Jérôme Gasperi
ESA/ESRIN - Frascati, Italy - September 19th, 2013
WPS on the cloud
OWS-10 OGC testbed - Orthorectifying images hosted by a cloud infrastructure using WPS standard
Slide 2
Slide 2 text
Joint in kind contribution from ASTRIUM / CNES to the «Open
Mobility» thread of the OGC OWS-10 Testbeb
Kick off to be held in 7-9 October 2013 (Washington, DC)
Final delivery and demonstration April/May 2014
Landsat Landsat
3. Click on '+' to process a new orthorectification.
Process parameters are set by user and sent to an
asynchronous WPS orthorectification process
located on the
2. Multiple orthorectified images (i.e. processed
with different parameters) can be associated to a raw
4. Orthorectified image quality can be checked through
"Assess Quality" WPS process located on the
Result is displayed within the map as a WMS quality layer
stored on the
1. Select raw image to orthorectify within
CSW catalog located on the