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Don't talk with me, I'm a picture!

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Authorization 90 % GraphQL 10 % Buzzwords 
 GraphQL 100 % How do I see my talk What do people expect

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GraphQL Auth through the prism of RESTful Auth

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Standard Rails App DB UsersController PostsController GET /users POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... ... BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER

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Standard Rails App DB UsersController PostsController GET /users POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... ... BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER User

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Standard Rails App DB UsersController PostsController GET /users POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... ... BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER Data

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Standard Rails App DB UsersController PostsController GET /users POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... ... BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER RESTFul

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Rails DHH way it's me

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Standard* Rails App DB UsersController PostsController GET /users POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... ... BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER *ACCESS CONTROL

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REST\RESTfull is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating web services (c) Wikipedia

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GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

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DB GraphqlController POST /graphql BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER GraphQL Rails App GRAPHQL INTERNALS User Data

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DB GraphqlController POST /graphql BUSINESS LOGIC LAYER GraphQL Rails App GRAPHQL INTERNALS ???

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GraphqlControll#execute class GraphqlControll < ApplicationController!::Base def execute query = params[:query] result = AppSchema.execute(query, params: params) render json: result end end

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GraphQL Internals

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals GraphqlController POST /graphql

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) Types-- Mutations-- GraphQL Internals GraphqlController POST /graphql *R** C*UD

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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When You Read First Pages of GraphQL Documentation

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Authentication before authorization

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Authentication WHO IS WHO? Homer#0 Homer#1 Homer#2 Homer#3

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Authentication Auth Framework User Model Crypto Layer Helpers (e.g. emails) ... (e.g. devise) GraphQL RESTfull ? How to use Framework ?

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AppSchema#execute Login\Logout? Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType LoginUser LogoutUser UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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AppSchema#execute Login\Logout? Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType LoginUser LogoutUser UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController # NOT NECESSARY

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AppSchema#execute Login\Logout? Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController GOOD [DeviseControllers]

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class GraphqlControll < ApplicationController!::Base def execute query = params[:query] context = {current_user: get_user_from_api_token} result = AppSchema.execute(query, context: context) render json: result end end GraphqlControll#execute

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UsersController PostsController POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... *ACCESS CONTROL
 LAYER GET /users Ensuring Authentication

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before_action :authenticate_user! UsersController PostsController POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... *ACCESS CONTROL
 LAYER GET /users

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AppSchema#execute The One Entrypoint Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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AppSchema#execute The One Entrypoint Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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Welcome graphql-ruby! ⭐ 4.1k on Github

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class GraphqlControll < ApplicationController!::Base def execute query = params[:query] context = {current_user: get_user_from_api_token} result = AppSchema.execute(query, context: context) render json: result end end GraphqlControll#execute * context - state passed through the entire request

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AppSchema#execute(q, p) GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile user.profile end end UserType !-> ProfileType class ProfileType < BaseType field :full_name !!... end

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile raise NotAuthorized unless context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) user.profile end end UserType !-> ProfileType

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile raise NotAuthorized unless context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) user.profile end end UserType !-> ProfileType Maintainability

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We Need Some Magic!

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile user.profile end def visible?(context) raise NotAuthorized unless context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) end end Visibility * visibility - special graphql-ruby feature

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module Extensions module Visibility def visible?(context) return context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) super end end end BaseType.prepend(Extensions!::Visibility) Visibility Extension

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module Extensions module Visibility def visible?(context) return context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) super end end end BaseType.prepend(Extensions!::Visibility) Visibility Extension Global

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Visibility Extension module Extensions module Visibility def initialize(*args, login_required: false, !**kwargs, &block) super(*args, !**kwargs, &block) @login_required = login_required end def visible?(context) return context[:current_user]&.is_a?(User) if @login_required super end end end

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class UserType < BaseType field :posts, PostType.connection_type with_options login_required: true do field :profile, ProfileType end end Visibility Extension #

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CommentType Why Is Visibility Better Then Other Ways?

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Why Is Visibility Better? CommentTyp # GraphQL query { !__schema { types { name } } } GraphQL Introspection

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AppSchema#execute Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController Hide Parts of Your Schema

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Authorization CAN this HOMER HAVE A BEER?

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Authorization CAN this HOMER HAVE A BEER?

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class UserType < BaseType field :posts, PostType.connection_type with_options login_required: true, admin: true do field :profile, ProfileType end end And Again Visibility?

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Authorization is Flexible (current_user has role) !|| (current_user has permission) !|| (business rule) !|| !!...

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class UserType < BaseType def self.authorized?(object, context) (current_user has role) !|| (current_user has permission) !|| (business rule) !|| end end GraphQL Authorization * authorized? - graphql-ruby feature

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Authorization Auth Library API Abilities Layer Helpers (e.g. for templates) ... (e.g. cancan or pundit)

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Authorization Auth Library API Abilities Layer Helpers (e.g. for templates) ... (e.g. cancan or pundit) GraphQL RESTfull ? How to use Library ?

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Ability For Each Action UsersController PostsController POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... *ACCESS CONTROL
 LAYER GET /users can? :read, Image can? :create, Image can? :read, @post can? :update, @post !!...

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Ability For Each Action UsersController PostsController POST /users ImagesController ... GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... GET /images POST /images ... *ACCESS CONTROL
 LAYER GET /users can? :read, Image can? :create, Image can? :read, @post can? :update, @post !!... CONTROLLER RESOURCE

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AppSchema#execute Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController Ability For Each Node

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AppSchema#execute Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController Ability For Each Node author (String) body (String)

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1+ Endpoints for Sets of Fields PostsController GET /posts/:id PUT /posts/:id ... *ACCESS CONTROL
 LAYER Admin::PostsController GET /admin/posts/:id PUT /admin/posts/:id ... Post id title body published_at

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Can We (re)Use Existing Abilities Layer?

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Yes, but ... • How to pass the current_user? • How to handle unauthorized error? • How to ensure authorization happens? • Hot to get rid of boilerplate? ... class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile profile = user.profile can :read?, profile profile end end

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType def profile profile = user.profile can :read?, profile profile end end Yes, but ... • How to pass the current_user? • How to handle unauthorized error? • How to ensure authorization happens? • Hot to get rid of boilerplate? ... Library Helpers

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GraphQL Pro

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Who Has Heard about gem "action_policy"?

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gem "action_policy" The Authorization Framework

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gem "action_policy" + GraphQL !== gem "action_policy-graphql"

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType, authorize: true end class ProfilePolicy < ApplicationPolicy def show? !== end end As Easy as Possible

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType, authorize: true end class ProfilePolicy < ApplicationPolicy def show? !== end end As Easy as Possible

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# in your schema file rescue_from(ActionPolicy!::Unauthorized) do |exp| raise GraphQL! exp.result.message, extensions: { code: :unauthorized, fullMessages: exp.result.reasons.full_messages, details: exp.result.reasons.details } ) end Handling Exceptions

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# All Docs GraphQL Features

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AppSchema#execute Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController Scoping Data admin? manager? owner? guest?

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class UserType < BaseType field :posts, PostType.connection_type, authorized_scope: true end class PostPolicy < ApplicationPolicy # rel !== user.posts relation_scope do |rel| next rel.with_deleted if current_user.admin? next rel if user !== current_user rel.where(published: true) end end Scoping Data

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Where is the best place for UX element display logic? On Backend On Frontend On Both sides UI/UX 1. 2. 3.

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On Backend On Frontend On Both sides UI/UX Expose Where is the best place for UX element display logic?

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class PostType < BaseType expose_authorization_rules :edit?, :destroy? end UI/UX

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UI/UX { post(id: $id) { canEdit { value # bool message # top-level decline message reasons { # detailed information details fullMessage } } !!... }

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Hot Abilities

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AppSchema#execute Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController Hot Abilities can :edit?

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class UserType < BaseType field :profile, ProfileType, authorize: true end class ProfilePolicy < ApplicationPolicy cache :show? def show? # heavy calculation end end Let's Cache it!

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Why We Are Talking Only About Reading Data?

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AppSchema#execute GraphQL Internals Types-- Mutations-- POST /graphql TagType UserType PostType ImageType ProfileType CommentType CreatePostMutation AddCommentMutation UpdateProfileMutation GraphqlController

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class CreatePostMutation < BaseMutation !!... def resolve(post:, *attrs) authorize! post, to: :create? # business logic here end end Mutations !!<=> Service Objects

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class CreatePostMutation < BaseMutation !!... def resolve(post:, *attrs) authorize! post, to: :create? # business logic here end end Mutations !!<=> Service Objects # after_action :verify_authorized How to ensure policies are used?

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Ensuring Policies are Used class BaseMutation < GraphQL!::Schema!::RelayClassicMutation after_resolve do raise "Unauthorized mutation" unless @authorization_performed end def authorize!(*) @authorization_performed = true super end def skip_authorization! @authorization_performed = true end end *Full gist:

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Ensuring Policies are Used class BaseMutation < GraphQL!::Schema!::RelayClassicMutation after_resolve do raise "Unauthorized mutation" unless @authorization_performed end def authorize!(*) @authorization_performed = true super end def skip_authorization! @authorization_performed = true end end *Full gist:

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Only Integration Tests describe PostType do let(:query) do !<<~GRAPHQL query($id: ID!){ node(id: $id) { !!... } } GRAPHQL end let(:context) { current_user: create(:user) } it "checks execution" do result = AppSchema.execute(query, context: context, !!...) expect(result["data"]["node"][!!...]).to eq(!!...) end end

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Only Integration Tests describe PostType do let(:query) do !<<~GRAPHQL query($id: ID!){ node(id: $id) { !!... } } GRAPHQL end let(:context) { current_user: create(:user) } it "checks execution" do result = AppSchema.execute(query, context: context, !!...) expect(result["data"]["node"][!!...]).to eq(!!...) end end

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Auth Tests describe PostType do describe "#somefield" do context "when user is admin" do let(:current_user) { create(:admin) } # it !!... end context "when user is owner" do let(:current_user) { create(:user, post: post) } # it !!... end context "when user is guest" do let(:current_user) { nil } # it !!... end end end

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Bad Auth Tests Testing is not what they should Slow Complex describe PostType do describe "#somefield" do context "when user is admin" do let(:current_user) { create(:admin) } # it !!... end context "when user is owner" do let(:current_user) { create(:user, post: post) } # it !!... end context "when user is guest" do let(:current_user) { nil } # it !!... end end end

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Good Auth Tests describe PostType do let(:post) { create(:post) } subject { # call AppSchema.execute(id: here } describe "#somefield" do it "is authorized" do expect { subject }.to be_authorized_to(:show?, post) .with(PostPolicy) end end end

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Conclusion Shared Auth* Libraries Features Features RESTful GraphQL

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Conclusion Shared Auth* Libraries Features Features RESTful GraphQL / / / / / / /

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Conclusion Shared Auth* Libraries Features Features RESTful GraphQL / / / / / / /

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@ssnickolay Nikolay Sverchkov @ssnickolay THANK YOU! @evilmartians