Slide 15
Slide 15 text
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Yusuke Hayashi || 2024.10.26
What is Active Inference?
Collective Predictive Coding as Active Inference
① Perc eptual infere nce
The hidden states of the external world are inferred from sensory inputs based on a generative model.
In this process, the internal representation that minimizes free energy is selected.
② A ctive in feren ce
Through actions, a FEP agent can intervene in the external environment to obtain the desired sensory input. This is
known as active inference, where actions are chosen to minimize free energy.
③ Learning / Parameter optimization
Alongside perception and action, the generative model itself is also updated.
This update is similarly determined to minimize free energy.
Free energy/Objective function Expected free energy
Calculate the expected value for sequential data.
The minimization of free energy and expected free energy drives perception, action, and learning.