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Everything you never knew you wanted to ask about Time Series Data Presented by: Brad Lhotsky

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You gotta know where I’ve been to know where we’re going.

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Reverse Polish Notation!!!

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Where are we now?

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Open Source Solutions Graphite OpenTSDB InfluxDB Hosted Solutions Circonus Librato Datadog New Relic

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What do you use?

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• Pros • Easy to send metrics • Support for “Metrics 2.0” • SQL-ish interface to the data •Cons • Read scalability is lacking • Still quite young, good things to come here! InfluxDB

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• Pros • Easy to send metrics • Support for “Metrics 2.0” • Hbase backend • No “roll up” all points stored for eternity! •Cons • Read scalability is lacking • Hbase backend? OpenTSDB

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YMMV, and that’s O.K.

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Why do you use Graphite?

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It’s Open Source.

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It’s scalable.

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It’s easy.

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It’s composable.

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It’s FUN!

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What is Time Series Data?

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Measurements at fixed regular intervals, impossible to have two values for the same metric at the same point in time. Graphite’s rules are that the last value for an interval wins. Time Series Data

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Graphite does not care, it just stores a value at a point in time. It’s up to you to store what you want and understand how to retrieve it. Gauge v. Counter

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Gauges usually fit within a fixed range, but only represent state at the time of reading, meaning you can miss spikes. Counters allow more complete history, but can overflow. Use nonNegativeDerivative() to view the changes between points. Gauge v. Counter

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How does Graphite work?

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• Dot separated namespaces: • • Created automatically the first time it’s updated • All storage pre-allocated • Multiple storage engines • Whisper (Flat Files) • Ceres • Cyanite (based on Cassandra) Metrics

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• Ask for a metric • • Ask for all the metrics •*.class.metric • Ask for a combination, mutation, or selection • sumSeries(*.class .metric) • Returns PNG, SVG, JSON, CSV, … Queries / API

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• carbon • Route and store metrics • whisper • Storage file format and utilities • graphite-web • User-facing interface to Graphite Components

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How does Graphite scale?

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• Cluster using relays • Use SSD’s for fast writes • Use redundancy because SSD’s fail • Read Jason Dixon’s book With Knowledge, Well.

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• • Pass and route metrics to storage • • Map/Reduce metric queries • • Intelligent caching layer for JSON/CSV/Raw outputs With Help, WebScale 2.0!!

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Would you deploy Graphite today?

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How does Graphite store data?

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Every metric is a flat file on disk that’s pre- allocated at creation time to a fixed size. Size is based on the the defined retention periods, which we’ll discuss shortly. Whisper Files

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The dots in the metric names are directory separators on the file system. Whisper Files

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Time series databases allow for prolonged storage. It’s common for metrics to remain for two or more years. To cut costs, aggregations are performed as the data ages. Data Compression

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What do I need to know about roll up?

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Backend configuration for allocating on disk storage for metrics. Can only be set at metric creation. Define retentions. Storage: Schema [mysql] pattern = ^mysql\. retentions = 10s:2d,60s:14d,30m:2y [default] pattern = .* retentions = 60s:14d,30m:2y

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Configuration for handling how metrics traverse the retention boundaries. Storage: AGGREGATIONS [default] pattern = .* xFilesFactor = 0.5 aggregationMethod = average

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Float between 0 and 1 representing the percentage of non-null points required to roll up to a non-null value. xFilesFactor [default] pattern = .* xFilesFactor = 0.5 aggregationMethod = average

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Functions available to turn multiple values into a single value for retention roll ups. Aggregators ‣ average - Average all values ‣ min - minimum of set ‣ max - maximum of set ‣ sum - sum of set ‣ last - take the last value

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Storage: AGGREGATIONS [alerts] pattern = ^alerts\. xFilesFactor = 0 aggregationMethod = sum

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We lose resolution as data rolls up. Rolling Data 1 Minute 5 Minutes 25 Minutes

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How do I get data in?

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Getting your data into Graphite is as simple as sending the metric string to the relevant carbon host and port! Sending Data echo “ value epoch” \ nc graphite 2003

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There are a lot of libraries that encapsulate most to all of this incredibly complicated task for every web-scale programming language.

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Pretty pictures, please?

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Autocomplete can’t be disabled, use Esc key to close it. Interface

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security.logging.indexer.*.total Metrics: Wildcards

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security.logging.indexer.logproc-[12] Metrics: Character Classes

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security.logging.indexer.logproc-{202,102}.total Metrics: Word Groups

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aliasByNode(security.logging.indexer.*.total,3) Metrics: Aliases

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sumSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total) Combining Metrics

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sumSeriesWithWildcards(security.logging.indexer.*.*,3) Combining & Grouping Metrics

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averageSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total) Combining Metrics

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averageSeriesWithWildcards( security.logging.indexer.*.{total,ignore}, 3) Combining & Grouping Metrics

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averageSeriesWithWildcards( security.logging.indexer.*.*,3) Combining Metrics

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nPercentile(security.logging.indexer.*.total,95) Combining Metrics

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percentileOfSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total,95) Combining Metrics

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mostDeviant(2,security.logging.indexer.*.total) Selecting Metrics

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highestCurrent(security.logging.indexer.*.total,2) Selecting Metrics

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highestAverage(security.logging.indexer.*.total,2) Selecting Metrics

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nonNegativeDerivative( Transforming Metrics nonNegativeDerivative(

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removeAbovePercentile( nonNegativeDerivative( ), 95) Selecting Data

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scaleToSeconds( removeAbovePercentile( nonNegativeDerivative( ), 95), 1) Per Second

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nonNegativeDerivative( Transforming Metrics

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offset( nonNegativeDerivative( ), -30) Transforming Metrics

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drawAsInfinite( offset( nonNegativeDerivative( ), -30) ) Transforming Metrics

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alias(sumSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total),”Today") alias( timeShift( sumSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total), “7d"), "Last Week") Comparing Metrics

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color(constantLine(0),"red") diffSeries( sumSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total), timeShift(sumSeries(security.logging.indexer.*.total),”7d") ) Comparing Metrics

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alias(alpha(color(areaBetween( holtWintersConfidenceBands( maxSeries(*.jvm.mem.heap_used_bytes) ) ),“gray"),0.1),"Hot Winter Confidence Bands”) color(alias( maxSeries(*.jvm.mem.heap_used_bytes), "Max Heap Size"),"red") Advanced Tricks

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# Same as last slide & set Y-Minimum to 0 color(alias( secondYAxis( maxSeries(* ), "Max Docs per Node"),"green") Advanced Tricks

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drawAsInfinite( removeBelowValue( offset( nonNegativeDerivative(*.jvm.gc.collectors.old.collection_ms ), -250), 0) ) Advanced Tricks

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Do you even Dashboard?

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Rubics Cubism

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Thank you!