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How do we create the first impressions? Theories of social psychology

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The study of our knowledge of the social world, how we interact and perceive the world as actors and spectators. Social Cognition

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Impressions are notions that are created in contact with people and that give us an interpretive framework to evaluate them. Impressions

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It allows generalizing characteristics in order to simplify information, organizing and giving meanings. There are three types of evaluation: Affective Moral Instrumental. *All of this is influenced by our personal constructs. Categorization

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Primacy Effect Tendency to give more importance to first impressions about a person than to further information. Corresponds to the durability or persistence of first impressions. (Asch, 1946)

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Halo Effect Tendency to capture the characteristics that will confirm the first impression.

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A primeira impressão é a que fica

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It is the way of categorizing people through signs and information, predicting their behavior and theirs and attitudes. Expectations

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Be careful when assuming an expectation of first impression, it does not always correlate with reality.

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Thank you!

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References: Processos fundamentais da cognição O efeito da percepção