Ruby 2.1 Walk Thru
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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About Me
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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Slide 4
Slide 4 text
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Organization of Slides
• How Ruby Evolves
• What’s New in Syntax
• What’s New in Core and Stdlib
• What’s New in VM
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This talk will cover...
• Changes 1.9 㱺 2.0 㱺 2.1
• How to Migrate
• How to not Worry and... what to worry
• A little bit Implementation details
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But not cover...
• Vim 7.4 will have better python support but
not ruby?
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• dev is development: -1
• rc is release candidate: -1
• p0: 0
• p370: 370
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When a new version
becomes head,
old versions become
backport branches.
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• Incompatible Syntax Changes
• Incompatible ABI Changes:
• can share binary gem between minor
versions, but not major versions
• C-API change
• Add or removal of stdlib, incompatible too
• e.g. Ripper, Fiddle, Syck ...
When a New (Big) Version?
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Slide 13
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When a Big Release?
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When a Big Release?
• Ruby Kaigi ?
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When a Backport Patch?
• Bug fixes
• Compatible changes that not likely to break
• new methods, classes, constants
• new optional method params
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What’s new & old-new?
• /projects/ruby-193
• ChangeLog
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Panini ެݩલ6ੈ
, ඳड़ྃᑓ
Backus Naur Form
Saturday, 11 May, 13
• Less code, less error
• Generates better rdoc
• Encourages explicit code style
• Use hash like immutable objects
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• More hash objects are created
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Slide 24
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Complex Example
def f a, b=1, *c, d: 1, **e, &block
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Collateral Core Changes
• Ensure something is hash: to_h
• For example, nil.to_h #=> {}
• As you can splat anything into array with
to_ary, you can double spat anything into
hash with to_hash
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Saturday, 11 May, 13
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module HelloWorld
refine String do
def hello_world
'hello world'
module GoodbyeWorld
using HelloWorld
puts 'yes'.hello_world
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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It doesn’t work
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$ ruby hello_world.rb
warning: Refinements are experimental, and
the behavior may change in future versions
of Ruby!
undefined method `using' for
GoodbyWorld:Module (NoMethodError)
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• Refinement still experimental in 2.1, use
ruby -W0 to suppress the warning
• using is file local instruction
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module HelloWorld
refine String do
def hello_world
'hello world'
using HelloWorld
puts 'yes'.hello_world
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Slide 33
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•prepend module
Saturday, 11 May, 13
String makes Ruby Ruby
•$ ruby -e 'puts "".methods.size'
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String makes Ruby Ruby
•$ ruby -e 'puts "".methods.size'
#=> 162
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Slide 40
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Which encoding?
• UTF8 (GTK):
space efficient, time slow
• UTF32 (Python):
space wasted, time efficient
• UTF16 (Windows / Coacoa / Java):
efficient but wrong ("".length)
or correct but ineffective ("".codepoints())
Saturday, 11 May, 13
Slide 44
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• Dynamic typing: data carries metadata.
Encoding is just a metadatum of string.
• Choose ANY encoding for the best of your job.
• Byte array is just a special encoding of string.
ascii-8bit == binary, but ascii-7bit/us-ascii are not.
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• It tries not to get into the way if you don’t
want to handle them.
• But you may still find some incompatible
encoding problems.
2.0 CHANGE: now default internal is utf-8
༗ਓ๊ԇ Ruby Ճྃ encoding
, ୠଖ
తఔং, ׄೳ䋯ࣕቮ, Ճྃ
encoding ࠽ݪຊత
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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Get a binary copy
• str.b is shortcut for
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Strip invalid chars (2.1)
• Hack before 2.1
"yummy\xE2 \xF0\x9F\x8D\x94 \x9F\x8D\x94"
.encode("UTF-16BE", :undef => :replace, :invalid
=> :replace, :replace => "")
.gsub("\0".encode("UTF-8"), "")
• In 2.1 (will be backported to 1.9)
"yummy\xE2 \xF0\x9F\x8D\x94 \x9F\x8D\x94".scrub ""
#=> "yummy "
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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App migration
• Start a branch
• Use the new way
• Fix tests and merge it
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Lib compatibility
• Bad: if `ruby -v` !~ /2\.1/ then ...
• Good: if RUBY_VERSION < '2.1' then ...
• Better: unless ''.respond_to?(:b) then ...
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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rails 3 ቮ
puma becomes popular
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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Fix thread locals
• Bug: Thread and Fiber implementation was
originated from 1.8 green threads, and
Thread locals was actually Fiber locals...
• Fixed in 2.0
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New thread methods
Though the non-thread way is:
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Threads are real
• Since 1.9
• But there’s GVL so only one core can be
occupied in the ruby side
• In the C-extension side there’s no such
• Invoke zlib inside ruby threads, you can
make use of any number of cores
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Real threads: how to
make use?
• zlib.c:
• Just don’t call into ruby’s API, then real
threads are there for you.
Saturday, 11 May, 13
New Float
• The change is based on heuristic of mostly
used range of Float
• 50% or more faster on Float benchmarks
• Rails app? Probably not, depends on how
much Float objects are created
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Virtual instructions
• Mostly used methods have their specialized
instructions: size, length, *, /,
<<, ! ...
• Ruby method query is expensive, so an
inline method cache makes it fast for server
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Faster Instructions?
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C implementation
• CRuby and MRuby
• Pros: portable to many platforms
• Cons: hard to controller what gcc /
clang / ... generates
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• V8, LuaJIT, ...
• Pros: Can benefit from superscalar CPU
• Pros: Totally control generated machine
• Cons: Requires a lot of work
• Cons: Very few ones know what’s happening
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Memory management
in Ruby
• GC is the major way
• malloc / alloca / free (only visible in C-API)
• Reference counting (regexp literals)
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Ruby GC is...
• Mark & Sweep - not tracing, not reference
• Conservative - easy & fast extension
• Incremental - (1.9)
• Bit marking - COW friendly (2.0,
backported to 1.9)
• Generational - (2.1 in progress)
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Why generational?
• Mark needs to iterate all objects if not
• Memory is slow and cheap, cache is fast and
expensive, it decides modern CPU
architecture with a small cache. Machine
preloads a segment of memory in cache, so if
the memory is fragmented it will be slow.
Semi-space algorithms is good for
compacting young generations.
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Why NOT generational?
• Every optimization has a cost
• Complex code
• API myths:
In java calling GC doesn’t actually start GC.
• Performance myths:
“xxx is faster than C” means “calling C in xxx
is slow”
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Generational GC in
Other VMs
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Generational GC in
Other VMs
• Can use different algorithms for different
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Generational GC in
Other VMs
• Can use different algorithms for different
• Can move objects but slow c-extension
(v8, rubinius, ...)
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Generational GC in
Other VMs
• Can use different algorithms for different
• Can move objects but slow c-extension
(v8, rubinius, ...)
• Can be 3 generations (python), or infinite
(java G1GC)
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Generational GC in
Other VMs
• Can use different algorithms for different
• Can move objects but slow c-extension
(v8, rubinius, ...)
• Can be 3 generations (python), or infinite
(java G1GC)
• Mostly require read and write barriers in C
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Generational GC in
Ruby (just started)
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Generational GC in
Ruby (just started)
• 2 generations
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Generational GC in
Ruby (just started)
• 2 generations
• Young gen is “shiny” objects only: String,
Array, Class. If an array is used by C
extension, it becomes “shady” object
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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Generational GC in
Ruby (just started)
• 2 generations
• Young gen is “shiny” objects only: String,
Array, Class. If an array is used by C
extension, it becomes “shady” object
• No break C-API although breaks ABI (so
need to bump a version to 2.1)
Saturday, 11 May, 13
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Generational GC in
Ruby (just started)
• 2 generations
• Young gen is “shiny” objects only: String,
Array, Class. If an array is used by C
extension, it becomes “shady” object
• No break C-API although breaks ABI (so
need to bump a version to 2.1)
• No read barriers
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• There can be leak if: C ext doesn’t notify
the GC that there’s a pointer from old gen
to young gen
• The “notification” is called write barriers
(to notify GC that there’s a reference from
old gen to new gen)
• Should add write barriers while not
breaking current gems
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• less mark time, but same sweep time
• If your app has ~20% GC time, then you
should get 2%~4% faster
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• Temporally observed result is only 1% with
tuned stack:
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New tuning param (2.1)
(default value is 1.8)
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