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An introduction to Dan Gebhardt (@dgeb) Cerebris Corporation

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"A Specification for Building APIs in JSON"

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"A Specification for Fetching and Mutating a Graph of Data"

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"A representation of resources and their relationships" Graph

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Yehuda Katz @wycats Editors Dan Gebhardt @dgeb Gabe Sullice @gabesullice

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History • 2013 - Initial draft released by Yehuda Katz • 2015 - v1.0 released • 2018 - v1.1 draft released • 2019 - v1.1 progress continues ...

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"The JSON:API Specification" or ""

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" " " "

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Sample of organizations that have either public APIs or public OSS projects that support JSON:API application/vnd.[org]+json

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Sample of organizations that have either public APIs or public OSS projects that support JSON:API application/vnd.api+json

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application/vnd.hal+json application/vnd.siren+json application/vnd.collection+json

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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Shared conventions

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Document structure + Processing rules Shared conventions

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Document structure

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{ "data": {} | [{}] | null, "included": {}, "links": {}, "meta": {}, "jsonapi": {}, "errors": [{}] } Top-level structure

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{ "data": {} | [{}] | null, "included": {}, "links": {}, "meta": {}, "jsonapi": {}, "errors": [{}] } Top-level structure }All optional Specific combinations disallowed

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{ "data": {} | [{}] | null } Top-level structure

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{ "data": {} | [{}] | null, "included": {}, "links": {}, "meta": {} } Top-level structure

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{ "errors": [{}] } Top-level structure

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Primary data { "data": {} | [{}] | null }

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{ "data": { "type": "article", "id": "123", "attributes": { "title": "Introduction to JSON:API", "published": "2019-10-11" } } }

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{ "data": [{ "type": "article", "id": "123", "attributes": { "title": "Introduction to JSON:API", "published": "2019-10-11" } }, { "type": "article", "id": "124", "attributes": { "title": "Retrospective on ASC 2019", "published": "2019-10-15" } }] }

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{ "type": "article", "id": "123" } Resource object

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{ "type": "article", "id": "123" } Resource object }Also called a "Resource Identity Object" in its simplest form

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{ "type": "article", "id": "123", "attributes": { // ... this article's attributes }, "relationships": { // ... this article's relationships }, "links": { // ... links to this article }, "meta": { // ... metadata about this article } }

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{ "type": "article", "id": "123", "attributes": { "title": "Hello ASC 2019!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "links": { "self": "/articles/123/relationships/author", "related": "/articles/123/author" } } } }

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{ "links": { "self": "/articles/123/relationships/author", "related": "/articles/123/author" } } Relationship object

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{ "links": { "self": "/articles/123/relationships/author", "related": "/articles/123/author" }, "meta": { "created": "2019-10-15T18:13:25Z" } } Relationship object

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{ "links": { "self": "/articles/123/relationships/author", "related": "/articles/123/author" }, "meta": { "created": "2019-10-15T18:13:25Z" }, "data": { "type": "person", "id": "123" } } Relationship object

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{ "links": { "self": "/articles/123/relationships/author", "related": "/articles/123/author" }, "meta": { "created": "2019-10-15T18:13:25Z" }, "data": { "type": "person", "id": "123" } } Relationship object }Resource identity object(s), or "Linkage data"

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{ "data": [{ "type": "article", "id": "123", "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "abc" } } } }], "included": [{ "type": "person", "id": "abc", "attributes": { "name": "Dan Gebhardt" } }] } Compound Document

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{ "data": [{ "type": "article", "id": "123", "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "abc" } } } }], "included": [{ "type": "person", "id": "abc", "attributes": { "name": "Dan Gebhardt" } }] } Compound Document

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{ "data": [ { "type": "article", "id": "1", "attributes": { "title": "JSON:API paints my bikeshed!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "9" } }, "comments": { "data": [ { "type": "comments", "id": "5" } ] } } } ], // continued ... // ... continued "included": [ { "type": "person", "id": "9", "attributes": { "name": "Dan Gebhardt" } }, { "type": "comments", "id": "5", "attributes": { "body": "First!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "9" } } } } ] }

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{ "data": [ { "type": "article", "id": "1", "attributes": { "title": "JSON:API paints my bikeshed!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "9" } }, "comments": { "data": [ { "type": "comments", "id": "5" } ] } } } ], // continued ... // ... continued "included": [ { "type": "person", "id": "9", "attributes": { "name": "Dan Gebhardt" } }, { "type": "comments", "id": "5", "attributes": { "body": "First!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "person", "id": "9" } } } } ] }

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Links { "links": { "self": "/articles/123" } }

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Links { "links": { "self": "/articles/123", "doSomething": { "href": "/articles/123/doSomething", "meta": { "note": "POST to do something" } } } }

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Links { "links": { "self": "/articles/123", "doSomething": { "href": "/articles/123/doSomething", "meta": { "note": "POST to do something" } } } } }Allowed links locations: • Top-level • Resource objects • Relationship objects • Error objects

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{ "meta": { "whatever": "you want", "can": { "go": "in meta" } } } Metadata

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{ "meta": { "whatever": "you want", "can": { "go": "in meta" } } } Metadata }Allowed metadata locations: • Top-level • Resource objects • Resource identity objects • Link objects • Error objects

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Document structure + Processing rules Shared conventions

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Processing rules

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Opinionated HTTP usage

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Opinionated HTTP usage • GET • POST • PATCH • DELETE • Resources • Relationships

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• GET • POST • PATCH • DELETE • Resources • Relationships Opinionated HTTP usage

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• GET • POST • PATCH • DELETE • Resources • Relationships Opinionated HTTP usage

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Fetching GET /articles GET /articles/123 Note: URL Structure is not dictated by JSON:API

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Graph Fetching GET /articles?include=author GET /articles?include=comments,author GET /articles?,author

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Sparse Fieldsets GET /articles?fields=title,author GET /articles?include=author& fields[article]=title,author& fields[person]=name

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Sorting GET /people?sort=age GET /people?sort=age,name GET /people?sort=-lastUpdated,name

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Pagination GET /people?page[???]=x }Pagination strategy agnostic: • Page-based • Cursor-based

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Filtering GET /people?filter[???]=x }Filtering strategy agnostic: • Simple, strict match • Nested conditions • Vertical-specific filtering

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• GET • POST • PATCH • DELETE • Resources • Relationships Opinionated HTTP usage Documented at

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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Shared tooling

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Server • Swift • PHP • Node.js • Ruby • Python • Go • .NET • Java • JavaScript • Typescript • iOS • Ruby • PHP • Dart • Perl Client Libraries • Scala • Elixir • Haskell • Perl • Vala • Rust • Dart • Java • Android • R • Elm • .NET • Python • Elixir 74 93

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Server netflix/fast_jsonapi google/jsonapi drupal/jsonapi cerebris/jsonapi-resources rails-api/active_model_serializers neomerx/json-api emberjs/data orbitjs/orbit crnk-project/crnk-framework jsonapi-ios/Spine reststate/Mobx reststate/Vuex Client Libraries

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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Standards-based best practices

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Composition of standards • HTTP (RFC7231) • JSON (RFC8259) • URI (RFC3986) • Profiles (RFC6906) • Web linking (RFC8288) • UUID (RFC4122) • And more ...

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Composition of standards Evolution with those standards

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Composition of standards Benefit from ecosystems that support those standards

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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Plays well with others • OpenAPI • JSON Schema • JSON-LD • And more ...

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Benefits • Shared conventions • Shared tooling • Standards-based best practices • Plays well with others • Gradual adoption

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You MAY use feature X. Gradual adoption If you detect feature X, you MUST do A, B, and C.

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Source: Gradual adoption

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JSON:API v1.1 • Profiles • Extensions • Expanded hypermedia controls

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Profiles Extensions Specify meaning for members already reserved for users. Specify meaning for members reserved for the spec itself.

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Profiles Extensions Negotiated with the `profile` media type parameter. Negotiated with the `ext` media type parameter.

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Profiles Extensions May be ignored by servers. Must be supported or else error.

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POST /bulk HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json;ext="" Accept: application/vnd.api+json;ext="" { "atomic:operations": [{ "op": "add", "href": "/blogPosts", "data": { "type": "articles", "attributes": { "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!" } } }] } Extension: Atomic Operations Experimental

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json;ext="" { "atomic:results": [{ "data": { "links": { "self": "" }, "type": "articles", "id": "13", "attributes": { "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!" } } }] } Extension: Atomic Operations Experimental

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{ "atomic:operations": [{ "op": "add", "data": { "type": "authors", "id": "acb2ebd6-ed30-4877-80ce-52a14d77d470", "attributes": { "name": "dgeb" } } }, { "op": "add", "data": { "type": "articles", "id": "bb3ad581-806f-4237-b748-f2ea0261845c", "attributes": { "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!" }, "relationships": { "author": { "data": { "type": "authors", "id": "acb2ebd6-ed30-4877-80ce-52a14d77d470" } } } } }] } }Multiple linked operations Experimental

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Expanded hypermedia controls

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Beyond JSON:API v1.1

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Beyond JSON:API v1.1 • Optimize for HTTP/2/3 • More extensions! More experiments! • Focus on DX via tooling (e.g. spectral rulesets)

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HTTP/1.1 Includes GET /articles?include=author GET /articles?include=comments,author GET /articles?,author

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HTTP/2 Server Push GET /articles?serverPush=author GET /articles?serverPush=comments,author GET /articles?,author Experimental

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HTTP/2 Server Push Experimental

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An introduction to Dan Gebhardt (@dgeb) Cerebris Corporation

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An introduction to Dan Gebhardt (@dgeb) Cerebris Corporation Thanks! @jsonapi