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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset When people are your most important asset GOVERNANCE DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset “Having knowledge of the customer is the only durable competitive advantage for companies” – Bruce Kasanoff IF DATA IS THE NEW OIL* (* you do not want to be the new BP)

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset THE ENVIROMENTALISTS JUST WOKE UP Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Visual & UX Design Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset it’s complicated (BUT HEY, MOST THINGS WORTH IT ARE) Data Governance

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DATA GOVERNANCE WILL BE WITH YOU THROUGH Up-to-date data, cost reduction, better customer service and managing risk Data breach, unsolicited audits and dealing with badly managed risk. When colleagues choose different paths, and company divisions are merged or abolished. the good times, the bad times and breakups. GOOD TIMES BAD TIMES BREAKUPS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Data governance (DG) refers to the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data employed in an enterprise. A sound data governance program includes a governing body or council, a defined set of procedures, and a plan to execute those procedures. “Data governance is proactively managing your data, to support your business.” – Nicola Ashkam, Collibra User Conf 2014 DEFINING DATA GOVERNANCE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Why? DATA GOVERNANCE DEFINED BY ITS GOALS 1) Define,  approve,  and  communicate  data  strategies,  policies,  standards,   architecture,  procedures,  and  metrics 2) Track  and  enforce  regulatory  compliance  and  conformance  to  data  policies,   standards,  architecture,  and  procedures 3) Sponsor,  track,  and  oversee  the  delivery  of  data  management  projects  and   services 4) Manage  and  resolve  data  related  issues 5) Understand  and  promote  the  value  of  data  assets Why? After the the DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DEFINING DATA GOVERNANCE BY POSITIONING Data   Architecture Data  Modeling   &  Design Data  Storage  &   Operations Data  Security Data   Integration  &   Interoperability Documents   &  Content Reference  &   Master  Data Data   Warehousing  &   Business   Intelligence Metadata Data  Quality After the DAMA-DMOK2 Guide Knowledge Area Wheel Where? Cross-departmental & multi-disciplinary

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Data governance is in a complex ‘crossroads’ position. C/SHOULD WE MAKE IT SIMPLE?

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset “Users do not want simple things, they want things they can understand.” – Don Norman LET’S MAKE DATA GOVERNANCE UNDERSTANDABLE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset (Implementing fits in a project format, though!) It is not ‘a project’. DATA GOVERNANCE IS A LONG-TERM COMMITMENT requires cultural change should be embedded into business as usual preferably proactive benefits are long-term

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset “My role is an information governance role, but it is called information quality because that is our goal— quality not ‘governance’ for governance’s sake. We want good quality information that we can act on. The better the quality of our information, the better we can serve our customers.” – Carol Feuerriegel, Information Quality Manager, Kiwibank AVOID DOING GOVERNANCE FOR GOVERNANCE’S SAKE Quote source: Information Governance Initiative Annual Report 2014

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DATA GOVERNANCE : THE COMPONENTS Ensure that your people all manage their data in a consistent manner Processes, technology and people PROCESSES Facilitate, execute rule-based processes, workflows and make sure access is always available TECHNOLOGY Define the roles and responsibilities needed in order to define and manage data PEOPLE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Data Stewards & Governance DATA GOVERNANCE: THE PEOPLE The  best  stewards  are  found,  not  made.  Appoint  people  already  interested  and  involved.   Recognition  for  the  work  they  are  already  performing.  Appointment  formalizes  their   accountability. An  enterprise  perspective:  manage  data  assets  on  behalf  of  others  to  ensure  the  quality  and   effective  use  of  enterprise  data.  They  need  to  represent  the  data  interests  of  all. Senior managers DATA GOVERNANCE COUNCIL Business data stewards SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Value DATA GOVERNANCE BUSINESS DRIVERS Up-to-date data data value decreases as does the confidence in its accuracy Compliance data volume & variety expands -> harder to manage with just a checklist Proactive compliance trust and a competitive advantage Customer service poor data leads to funny/disastrous miscommunications Changing data landscapetrust and a competitive advantage Cost reduction fewer spend on ad hoc obtaining, reformatting, supplementing, … data More on this: Getting Ahead of the Game: Proactive Data Governance

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DETAIL ORIENTED DATA GOVERNANCE IS ABOUT THE EXACT NATURE OF ALL ASSETS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset BIG PICTURE HOW EVERYTHING CONNECTS & MAINTAINING AN OVERVIEW

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DG SPRINKLERS: SPOT SMALL FIRES EARLY ON HAVE AN OVERVIEW PROCEDURES IN PLACE PROACTIVE: DON’T WAIT UNTIL THINGS ARE ON FIRE Privacy & Security

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset FILTERS & SHAPES DEFINES HOW WE PERCEIVE - AND INFLUENCES - THE WORLD WE LIVE IN

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset DATA LAKES Have governance issues • Inability to determine data quality, lineage of findings • Data lake accepts any data without oversight or governance • No security & access control • No descriptive metadata or a mechanism to maintain it (every subsequent use means analyses start from scratch – data amnesia) The Data Lake Fallacy: All Water and Little Substance, Gartner Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Visual & UX Design Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset YET BIG DATA GOVERNANCE IS STILL CRUCIAL “The full data governance process would frustrate the effectiveness of data scientists, who like to make many different combinations of information and often need (just temporary) access to data; equally often dismissing it after finding out the data isn't useful, or the combination isn't meaningful.” – Organizing for Big Data Through Better Process and Governance (Gartner)

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset (Agile) Big Data Governance PROFESSIONAL Awareness  and  Contractual  Obligations   Data scientists should be aware of the sensitive nature of the work they do, and the power they possess. Adopt  the  "four  eyes"  principle,  an  analytical  version  of  a  code  review.   With use of multistructured data that is not predefined, preintegrated or preaggregated, it is easy to make mistakes or to forget certain steps.

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset (Agile) Big Data Governance PROCESS Shields  around  the  data,  rather  than  within There should be a thick wall of security and governance between the datasets and data lakes used by the data scientists, and the rest of the organization. Approval  process  before  new  insights  are  taken  into  production Have the professional standards & agile information governance policies been followed? Does the outcome not break regulations or internal compliance? Does it deliver value to the customer? Does it deliver value to the company?

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset (Agile) Big Data Governance TECHNICAL Technical  context  of  security  and  privacy Baseline: All necessary precautions should be taken to protect the privacy of all people featured in the data or in the analytics applied, such as behavioral profiling. Tool  choice Big data team should be free to test and use tools independent from the corporate IT standards, but is responsible to handing over new insights in an acceptable and understandable format. It is wise not to stray too far from corporate IT standards.

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Synergies BETWEEN DATA PROTECTION & BIG DATA The  big  data  revolution  is  misleadingly  said  to  be  driven  just  by  data  accumulation:  analytics,  the   real  value-­‐added  component  of  big  data,  seems  not  only  to  be  compatible  with  data  protection   norms,  but  even  to  benefit  from  a  strong  organisational privacy  culture  and  a  clear  data   protection  regulatory  regime. Data  Protection Big  Data SYNERGIES  CAN  BE  FOUND  ON  THE  TERRAIN  OF  DATA   QUALITY  AND  TARGETED  ANALYTICS,  BUT  NOT  ON  THE   DATA  HARVESTING  AS  A  GOAL  ITSELF. ‘Big Data Protection’ Study Report (The Open University, April 2015)

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Data Classification DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Help locate sensitive data across systems STEP 1 Identification Identify stakeholders, establish decision rights, clarify accountabilities STEP 2 Ownership Define and classification of assets, so they can be managed accordingly STEP 3 Classification PIAs & AUDITS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Help enforce Data Retention Policies DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Steward flags data issues STEP 1 Flag Necessary stewards are consulted STEP 2 Discuss Decision is taken. Stale data brought up to date or removed. STEP 3 Resolve

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Support Data Minimization DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Sophisticated data minimization and de-identification tools exist and further emerge. Data Governance has its role to play in setting up initiatives but also once adopted enforcing usage of these techniques and tools.

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Support Data Security DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Identification and classification of Private Identifiable Information 1 PII Help assess risk and define data-related controls to manage risk 2 Deal with risk Support access management and security requirements (SLAs with contractors, int & ext compliance, ..) 3 Access

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Support Data Sharing DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Find the data you need for your business process STEP 1 Locate Data Stay compliant with the rules & policies that apply to those data assets STEP 2 Check Coordinate with the relevant stewards, stakeholders and owners for the data logistics STEP 3 Coordinate

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Accountability DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Procedures in place for compensation in case data were lost manipulated or stolen EXTERNAL KNOW TO WHO YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE Sanctions for those who use or handle personal data inappropriate should both be in place INTERNAL KNOW WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Data Breach DATA GOVERNANCE & PRIVACY Procedures in place for notification of the Data Protection Authority and other parties (insurance, .. ) IT HAPPENS CONSIDER A BREACH LIKELY AND HAVE STRATEGIES IN PLACE Impact assessment of breach – should we notify users EXTERNAL IMPACT Procedures in place for dealing with the technical side of breach, so you can communicate what is being doing on short-term to remedy the situation. FIX COMMUNICATIONS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset “Data Stewardship is a thorny problem. It is challenging getting people in a business to take responsibility for their own data and make them realise that IT is not the owner of the data.” - Nicola Ashkam FOSTERING COMPANY WIDE ADOPTION OF DATA GOVERNANCE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Use what exists INTEGRATION SPEEDS UP DATA GOVERNANCE ADOPTION (you  probably  already  have  a  solid  be  it  what  chaotic  foundation) Don’t try to get people to do it ‘the odd way’. See what mental models they already have around stewardship and use those. Study existing business practices and see what good data practices already happen and expand these. Recruit stewards who already care. Allow for import, but also for direct connection through APIs, so people do not have to do double work. EXISTING MENTAL MODELS EXISTING BUSINESS PRACTICES EXISTING TOOLS

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Make it actionable Small effort should have instant results. e.g.. The Collibra action emails MOTIVATION ABILITY SUCCESS HERE time, money, physical effort, brain cycles, social deviance, non-routine social acceptance and rejection is a core motivator LOW HIGH HIGH After BG FOGG Behavioural Model

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Make it delicious DEMONSTRATE VALUE AT ALL TIME Not data governance for data governance’s sake – show the fruits, preferably to the whole company. Make good conduct visible and measure and show the maturity progress.

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Why? THE COLLIBRA DATA GOVERNANCE CENTER 1) Making  data  governance  practical  collaborative  and  automated 2) Facilitate  and  promoting  usage  and  adoption,  particularly  among  business  users 3) Smoothly  blending  in  with  the  landscape  of  surrounding  tools  and  techniques 4) Focusing  on  time-­‐to-­‐value  and  reduced  total  cost  of  ownership BUSINESS VALUE

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Visual & UX Design DO NOT BE LATE TO THE GAME DATA GOVERNANCE IS MOST VALUABLE WHEN DONE PROACTIVELY Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Visual & UX Design DO CHERISH YOUR EXISTING ASSETS THAT’S PEOPLE AS WELL AS DATA Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset

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Ann Wuyts @vintfalken Data Governance Software DATA GOVERNANCE, PRIVACY & UX at #DataScienceBE When people are your most important asset Make it delicious DEMONSTRATE VALUE AT ALL TIME Not data governance for data governance’s sake – show the fruits, preferably to the whole company. Make good conduct visible and measure and show the maturity progress. Have fun with the data. Do so responsibly. THANK YOU What the ‘four eyes’ principle & fun look like.