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Raft !" U#$"r%&'#$'b(" D)%&r)b*&"$ C+#%"#%*% Pr+&+,+( @benbjohnson

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W-'& )% D)%&r)b*&"$ C+#%"#%*%?

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Distributed = Many nodes Consensus = Agreement

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Distributed = Many nodes Consensus = Agreement

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Leader Election Data Replication Distributed Locks

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A Really Short History Of Distributed Consensus Protocols

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A Really Short History Of Distributed Consensus Protocols Paxos (1989)

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Paxos In A Nutshell

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Client requests change to system

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Proposer tells Acceptors to get ready for a change Ready?

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Acceptors confirm to Proposer that they’re ready Hell yeah!

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Proposer sends change to Acceptors Here you go

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Learner Learner Learner Learner Acceptors propagate change to Learners

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Learner Learner Learner Learner Proposer is now recognized as leader Leader

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Paxos In A Nutshell Client Proposer Acceptor Acceptor Acceptor Learner Learner Learner Learner Repeat for every new change to the system Leader

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Fun Raft Facts

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Created By:

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Diego Ongaro Ph.D. Student Stanford University

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John Ousterhout Professor of Computer Science Stanford University Diego Ongaro Ph.D. Student Stanford University

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28 Implementations across various languages

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In Commercial Use CoreOS (etcd) go-raft

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Raft Basics

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Three Roles:

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The Leader

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The Follower

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The Candidate

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High-Level Example:

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C F F Vote for me! Vote for me!

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C F F Ok! Ok!

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L F F Log entries Log entries

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L F F Heartbeats Heartbeats

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X C F Vote for me!

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X C F Ok!

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X L F Log Entries & Heartbeats

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Leader Election

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F1 F1 F1 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0ms

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C2 F1 F1 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Request Vote 150ms Request Vote (Fails) One follower becomes a candidate after an election timeout and requests votes

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C2 F2 F1 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Grant Vote 155ms Candidate receives one vote from a peer and one vote from self

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L2 F2 F2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 156ms Two votes is a majority so candidate becomes leader

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Leader Election (Split Vote)

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F1 F1 F1 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0ms F1

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C2 F1 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F1 Request Vote Request Vote 150ms Two followers become candidates simultaneously and begin requesting votes

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 Vote Granted Vote Granted 155ms Each candidate receives a vote from themselves and from one peer

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 Request Vote 156ms Each candidate requests a vote from a peer who has already voted

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 Vote Denied 160ms Vote requests are denied because the follower has already voted

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 Request Vote 161ms Candidates try to request votes from each other

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 Vote Denied 165ms Vote requests are denied because candidates voted for themselves

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 200ms Candidates wait for a randomized election timeout to occur (150ms - 300ms)

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C2 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 250ms Still waiting...

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C3 F2 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F2 300ms Request Vote Request Vote One candidate begins election term #3

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L3 F3 C2 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F3 305ms Vote Granted Vote Granted Candidate receives vote from itself and two peer votes so it becomes leader for election term #3

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L3 F3 C3 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F3 306ms Request Vote Request Vote Second candidate doesn’t know first candidate won the term and begins requesting votes

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L3 F3 C3 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F3 306ms Vote Denied Vote Denied Peers already voted so votes are denied

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L3 F3 F3 Leader Election t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 F3 310ms Leader notifies peers of election and other candidate steps down

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Log Replication

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0ms <“”> <“”> <“”>

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10ms 1 “sally” <“”> <“”> <“”> A new uncommitted log entry is added to the leader

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 20ms <“”> <“”> <“”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” Append Entries Append Entries At the next heartbeat, the log entry is replicated to followers

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 OK <“sally”> <“”> <“”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 22ms A majority of nodes have written the log entry written to disk so it becomes committed

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“”> <“”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” OK 25ms

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” Append Entries Append Entries 40ms At the next heartbeat, the leader notifies followers of updated committed entries

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 50ms

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” Append Entries Append Entries 60ms At the next heartbeat, no new log information is sent

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” 70ms

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 75ms A new uncommitted log entry is added to the leader

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“sally”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” Append Entries Append Entries 80ms At the next heartbeat, the entry is replicated to the followers

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 OK <“bob”> <“sally”> <“sally”> 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 1 “sally” OK 82ms The entry is committed once the followers acknowledge the request

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L1 F1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 <“bob”> <“bob”> <“bob”> 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” Append Entries Append Entries 100ms At the next heartbeat, the leader notifies the followers of the new committed entry

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Log Replication (with Network Partitions)

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0ms <“”> <“”> F1 <“”> F1 <“”> F1 <“”>

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10ms 1 “sally” <“”> <“”> F1 <“”> F1 <“”> F1 <“”> A new uncommitted log entry is added to the leader

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 20ms 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“”> <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> Append Entries On the next heartbeat, the entry is replicated to the followers

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 25ms 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> F1 1 “sally” <“”> OK The followers acknowledge the entry and the entry is committed

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 40ms 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> Append Entries On the next heartbeat, the committed entry is replicated to the followers

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> 50ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> A network partition makes a majority of nodes inaccessible from the leader 60ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> A new log entry is added to the leader 70ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> The leader replicates the entry to the only accessible follower Append Entries 80ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> The follower acknowledges the entry but there is not a quorum OK 85ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> 90ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> C2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> F1 1 “sally” <“sally”> After an election timeout, one disconnected follower becomes a candidate Request Vote 190ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> The candidate receives a majority of votes and becomes a leader Vote Granted 195ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> 200ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” <“sally”> A log entry is added to the new leader 210ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> The log entry is replicated to the accessible followers Append Entries 220ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“sally”> A majority of nodes acknowledge the entry so it becomes committed OK 225ms

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Append Entries L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> On the next heartbeat, the followers are notified the entry is committed 240ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> 250ms

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L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> The network recovers and there is no longer a partition 255ms

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Append Entries L1 F1 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> The new leader sends a heartbeat on the next heartbeat timeout 260ms

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Append Entries F2 F2 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “bob” 1 “sally” 2 “bob” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> The leader of term #1 steps down after seeing a new leader in term #2 260ms

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Append Entries F2 F2 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 1 “sally” <“sally”> <“sally”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> Uncommitted entries from disconnected nodes are discarded 260ms

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Append Entries F2 F2 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “tom” 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> <“tom”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> New log entries are appended to the previously disconnected nodes 260ms

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F2 F2 Log Replication t(ms) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 “sally” 2 “tom” 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> <“tom”> L2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> F2 1 “sally” 2 “tom” <“tom”> 260ms

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Log Compaction

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Unbounded log can grow until there’s no more disk

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Recovery time increases as log length increases

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Three Log Compaction Strategies

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#1: Leader-Initiated, Stored in Log [start] chunk entry chunk entry [end] Raft Library

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#2: Leader-Initiated, Stored Externally entry entry entry Snapshot Raft Library

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#3: Independently-Initiated, Stored Externally Application entry entry entry Snapshot

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Questions? Twitter: @benbjohnson GitHub: benbjohnson

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Image Attribution Database designed by Sergey Shmidt from The Noun Project Question designed by Greg Pabst from The Noun Project Lock from The Noun Project Floppy Disk designed by Mike Wirth from The Noun Project Movie designed by Anna Weiss from The Noun Project