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What are the Essays on Facing Grief?

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The Essays on Facing Grief are a first-person story the story of dealing with the loss of a spouse.

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Some are a journal, some are insights into the pain while others are stories of the daily anguish of living with grief. They reveal the innermost struggles that are a part of every day.

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But most of all, they are a tribute to the one who was everything. Through each essay, they tell not only a grief story - but also a love story.

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A story that transcends almost 50 years.

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If you are living with the loss of a spouse - our prayer is that these essays may provide a small bit of comfort as you navigate each day.

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For those of you brave enough to enter this world, the essays will help you understand what we are going through.

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How none of us no matter what side of grief we are on know what to do and how we are strengthened by each drop of empathy and compassion that is shared with us.

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The Essays on Facing Grief are not easy to read. They are the raw revelations of a terrible place.

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In them you will find a unique story as well as hope for what is ahead.

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They are not for the faint of heart.

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They are for those who want to be comforted in their affliction.

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They are for those who long to reach out to us but do not know how.

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They are really for all of us.

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Embrace love in a way you never have before.

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Join us for the journey.

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Join the Journey at: View a narrated video of this presentation at: "Facing Grief - The Essays" on You Tube