks = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObject:[block copy]];
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Retain Cycle
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- (void)startOperation { NSOperation *operation = [[NSOperation alloc] init]; ! [operation setCompletionBlock:^{ NSLog(@"Completion for %@", operation); }]; }
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Operation Completion Handler
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- (void)startOperation { NSOperation *operation = [[NSOperation alloc] init]; __weak NSOperation *weakOperation = operation; ! [operation setCompletionBlock:^{ NSLog(@"Completion for %@", weakOperation); }]; }
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The Dealloc Problem
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Releasing UIKit objects in background threads
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CoreFoundation is not subject to ARC
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UIColor *whiteColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; CGColorRef whiteRef = [whiteColor CGColor]; ! // Crash when using whiteRef
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UIColor *whiteColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; CGColorRef whiteRef = CGRetain([whiteColor CGColor]); ! // Use whiteRef ! CGRelease(whiteRef);
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Fast Enumeration
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for (const __strong NSObject *object in objects) { NSLog(@”Object: %@”, object); }
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Faster Enumeration
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for (const __unsafe_unretained NSObject *object in objects) { NSLog(@”Object: %@”, object); }
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Does this actually have any real world benefits?
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No content
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Tagged Pointer
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No content
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