Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Characteristics of culture
1. Culture is Learned
Not innate or genetic, but acquired through enculturation and socialization.
Learned both formally (in institutions like schools and churches) and informally (from family, friends, media).
2. Culture is Shared
A collective phenomenon shared by members of a group or society.
Includes shared practices, beliefs, values, and understandings.
Diverse within a culture, influenced by gender, age, subcultures, and countercultures.
3. Culture is Based on Symbols
Utilizes symbols to convey meanings, beliefs, and values.
Symbols are arbitrary and culturally agreed upon (e.g., language, art, religious symbols).
Language is a key symbolic element, enabling cultural transmission.
4. Culture is Integrated
A complex, interconnected system (holism).
Changes in one aspect can influence other parts.
Comprises various elements like education, technology, family, religion, and government.
5. Culture is Adaptive
Facilitates human adaptation to diverse environments.
Includes both adaptive and maladaptive elements.
Cultural adaptation can be relative and change over time.
6. Culture is Dynamic
Continuously evolving and changing.
Influenced by diffusion, acculturation, independent invention, and globalization.
Interacts and exchanges ideas with other cultures.
Characteristics of
If you ask 100 anthropologists to define
culture, you'll get 100 different
definitions. However, most of these
definitions would emphasize roughly
the same things: that culture is shared,
transmitted through learning and helps
shape behavior and beliefs.
Characteristics of
In a previous post, I talked about
culture. I'd like to expand on that post
here, and go into more detail on the
characteristics of culture. There are
many definitions of culture, but the
most famous one is from E. B.