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Building Apps for Billions - Nishant Srivastava

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Nishant Srivastava ● Software Engineer @Omni Labs, Inc. ● Lead Organizer @Google Developer Group,New Delhi ● Blog : Crushing C.O.D.E [ ] ● Twitter : @nisrulz ● Github : ● Hello, my name is

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Daily Challenges Complex UI/UX Low end and different devices Poor Infrastructure

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Problem : Your user cry when using your app as the UI is very complex

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Simplify UI/UX ● Use colors well ● Use icons with text ● Keep interactions minimal ● Include localization ● Make app UI responsive and fast

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Seamless Connectivity Optimize Images 1. Serve webp 2. Dynamic Image sizes 3. Use image loading libraries such as Glide, Picasso, etc. 4. Cache images

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Problem : We all hate slow a point ...

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Seamless Connectivity Finetune Transfer ● Prioritize bandwidth ● Detect network changes ● Detect Network speed and change behaviour using that information ● Make app useable when offline ● Use Stetho tool by Facebook to help you do analysis.

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Seamless Connectivity Network Connection Class Listen to current network traffic in the app and categorize the quality of the network. Developed by Facebook. nection-class

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Seamless Connectivity EasyDeviceInfo Get network type by using get what kind of a network it is 1. Wifi/WifiMax 2. Cellular - 2G/3G/4G easyNetworkMod.getNetworkType();

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Problem : ...when some app finished up all your data and you are only halfway through the month...

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Conserve Data Usage ● Reduce your app size to reduce data costs ● Offer configurable network usage. i.e Download only over unmetered network

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Right Content for right context Download content which is visible, actionable and only when it is required.

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Problem : ...when you try to code for just one type of device ...

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Optimize for Devices ● Support varying screen sizes ● Backward Compatible ● Efficient memory usage ● Less CPU hogging

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Problem : When you see that “Low Battery” warning ....

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Reduce battery consumption ● Reduce background tasks when device is running on battery power ● Avoid holding wakelocks. ● Batch networking calls -Use GCM Network Manager ● Manage GPS via FusedLocationProvider ● Minimise sensor usage and updates

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Reduce battery consumption EasyDeviceInfo Get battery status via the EasyBatteryMod make a better decision as to when you need to run your jobs.. easyNetworkMod.getBatteryPercentage(); easyNetworkMod.isDeviceCharging(); easyNetworkMod.getChargingSource();

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Reduce battery consumption Use Battery Historian to benchmark battery usage More detailed information in my other presentation here

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..and when you still have battery left towards the end of the day..

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References ectivity

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