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Speedy, solid, semantic layout with Susy

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Ordered list of contents 1. Reasons why Susy’s great 2. Installation 3. Basic usage 4. Advanced usage

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Layout woes • Lack of flexibility • Too many dependencies • DIY is a headache B • Separation of concerns • Jack of all trades

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Extra content
Content Extra content

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Flexibility • 4/6/10/18 column grid? • ‘Breaking’ the grid • Different grids for different screen-widths • Asymmetric grids

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Dependencies • Can slow compilation of CSS • Increases complexity of a project

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No content

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Master of one • Keeps codebase light • All (layout) bases covered

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Installation • Bower • Copy/paste .zip • Ruby Gem • GUI (Codekit, Prepros, etc.)

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Compilers • Compass () • Ruby Sass • Libsass ()

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Import Susy @import "susy"; @import "../components/susy/sass/susy"; Or

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Grid settings (maps) $susy: ( columns: 4, gutters: .25, math: fluid, );

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Laying out body { @include container(60em); padding-right:.5em; padding-left:.5em; } [role="banner"] .logo { @include span(2 of 4); } [role="navigation"] { @include span(last 2 of 4); }

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Overriding li { @include span(4 of 14); padding-right: .5em; padding-left: .5em; } article li { float: none; width: auto; margin-right: 0; }

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Multiple maps $default: ( columns: 4, gutters: .25, math: fluid, gutter-position: after, ); $medium: ( columns: 6, gutters: .25, math: fluid, gutter-position: after, ); $large: ( columns: 12, gutters: .25, math: fluid, gutter-position: after, );

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Breakpoints • Hand-written alongside layout context • Susy breakpoints • Breakpoint (

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[role="banner"] .logo { @include layout($default); @include span(2 of 4); @media (min-width: 30em) { @include layout($medium); @include span(2 of 6); } } [role="navigation"] { @include layout($default); @include span(last 2 of 4); @media (min-width: 30em) { @include layout($medium); @include span(last 4 of 6); } }

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Shorthand article { @include span(8 of 12); img { @include span(last 4 of 8 before); } }

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Gallery .gallery li { @include gallery(4 of 12); }

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Loads more • Asymmetric grids • Margins and padding: pre, post, squish, pull, prefix, suffix, bleed • Using span and gutter as a function, instead of a mixin

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Remind me… • Keeps markup clean • Flexible • Light-weight • Straightforward syntax • Does one thing well

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