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Paul-Jervis Heath, Modern Human. at Aarhus 2014 on Tuesday, 4 November 2014. DESIGNED FOR ENGAGEMENT MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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Consumer devices continue to raise our users’ expectations of technology MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath 70% 79% Shoppers who use their smartphones to help with shopping Shoppers who use their smartphones whilst standing in a store

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The move in design is away from ‘whole intranet’ solutions to awesome bespoke tools. MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath – Leo McGinneva, about whom the internet knows almost nothing. People don’t want to buy a ¼ inch drill. They want a ¼ inch hole.

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Social Em otional Functional

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The answer lies in here somewhere. What do your colleagues do all day? MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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WORKAROUNDS Quick, seemingly efficient solutions that address the symptoms of a problem not the root cause. What are we looking for? VALUES People’s values play an important role in their motivations. What do they value? What’s important to them? What’s not? INERTIA Situations in which customers act out of habit. How can you leverage or break that inertia? SHOULD VS WANT People struggle with the tension between things they crave in the moment and things they know are good for them in the long term. How can you help people move from where they are to where they want to be? MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath What are the high-level jobs-to-be-done? What are the current approaches and what pain points result? What benchmarks exist in the full range of alternative solutions and analogies? 5 questions for applying the Jobs To Be Done framework

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath What prevents new solutions from being adopted? What value would success create for users and the business? 5 questions for applying the Jobs To Be Done framework

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Empowering the contact centre to deliver a better customer experience

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Intranet innovation for increased knowledge sharing and closer global collaboration MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Building an internal ecosystem of tools and sophisticated views.

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath A design language that encourages appropriate consistency

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Who’s place is it anyway? Digital workplaces where employees feel welcome

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Evidence of the inhabitants. Entropy and designing for use.

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath Digital workplace happened, we’re over it From portals to awesome tools Your users are close at hand so design research using ethnographic techniques is realistic In summary

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman @pauljervisheath The Jobs To Be Framework provides a way of framing user needs Internal ecosystems of the best tools for the job The right balance of consistency and customisation In summary

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We love our ideas to spread. That’s why this presentation is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) license. This license allows you and others to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially. When you do you must acknowledge us, Modern Human, and license any new creations under the identical terms. When in doubt, just ask us. We won’t bite. MODERN HUMAN Paul-Jervis Heath +44 79 7456 7823 @pauljervisheath