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September 2018 Better ReasonML Integration In Flow & TypeScript Codebases Patrick Stapfer

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Thanks to our sponsors!

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Why? +

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The Problem App.ts type color = | Red | Yellow | Green; type person = { firstname: string, }; const person = {firstname: "Patrick"}; ReasonReact.Component !== React.Component Immutable Record Type JS Object Type (Js.t in Reason) Variant type (not JS compatible) React.Component Type ReasonReact Component type

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Wrap props for ReasonReact Component let default = ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps => { let person = { firstname: jsProps##person##firstname, }; let color = switch(jsProps##color) { | "yellow" => Yellow /* ... */ }; make(~person, ~color, jsProps##children); }); Boilerplate & Error prone

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Ideal Workflow App.tsx import MyComponent, {Yellow} from "./MyComponent"; MyComponent.tsx (Black Box for the user) Generate TS compatible Wrapper Consume Wrapper

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Solution: genTypes • Tool developed by • Jordan Walke (Facebook / ReactJS / Reason) • Cristiano Calgagno (Facebook / Reason Association / Reason-React)

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Future • Still experimental (Feedback welcome), but will be improved (supported by the Reason Association) • The project name "genFlow" is a working title and will be renamed at some point • Many possibilities: • Write one library in Reason, automatically generate TypeScript / Flow code (not bindings!) • OCaml is fully typed and it's easier to translate pure Reason code to less safe TypeScript code • Ability to mix OCaml / Reason / TypeScript & JavaScript without writing type mappings by hand!

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THANKS Patrick Stapfer / @ryyppy