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Developer Advocacy at IBM Pooja Mistry, Developer Advocate, @poojamakes

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About the presenters Pooja Mistry IBM Cloud Developer Advocate ❤’s technology & community building

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How to access resources What is Developer Advocacy? IBM’s approach to Developer Advocacy What is Call for Code?

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What is Developer Advocacy? ● We represent software developers. ● We show awesome solutions that developers can build with a service or a product. ● We give developers superpowers 🚀

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How do you make a Developer Advocate? Ingredients ○ Developer ○ Public Speaker ○ Content Creator ○ Business Development ○ Domain Expert ○ Technical Writer ○ Marketer (just a pinch) Directions 1. Take a developer 2. Make them… i. Learn new tech ii. Write code iii. Speak at events iv. ... 3. Roll it all into one 4. Repeat

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What do Developer Advocates do? ● We’re perpetual learners ● We’re not afraid of public speaking ● We care deeply about community ● We help developers ● We publish technical content ● Everything we create is for other developers

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Why the need for developer advocacy? “Developers exert a high degree of influence over decisions made in their companies” “58% of developers indicated they have budget authority, not merely budget influence”

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Software purchasing has changed Old ● Top-down ● Management → developers ● Purchased → deployed New ● Bottom-up ● Developers → management ● Deployed → purchased

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What is Developer Advocacy? IBM’s Approach to Developer Advocacy Featured Programs Agenda

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CODE Code Patterns offer up complete solutions that leverage multiple technologies, products or services to solve issues with common use cases across multiple industries. Learn more: CONTENT Content is delivered digitally and includes Articles, Tutorials, Labs, Blogs and Videos. Learn more: COMMUNITY IBM developer advocates work hand in hand with developers to help them with emerging and open source technologies. Events include Face-to-Face and Virtual Meetups, Hackathons, Conferences and Workshops. Learn more: IBM’s Approach to Developer Advocacy: The 3 C’s

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Our Tech Stack Just Kidding :)

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Our real Tech Stack Istio IBM Data and AI IBM Cloud ● Application Modernization ● Cloud Native Development ● Enterprise Data and AI

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US and Canada SF, NY, Austin, Raleigh, Chicago, Toronto, Ottawa Western Europe UKI, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, France MEA Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan India Bangalore, Mumbai, New Delhi LATAM Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay APAC Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam Central Europe Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine We make use of the “International” in our name

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IBM Developer

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Virtual Workshops (Daily-ish)

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IBM Developer ● Hands-On Workshops ● Virtual and Face-to-Face ● Guest speakers ● 43 Countries, 65 Groups, 127k members In-person Workshops (Pre-COVID...)

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What is Developer Advocacy? IBM’s Approach to Developer Advocacy Featured Programs Agenda

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Call for Code ● Created by David Clark Cause and supported by IBM and United Nations Human Rights ● Invites developers and problem solvers to build solutions that take on societal issues. ● Together with The Linux Foundation, we support the deployment of open source solutions around the world.

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21 Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO Director-General COVID-19 has revealed limits of the systems we take for granted, compromising our health, our planet, and our survival. We’ve expanded the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge to take on COVID-19, while we remain steadfastly committed to combating climate change. Take on the most pressing issues of our time

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Crisis Communication Remote Education Community Cooperation When a new disease emerges, communications systems are one of the first systems to be overwhelmed School closures & social distancing is leaving students at home for an indeterminate amount of time Understanding what is happening in your neighborhood & how you can give & get help is vital in uncertain times

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23 Remote Education Technologies such as: • Virtual classrooms • Education Microservices • Transcription / Quiz app can continue to engage students & create interactive experiences Crisis Communication Technologies such as: • Chatbots • Chat integration • Voice / Slack / Web can alleviate panic in communities & provide hygienic guidance Community Cooperation Technology can address: • Location data • Supply chain data to band communities together & identify those in most need of resources

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24 Build solutions that fight back. • Build & deploy solutions to help seize & reduce the impact of COVID-19 • Build & deploy solutions to help halt & reverse the impact of Climate Change Call for Code Founding Partner Call for Code Creator Call for Code Affiliate Call for Code Charitable Partner The 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge is being expanded to address the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on: • crisis communication • remote education • community cooperation In 2020, Call for Code is aligned to the UN 75th anniversary global conversation theme of climate change, with a focus on: • water sustainability • energy sustainability • disaster resiliency Join a movement of: • 210,000+ problem solvers • 165+ nations • 8,000+ applications built Have the chance to win: • $200,000 USD • Open Source support from The Linux Foundation • Meetings with mentors & potential investors • Implementation support through Code and Response™

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IBM Digital Developer Conferences Online conferences (past and future) ● Cloud Native Development (March 3, 2020) ● Cloud Native Security (July 1, 2020) ● Hybrid Cloud (Sept 22, 2020) ● Data and AI (Nov 2020) ● Cloud Native Development (TBD Q1 2021) ● Free admission ● External speakers ● Hands-on labs ● Replays available ● Digital badging ● Coursera offers ● Live stream / watch party ● Data competitions

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Courses ● 75+ free courses available ● Courses cover: ○ Data Science ○ Big Data ○ Spark Fundamentals ○ Kubernetes, Containers, and Microservices ○ Blockchain ○ Reactive Architectures ● Hands-on labs and instructional videos ● Badging and Certification

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IBM Cloud Essentials (FREE Course!)

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Demo environments and Labs ● Terminal and instructions, side-by-side ● Interactive, browser-based labs for operating an OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud for four hours. ● No downloads, extensions, or configuration required. ● The labs and resources cost you nothing. No credit card required.

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CODAIT (Center for Open Source Data and AI Technologies) h"ps:// CODAIT’s mission is to make open source AI models dramatically easier to create, deploy, and manage in the enterprise

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Next Steps ● Check out the site ● Follow us on social media ● Enjoy the free resources ● Go do something cool!

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Thank You! Pooja Mistry: [email protected] @poojamakes

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