Tailored advice services
in the modern age
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(or, why Digital by Default
is no longer the strategy -
and what is)
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Citizens Advice handbook
UK Ministry of Health booklet
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Ration books
1970s - 1980s
Two recessions:
growth in poverty
Debt, housing and
issues increase
Child poverty
continues to rise in
working families
Cost of living crisis
Energy prices
High inflation
Digital revolution
1998 onwards
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local offices across
England and Wales
2.45 million
people helped 1:1 over the
phone and webchat
62.8 million
pageviews of our advice content
4 in 10 people
have used Citizens Advice at
some point in their lives
9 out of 10
people said they had a positive
experience with Citizens Advice
6 out of 10
people felt less stressed,
depressed or anxious as a result
direct benefit to clients for every
£1 we spend
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How do we scale (through
technology) whilst staying
true to our purpose?
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“…digital services that
are so straightforward
and convenient that all
those who can use them
will choose to do so
whilst those who can’t
are not excluded”
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“…digital services that
are so straightforward
and convenient that all
those who can use them
will choose to do so
whilst those who can’t
are not excluded”
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Channel shift = channels
treated as separate, with the
digital service having primacy
Assisted digital failed to
mitigate digital exclusion
Pushing people to digital
channels perceived as a cost
cutting exercise
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Channel shift = channels
treated as separate, with the
digital service having primacy
Assisted digital failing to
mitigate digital exclusion
Pushing people to digital
channels perceived as a cost
cutting exercise
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Channel shift = channels
treated as separate, with the
digital service having primacy
Assisted digital failing to
mitigate digital exclusion
Pushing people to digital
channels perceived as a cost
cutting exercise
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…but that was then.
Channel shift = channels
treated as separate, with the
digital service having primacy
Assisted digital failing to
mitigate digital exclusion
Pushing people to digital
channels perceived as a cost
cutting exercise
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10 years later
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
more likely that high income
households are able to carry out
basic digital tasks than low
income households
of people said there are key day-
to-day services they need that
cannot be fulfilled online
of households with children
without access to a device
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
more likely that high income
households are able to carry out
basic digital tasks than low
income households
of people said there are key day-
to-day services they need that
cannot be fulfilled online
of households with children
without access to a device
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5.3 million
adults have never used the internet
or used it more than 3 months ago
of people cannot carry out
basic digital tasks
of people aged 65+ do not
regularly use the internet
9% fewer
disabled people use the internet
regularly compared to non-disabled
more likely that high income
households are able to carry out
basic digital tasks than low
income households
of people said there are key day-
to-day services they need that
cannot be fulfilled online
of households with children
without access to a device
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All channels are available to the person
but are not integrated
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Multichannel Omnichannel
All channels are available to the person
but are not integrated
All channels are available to the person
and they are connected seamlessly
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No content
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- Who you are
- The type of service you’re
accessing (emotional,
complex, private)
- Your preferences at that
particular time
- Your location
(geographical, physical)
- The time and energy you
have available
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- Who you are
- The type of service you’re
accessing (emotional,
complex, private)
- Your preferences at that
particular time
- Your location
(geographical, physical)
- The time and energy you
have available
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- Who you are
- The type of service you’re
accessing (emotional,
complex, private)
- Your preferences at that
particular time
- Your location
(geographical, physical)
- The time and energy you
have available
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- Who you are
- The type of service you’re
accessing (emotional,
complex, private)
- Your preferences at that
particular time
- Your location
(geographical, physical)
- The time and energy you
have available
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- Who you are
- The type of service you’re
accessing (emotional,
complex, private)
- Your preferences at that
particular time
- Your location
(geographical, physical)
- The time and energy you
have available
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The technology exists to
allow us to provide a highly
personalised service on any
combination of channels
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1. Radically improve our ability to measure outcomes
2. Enable a seamless client journey
3. Validate our tailored, tactical advice strategy
4. Transform our phone, webchat, email, and video
(‘remote advice’) platforms
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12th - 28th April 2020
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12th - 28th April 2020
Citizens Advice’s
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12th - 28th April 2020
Citizens Advice’s
Department for
Work and Pensions
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No content
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This isn’t new!
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No content
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How we’re re-wiring our
advice delivery behind the
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Content management system
Public website
Chat In person
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Advice content store
Public website
In person
Phone Snippet Socials
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Advice content store
Public website
In person
Phone Snippet Socials