Slide 36
Slide 36 text
What's new in OpenShift 4.6
The Default audit log policy now logs request bodies for OAuth access token creation (login) and deletion (logout)
requests. Previously, deletion request bodies were not logged.
Background on Node Audit log policy (introduced in OpenShift 4.6)
Control the amount of information that is logged to the node audit logs by choosing the audit log policy profile to use.
● Default: Logs only metadata for read and write requests; does not log request bodies except for OAuth access
token requests. This is the default policy.
● WriteRequestBodies: In addition to logging metadata for all requests, logs request bodies for every write request
to the API servers (create, update, patch). This profile has more resource overhead than the Default profile.
● AllRequestBodies: In addition to logging metadata for all requests, logs request bodies for every read and write
request to the API servers (get, list, create, update, patch). This profile has the most resource overhead.
kind: APIServer
profile: WriteRequestBodies
Improved customization of Audit Config
PM: Anand Chandramohan