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Server-Side Swift with Containers + Kubernetes Swift Mission Meetup, May 3, 2016 @smithclay

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We can run Swift on Linux... now what?

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Server-side swift = writing a web app (in this case)

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The dream of isomorphic client-server code Hello.swift iOS Hello.swift Linux application

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What else? • It will probably annoy a lot of people you know. • It's fun. • Probably not ready for something really serious (which is fun).

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If you're going to server-side swift... • Look at • ~16 OSS options listed • Why not use something that claims it's elegant? Based on the PHP micro-framework Lumen. •

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Basic vapor setup

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Step 2: Setup the Dev Env with brew • Install • $ brew install kylef/formulae/swiftenv • Install Vapor • $ brew tap qutheory/tap && brew install vapor-swift-2 • $ vapor new HelloSwift

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Install the right swift version... and build • $ cat .swift-version • $ swiftenv install DEVELOPMENT- SNAPSHOT-2016-03-24-a • $ vapor build • $ .build/debug/App Run the server Verify what version is needed

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No content

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You are here ^ Summit of Production-Ready Swift

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Getting Production-ready with Containers

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Slide 13 text "LXC (Linux Containers) is an operating-system- level virtualization method for running multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a control host using a single Linux kernel."

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Operating System Container Container Container App App App libs libs libs Further reading:

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Why use a container? • More lightweight than full fledged virtual machines: "better utilization" • Single artifact through the entire development process. Dev equals Prod!?! Easier deployment?!? • Better abstraction. Don't think of where the app runs (the server), think of the service the app provides.

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What's Docker? • Open-source tooling (and a private company) to help package apps using containers. • Funky layered filesystem that's hard to grok. • Much improved Mac beta on the way* • Until then: *

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Dockerize it! Creating Swift app images using Dockerfiles

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Docker app image: best practice Base Image Main Image Runtime environment Ubuntu + Swift + Deps App environment Just the compiled vapor app

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Base image already exists!

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Linux Swift Dockerfile (base) Based on

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Linux Swift Dockerfile (base) Based on

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App Dockerfile (app) The default Dockerfile that comes with a vapor-CLI generated app, except we're using a custom build of the swift development snapshot (smithclay/swift:v03-23-a) vapor needs.

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Build it, run it # Build image of current vapor app, tagged v1 $ docker build -t smithclay/helloswift:v1 . # Run container on port 80 $ docker run -d -p 80:8080 smithclay/helloswift:v1 # Verify. Did it work? # Can also just open Safari :) $ curl -s -D - $(docker-machine ip) -o /dev/null

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Swift 3.0 "at (fake) scale" Kubernetes

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What's Kubernetes? • Open-source system to manage apps in containers across multiple servers. From Google originally.* • Handles the hard part of building distributed systems: maintenance, deployment, scaling, etc. • Definitely overkill for small and simple stuff.

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Upload Image to GCE Based on this tutorial: • docker build -t helloswift:v1 . • gcloud docker push helloswift:v1

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Create a cluster

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Create a pod • $ gcloud container clusters get- credentials helloswift # auth • $ kubectl run helloswift -- --port 8080 # create pod • $ kubectl expose deployment helloswift --type="LoadBalancer" # external • $ kubectl get services # get IP

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That worked?!?

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Mega-scale • Can increase the number of pods to a crazy number. • $ kubectl scale deployment helloswift --replicas=4

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Simple Benchmarking* • ab -l -r -n 100 -c 10 -k http:// * benchmarking is really hard and there's lots of bogus data out there.

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node.js vs swift • ab -l -r -n 100 -c 10 -k • ab -l -r -n 100 -c 10 -k Vapor node.js

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Lessons • Containers are great for portability across different clouds, environments, etc. • Containers hide the complexity of building deploying server-side swift. • Kubernetes is definitely overkill for "Hello World" in Swift. • Not mentioned: logging, security, monitoring, health checks... you get the idea.

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Thanks! Questions? slides on twitter: @smithclay