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What%is%Git? Git$is$an$open%source$distributed version$control$system$designed$to$ handle$everything$from$small$to$very$ large$projects$with$speed$and$ efficiency.

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What%is%Git? Git$is$an$open$source$distributed version$control$system$designed$to$ handle$everything$from$small$to$very$ large$projects$with$speed$and$ efficiency.

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What%is%Git? Git$is$an$open$source$distributed version$control$system$designed$to$ handle$everything$from$small$to$very$ large$projects%with$speed%and$ efficiency.

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Why%Git? •$Distributed$Version$Control.$Almost$ everything$is$local. •$Fast,$time$saving. •$Popular$(Github,$Bitbucket...) •$Easy$library$integration. •$Branching$&$Merging,$Pull$request.

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Centralized%Version%Control% Systems%(CVS,%Subversion...)

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Distributed%Version%Control% Systems%(Git,%Mercurial...)

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Almost%everything%is%local Everything$is$fast Every$clone$is$a$backup Work$offline

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No%Network%Needed Performing$a$diff Viewing$file$history Committing$changes Merging$branches Obtaining$other$revisions$of$a$file Switching$branches

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Git%is%Popular •$ObjectiveLC:$AFNetworking,$ASIHTTPRequest •$Java:$Jenkins,$Android$SlidingMenu...$ •$Javascript:$JQuery,$Bootstrap,$boilerplate •$Ruby:$Rails,$homebrew... How%many%libraries%from%Github%have%we% used?

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Easy%library%integration svn:external%O>%git%project $%git%submodule%add iOS:%Cocoapods%(

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Branching%&%Merging.% Pull%request. •$Feature$branches •$Release$branches$ •$Hotfix$branches Different%types%of% branches%we%may%use: Pull%request%is%our% friend. Develop Master

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Time release$ branches master develop hotfixes feature$ branches Feature for future release Tag 1.0 Major feature for next release From this point on, “next release” means the release after 1.0 Severe bug xed for production: hot x 0.2 Bug xes from rel. branch may be continuously merged back into develop Tag 0.1 Tag 0.2 Incorporate bug x in develop Only bug xes! Start of release branch for 1.0

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Git%Mac%Clients •%Github •%Tower •%Gitbox •%GitX%(L) •%SourceTree Git%Windows%Clients •%Github •%Git%Extensions •%GitOCola •%SourceTree

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Sources •$ •$ •$$(Dutch$and$Spanish) •$ branchingLmodel/

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Thank%you! Javi%Lorbada @javi_lorbada