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Toros Gökkurt Cloud Solution Architect – Microsoft @torosgo Python on Azure

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• Introduction • Demo • Resources Agenda

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Why is Microsoft talking about Python?

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… massively popular … Python is …

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… easy to read and learn … Python is …

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… powerful enough for any workload … Python is …

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… used in finance and astronomy … Python is …

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… used in automation and web … Python is …

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… most popular teaching language Python is …

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You want Python… … so we want to offer Python

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Microsoft Application Platform Open, comprehensive solution for any developer and any platform ✓ Custom or template based solutions ✓ Multiple languages, frameworks, tools, and databases ✓ iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux ✓ Integrated cloud platform, DevOps, and tools ✓ Build, deploy, manage apps faster ✓ Work across teams and disciplines ✓ Target on-premises, hybrid, cloud, and multi-cloud ✓ Write once, run anywhere ✓ Leverage 60+ enterprise grade services

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Open source support Applications Infrastructure Management Databases & middleware App frameworks & tools DevOps

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Trusted Productive Intelligent Hybrid Azure. Cloud for all.

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Platform Services Infrastructure Services Web Apps Mobile Apps API Apps Notification Hubs Hybrid Cloud Backup StorSimple Azure Site Recovery Import/Export SQL Database CosmosDB Redis Cache Azure Search Storage Tables SQL Data Warehouse Azure AD Health Monitoring AD Privileged Identity Management Operational Analytics Cloud Services Batch RemoteApp Service Fabric Visual Studio Application Insights VS Team Services Domain Services HDInsight Machine Learning Stream Analytics Data Factory Event Hubs Data Lake Analytics Service IoT Hub Data Catalog Security & Management Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Automation Portal Key Vault Store/ Marketplace VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Azure AD B2C Scheduler Xamarin HockeyApp Power BI Embedded SQL Server Stretch Database Mobile Engagement Functions Cognitive Services Bot Framework Cortana Security Center Container Service VM Scale Sets Data Lake Store BizTalk Services Service Bus Logic Apps API Management Content Delivery Network Media Services Media Analytics

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Azure Python SDK AI & ML Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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Developer services and tools AI & ML Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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Azure CLI Create a new app az webapp create -g MyResourceGroup -p MyPlan -n MyUniqueAppName --runtime "python|3.7" --deployment-local-git Deploy content to an existing app az webapp deployment source config --name --repo url --resource-group FastTrack create and deploy az webapp up -n MyUniqueAppName (Preview) command will check for the existence of a requirements.txt file or a .py file in the project source and identify python|3.7 as the target framework.

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App Hosting AI & ML Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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Azure Portal Python 3.7 Python 3.7 Python

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AI & Machine Learning Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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Integration services AI & ML Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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Data Solutions Data App Hosting Python SDK Integration Developer services

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• • • Python tools for Visual Studio • • • Introduction to Programming with Python programming-with-python-8360 • Azure solution architectures Resources

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