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!1 Jun Ohtani Community Engineer @Elastic
 Twitter: @johtani Elastic StackͰ࢝ΊΔJavaΞϓϦͷ ύϑΥʔϚϯε؂ࢹ

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!2 about • Me, Jun Ohtani / Developer Advocate ‒ lucene-gosenίϛολʔ ‒ σʔλ෼ੳج൫ߏஙೖ໳ ڞஶ ‒
 • Elastic, founded in 2012 ‒ Products: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Beats 
 Elastic APM, 
 X-Pack, Elastic Cloud, Swiftype 
 Professional services: Support & development subscriptions
 Trainings, Consulting, SaaS

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!3 ΞδΣϯμ • Elastic Stackͱ͸ʁ • Elastic APMͱ͸ʁ • Elastic APM Java Agentͷ࢖͍ํ

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!4 Elastic Stack

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5 Elastic Stack 100% Φʔϓϯιʔε ʮΤϯλʔϓϥΠζ൛ʯ͸ແ͠ όʔδϣϯ 5.0Ͱ׬શ౷Ұ

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7 Beats ܰྔσʔλγούʔ ιʔε͔ΒσʔλΛసૹ సૹ͠Elasticsearchʹू໿ ม׵ͱύʔεͷͨΊ Logstashʹసૹ Elastic Cloudʹసૹ Libbeat: ΧελϜbeatsͷͨ ΊͷAPIϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ 30Ҏ্ͷίϛϡχςΟbeats

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The Beats family Heartbeat Uptime monitoring Filebeat Log files Winlogbeat Windows Event Logs Packetbeat Network data +40 community Beats Metricbeat Metrics Auditbeat Audit data

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10 Logstash σʔλՃ޻ύΠϓϥΠϯ શͯͷܗࣜɺαΠζͱσʔλιʔ εͷ౤ೖ ύʔεͱಈతͳ σʔλม׵ ͋ΒΏΔग़ྗʹ σʔλసૹ ҆શͰ҉߸Խ͞Εͨ
 σʔλೖྗ ಠࣗͷύΠϓϥΠϯॲཧ ͷ࡞੒ 200Ҏ্ͷϓϥάΠϯ

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12 Elasticsearch Heart of the Elastic Stack ෼ࢄܕɺεέʔϥϒϧ ߴՄ༻ੑ Ϛϧνςφϯτ ։ൃऀϑϨϯυϦʔ ϦΞϧλΠϜɺશจݕࡧ ΞάϦήʔγϣϯ

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14 Kibana Window into the Elastic Stack ՄࢹԽͱ෼ੳ ஍ཧۭؒ ΧελϚΠζͱ Ϩϙʔτͷڞ༗ άϥϑ୳ࡧ Elastic Stack΁ͷ ηΩϡΞͳΞΫηεͱ؅ཧ ΧελϜAppsͷ࡞੒

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!16 Elastic APM

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!17 Full-stack monitoring with Elastic APM adds end-user experience and application-level monitoring to the stack

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APM Architecture APM data is just another Index

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!19 Supported agents - Python ( - Node.js ( - Ruby ( - JS Beta ( - Go Beta ( - Java Beta ( All agents are Open Source and available on GitHub

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!20 Java agent is now in beta!

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!21 Download the agent • Download jar from Maven Central • Don't declare a dependency

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!22 Start application with Java agent enabled java -javaagent:/path/to/elastic-apm-agent-.jar \ -Delastic.apm.service_name=my-application \ -Delastic.apm.server_url=http://localhost:8200 \ -jar my-spring-boot-application.jar

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!23 Demo!

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Deployment: nginx 
 Pod Deployment: app 
 Pod Deployment:
 Pod Service: nginx
 LoadBalancer Metrics Network Analytics Logs Application Performance Monitoring

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!25 Supported Technologies • Java 7+ • Frameworks/APIs/Libraries ‒ Servlet API ‒ Spring Web MVC/Spring Boot ‒ JDBC • Application Servers/Servlet Containers ‒ Tomcat ‒ WildFly ‒ Jetty ‒ WebSphere ‒ Spring Boot with embedded Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow • Participate in the survey

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How does it work? !29

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!30 Instrumenting Servlets Request Response Agent Agent Servlet.s ervice • Java agents can modify classes when they are loaded • When Java load a Servlet class ‒ Agents adds code before and after Servlet#service ‒ Record Transactions (URL, parameters, response code) ‒ Send to APM Server

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!31 Automatic + Manual Instrumentation • Automatically records requests ‒ HTTP traffic for Servlet API-based applications ‒ JDBC queries • Offers API for customization ‒ Application specific metadata ‒ Custom transactions ‒ OpenTracing integration The best of both worlds

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Future? !32

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!33 Future • Distributed Tracing ‒ Troubleshoot latency issues and errors in (micro-) service architectures ‒ Correlates the interaction of the services by passing correlation IDs • Better integration of APM/logging/metrics • Support for more frameworks and application servers ‒ Spring Web Reactive ‒ Tell us what you want support for: participate in the survey

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Thank you! ● Documentation : ● GitHub : ● Forums : ● Survey : ● Sample : ● Twitter : @johtani