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DSL DSL DSL fun with{ } @inyaki_mwc

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DSL Internal External

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DSL Internal External

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DSL Internal External

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DSL Internal External

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Semantic Model

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Semantic Model Domain Model !=

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Internal DSL

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Internal DSL Expression Builder Function Sequence Nested Clousure

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description should endWith(value) description.should(endWith(value))

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description should endWith(value) description.should(endWith(value))

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description should endWith(value) description.should(endWith(value)) infix fun T.should(matcher: Matcher)

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description should endWith(value) description.should(endWith(value)) infix fun T.should(matcher: Matcher)

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Slide 24 text public infix fun T.should(matcher: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldBe(any: U?): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldHave(matcher: io.kotlintest.Matcher): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldNot(matcher: io.kotlintest.Matcher): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldNotBe(any: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Unit { }

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Slide 25 text public infix fun T.should(matcher: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldBe(any: U?): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldHave(matcher: io.kotlintest.Matcher): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldNot(matcher: io.kotlintest.Matcher): kotlin.Unit { } public infix fun T.shouldNotBe(any: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Unit { } class MyTests : StringSpec() { init { "length should" { "hello".length shouldBe 5 } } } class Example: StringSpec() { init { "String size" { assertAll { a: String, b: String -> (a + b) should haveLength(a.length + b.length) } } } }

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data class Salary(private val quantity: Double) { infix fun taxes(amount: Double): Salary { return Salary(quantity - amount) } }

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data class Salary(private val quantity: Double) { infix fun taxes(amount: Double): Salary { return Salary(quantity - amount) } } fun netSalary(): Salary { val mySalary = Salary(1000.00) return mySalary taxes 200.00 }

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I am your Father Luke

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I am your Father Luke Demo

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lambdas { x, y -> x + y }

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lambdas Function Types High order Functions Lambdas Expressions

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Function Types

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Function Types () -> Unit

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Function Types () -> Unit (View) -> Unit

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Function Types () -> Unit (View) -> Unit (String) -> Int

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Function Types () -> Unit val viewResult : () -> Unit

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Function Types (View) -> Unit fun drawView(view: (View) -> Unit)

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Function Types (String) -> Int fun maximVolume() : (String) -> Int

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y } fun formula(a: Double, f: (Double) -> Double): Double = f(a)

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y } fun formula(a: Double, f: (Double) -> Double): Double = f(a) val value = formula(3.0, { i: Double -> sqrt(i) })

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y } fun formula(a: Double, f: (Double) -> Double): Double = f(a) val value = formula(3.0, { i: Double -> sqrt(i) }) val value = formula(3.0, { sqrt(it) })

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lambdas expressions val sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y } fun formula(a: Double, f: (Double) -> Double): Double = f(a) val value = formula(3.0, { i: Double -> sqrt(i) }) val value = formula(3.0, { sqrt(it) }) val value = formula(3.0) { sqrt(it) }

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lambdas Demo

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lambda with receiver

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return with(Salary()) { gross = 1000.00 taxes = 200.00 pension = 100.00 calculate() } lambda with receiver

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return with(Salary()) { gross = 1000.00 taxes = 200.00 pension = 100.00 calculate() } lambda with receiver fun with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R = receiver.block()

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salary { calculate() }

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class Salary { fun calculate() {} } salary { calculate() }

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fun salary(f: Salary.() -> Unit): Salary { val salary = Salary() salary.f() return salary } class Salary { fun calculate() {} } salary { calculate() }

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class Order(val buy: Buy)

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class Order(val buy: Buy) class Buy(var price: Double, var stopLoss: Double, var marginProfit: Double)

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class Order(val buy: Buy) class Buy(var price: Double, var stopLoss: Double, var marginProfit: Double) fun order(f: Order.() -> Unit): Order.() -> Unit = f

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class Order(val buy: Buy) class Buy(var price: Double, var stopLoss: Double, var marginProfit: Double) fun order(f: Order.() -> Unit): Order.() -> Unit = f

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class Order(val buy: Buy) class Buy(var price: Double, var stopLoss: Double, var marginProfit: Double) fun order(f: Order.() -> Unit): Order.() -> Unit = f

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order { buy.price = 100.00 buy.marginProfit = 105.00 buy.stopLoss = 98.00 }

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order { buy { price = 100.00 marginProfit = 105.00 stopLoss = 98.00 } }

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fun order(f: Order.() -> Unit): Order.() -> Unit = f fun buy(f: Buy.() -> Unit)= {}

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fun order(f: Order.() -> Unit): Order.() -> Unit = f fun buy(f: Buy.() -> Unit)= {} Demo

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@inyaki_mwc Thanks