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by Jennifer Bland Intro to Flexbox with real world examples

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Get the Code h)ps://

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CSS History •Support for the box model •Float images to right or leC of each other •PosiEoning using Absolute and Fixed

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Why Flexbox? •One of several new CSS layout models •Designed to make craCing CSS layouts easy •Allows you to control alignment, spacing and
 sizing of elements relaEve to their parents

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Flexbox Benefits •W3C Standard •No libraries needed •No longer need floats and clears •Override source order with CSS •Custom responsive layouts

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Flexbox Support

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Using Flexbox •Define a parent element as a Flex Container •All child elements become Flex Items •Flexbox properEes can then control orientaEon,
 alignment, size and spacing of child Flex Items •Flex Containers are set to either row or column

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Defining Flex Elements •First define elements on page as Flex Containers •In css add
 display: flex; Example_01

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Understanding Flex Axis •Flexbox has a main axis and a cross axis which 
 control the distribuEon and layout of elements • main axis - is the axis along which the flex items
 follow each other • cross axis - axis perpendicular to the main axis

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Flex-DirecEon •Flex Container direcEon can be either row or column •Defined by flex-direcEon •Default is row Example_02

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Flex Container is Row

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Flex Container is Column

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Real Word Example - Calculator •Using what we have earned about Flex Container 
 and Flex Items we will start creaEng our calculator Example_03a & b

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Content Wrapping •By default all Flexbox Containers are single lined •Size, align and space Flex Items along that single line •Use flex-wrap property to get Flex Items to wrap
 to a new line •Default value is nowrap Example_04

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flex-flow shorthand •Shorthand for flex-direcEon and flex-wrap properEes •Default is row nowrap Example_05

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Flex Grow •Represents how much the flex item will grow relaEve
 to the rest of the flex items in the container once
 posiEve space has been distributed •Default value is 0

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Flex Shrink •Represents how much the flex item will shrink 
 relaEve to the rest of the flex items in the container
 once negaEve space has been distributed •Default value is 1

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Flex Basis •Represents iniEal main size of a flex item before
 free space is distributed •Default value is 0

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Flex Property •Flex Grow •Flex Shrink •Flex Basis •These properEes are used to define flex item size in
 relaEon to other flex items and how to grow or shrink

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Real World Example - Calculator •Using flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis we can
 finish styling on our calculator Example_06

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Controlling Alignment •Flex Container has two axis - main axis and cross axis •There are controls for controlling alignment on either
 main axis or cross axis

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JusEfy Content •Defines alignment along the main axis •Distributes extra free space leC over •Default: flex-start

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JusEfy Content - row Example_07

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JusEfy Content - column Example_08

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Align Items •Sets default behavior for how Flex Items are laid out
 along the cross axis on the current line •Default: stretch

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Align Items

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Align Content •Aligns a Flex Container’s lines within when there is
 extra space in the cross axis •Default: stretch

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Align Content

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Real Word Examples h)ps://

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Center Image on Screen

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Responsive Website Layout

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Input Addon

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3 Column Layout

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h)p:// h)ps:// @ratracegrad