Slide 19
Slide 19 text
- Accomplishing something in a reasonable amount of time.
- Try your experience from scratch, just like a normal user would
- Initial success in 5 minutes
- Fail fast with meaningful directional error messages (i.e. how do I
resolve this error)
- Getting started docs paired with very detailed reference docs
- Layered approach
- If a how-to references a feature / function then it should link to the
detailed reference doc for that
- A workaround is a bug
- Not personal taste, but measurable productivity
- Implement the right pattern the first time, and peel back abstractions
- Highest abstractions first,
- Local dev first & local testing
- Incremental learning / No forward references
- Guarantee success
- Users don't remember details, they remember how they felt
- Aim for a positive emotional reaction
- Abstractions should not prevent learning
- Users goal is to learn
- Magic is frustrating
- "Do this because of this"
- Each step should be meaningful
- I can take this & apply it somewhere else
- Am I doing this to learn something or to satisfy the system
- The DX needs to be consistent with the industry best practices
- For example: semver, repeatable build, dependency
- Docs must be versioned
- Bring the beginner's mind
- Assume the mind of your target audience
- Minimality Rule
- Don't make things hard for no reason
- Do the simplest thing possible to achieve a goal/purpose
- Make every step is minimal of a change as possible
- Every part of a step should be meaningful
- DRY - Avoid redundant
- Information architecture should be feature oriented
- Content types are: Quickstart, Feature Docs, API Docs
- Quickstart
- Feature 1
- Sample, tutorial, link to API Docs
- Feature 2
- Sample, tutorial, link to API Docs
- API Docs
- Don't label with "How-to Guides" / "Tutorials" / "Samples" instead just
list the feature names
- Product overview should list the headline features
- Typography matters
- Documentation should build trust
- Reflect reality
- Don't say do "x" to achieve "y" if it's not true
- Docs should not be used to smooth over product gaps & oddities
- You can't fix the confusing overlap between Cloud Run and GAE
by saying one is for "services" and one is for "apps"