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Easy-Peasy AI Azure Cognitive Services Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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Azure Cognitive Services Applying AI to your business Perception Comprehension Vision Speech Language Knowledge Computer Vision Face/Emotion Recognition OCR/Handwriting Custom Vision Video Indexer Content Moderator Text-to-Speech Speech-to-Text Translator Custom Speech Language Understanding PII Detection Text Translator Text Analytics QnA Maker Bing Custom Search Bing Visual Search

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Face Recognition

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Face API

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Face API

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Face API

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Eyes are the window to the soul! DEMO

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Computer Vision

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Crop smarter? DEMO

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Video Indexer

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Custom Vision

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Custom Vision Service • Object Detection (preview) • Significant backend improvements to the machine learning pipeline for image classification • Export to Container (export DockerFile + model +service) and to ONNX • S0 tier expanded to up to 250 tags and 50,000 images.

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Object Detection

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Is that a car? Or a train? DEMO

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Talk to me! DEMO

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Have any feelings? DEMO

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Links worth sharing Video Indexer Online Playground Cognitive Services Documentation • Custom Vision Ignite 2019 Session •

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Thanks | @daronyondem Download slides here;