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How to do anything in Chrome DevTools

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What I do I solve problems and build capabilities About me Technical SEO and Analytics Consultant

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless How to do anything in Chrome DevTools the Network Panel

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Set up your own Chrome property for auditing

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Ctrl + Shift + I to open the network tab Hit Ctrl + R to reload

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click “Disable cache” to emulate first time visits

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Use the stop and clear icons as necessary

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless The summary pane shows a useful overview of what the browser has loaded

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless The waterfall shows information about each request in chronological order

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless But you can also right-click the header to change the waterfall sort order

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Hover to see a preview of the timing information

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless You can also navigate to the timing tab to see a breakdown

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click the cog icon and select “Big request rows” and “Screenshots”

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Right-click the name panel and add “domain” as a column.

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click the funnel icon to toggle filters

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click the buttons on to filter by request type

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Use the filter box to filter requests by name

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless There is also an option to filter by request property

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless It's also possible to add multiple conditions and use wildcards

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click the “Invert” checkbox to reverse conditions

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Use the “Preserve log checkbox” the log to follow redirects

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Click the request to see information about the request and the response

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Navigate to the initiator tab to see the request initiator chain

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Hold “Shift” over a request to see initiator and dependency information highlighted

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the command menu

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Type “Disable JavaScript” to turn off JS

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Type “Enable JavaScript” to bring it back

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Right-click a request to block it

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Shortcuts also exist for Screenshots

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Type “Dock” to change the placement of dev tools

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Type “Show Network Conditions” to override the user agent or throttle the connection

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless Disable “Use browser default” and select Googlebot, and refresh

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless You can also slow down your connection in Network Connections

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#SearchNStuff @nathanless

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Thank You #SearchNStuff @nathanless