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Abstract Thinking - 從 FP 看⾒見見程式之美

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為什什麼我會開始學 Funtional Programming?

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在這個時代 學習是沒有終點的

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Roadmap B M N Y Q R X A P

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跨領域 X A P

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連結 B M N Y Q R X A P

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重點不在於學會哪些技術, ⽽而在於建立這些技術之間連結的能⼒力力

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Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Boredom Anxiety Flow you should be here challenge skills high high low low

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⼀一個⾃自⼰己熟知的概念念或觀念念 出現在⼀一個完全不相關的領域 有沒有過這樣的經驗?

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Node.js 與 麥當勞

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Order Queue

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Prepare Queue

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Single Thread

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Timer Pending Callback Idle, Prepare Pull Check Close Callback Order Prepare

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Multiple Thread

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缺少了了⼀一個維度 B M N Y Q R X A P

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B M N Y Q R X A P 抽象化 Q Y Z M

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抽象化就是 把重複出現的模式或類似的事物 作出歸納的過程

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⼈人類語⾔言就是 社會對真實世界抽象化後的產物

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很多外國⼈人會覺得 華⼈人的數學普遍比較好

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我認為有⼀一部分的原因來來⾃自於 中⽂文對於數字的抽象做得很好

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ……….… 100 … 1000 … 10000 … 100000000 ⼀一 ⼆二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 ⼗十 …百 …… 千 …….. 萬 ………… 億

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !!<-> 20 …… 100 ……… 1000 …… 1000000 … 1000000000 one !!<-> ten eleven !!<-> twenty … hundred … thousand … million ……. billion

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在數數上,英⽂文要比中⽂文多學 10 ~ 17 個單字

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或許⼤大家對英⽂文熟悉度比較⾼高, 所以較難感受出差異異

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我⾃自⼰己認識的語⾔言當中, 對數字抽象化最糟的語⾔言

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我⾃自⼰己認識的語⾔言當中, 對數字抽象化最糟的語⾔言 法語

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un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize 1 - 16 是獨立的單字

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dix-sept 10 7

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vingt et un 20 和 1

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vingt-deux 20 2

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vingt et un trente et un quarante et un cinquante et un soixante et un 20 和 1 30 和 1 40 和 1 50 和 1 60 和 1

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soixante et onze 60 和 11

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quatre-vingt-un 4 20 1

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有好的抽象化, 有不好的抽象化

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抽象化 是⼈人類⼤大腦運作的⽅方式

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⼩小時候爸爸或媽媽會跟你說 香蕉是黃⾊色的

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但事實上 你不知道什什麼是香蕉什什麼是黃⾊色 你可能會認為黃⾊色就是指香蕉

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下次你看到計程⾞車車時,媽媽會跟你說 計程⾞車車是黃⾊色的

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抽象化 是⼈人類與⽣生俱來來的能⼒力力

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我們要學的是 如何做好抽象化

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講了了這麼久的抽象化跟程式 有什什麼關係?!

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99% 的需求⼤大概都能完成

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剩下的 1% 可能靠 google 也能做出來來

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其實我們在學的是 如何封裝程式或者說如何做好抽象化

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⾝身為⼯工程師最痛苦的⼀一件事就是 接⼿手別⼈人的爛 code

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所謂的爛 code 就是 程式碼錯誤的封裝、不好的抽象

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但從反⾯面的例例⼦子中學習 進步速度是很慢的

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有沒有⼀一個系統性的⽅方式 來來學習抽象化

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Functional Programming λ

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Why Functional Programming?

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Why Functional Programming? FP 來來⾃自數學

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Why Functional Programming? 數學是⼈人類抽象化最好的科學 FP 來來⾃自數學

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1 + 1 = 2

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2 * 10 = 20

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2 * 10 = 20 2 + 2 + … + 2 = 20

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不會考你 23 * 567 是多少 也不會問你 庭院深深深幾許

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今天我們只講 FP 當中的兩兩個觀念念

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1. Function Composition 2. 怎麼到處都是 map?

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Function Composition

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頭暈暈暈暈的 看著灰灰髒髒的天花板

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你突然想起... 今天下午三點在台北市有個約會

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嘰嘰烏拉拉 波波⼒力力那 ⾙貝⾙貝魯魯多

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你想了了⼀一下, 騎⾺馬其實來來不及趕到臺北市了了

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嘰嘰烏拉拉 波波⼒力力那 ⾙貝⾙貝魯魯多

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=>; function onClick (value) { console.log(value); !// ['290', '123', '234']; } 計算使⽤用者輸入數字的總額

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=>; function onClick (value) { console.log(value); !// ['290', '123', '234']; const numArr = map(Number)(value); const result = sum(numArr); console.log(result); } 計算使⽤用者輸入數字的總額

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=>; function onClick (value) { console.log(value); !// ['290', '123', '234']; const numArr = map(Number)(value); const result = sum(numArr); console.log(result); } 計算使⽤用者輸入數字的總額

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=>; const compose = (!!...fns) !=> (args) !=> fns.reduceRight((args, f) !=>, args), args) function onClick (value) { console.log(value); !// ['290', '123', '234']; const numArr = map(Number)(value); const result = sum(numArr); console.log(result); } 把 function 組合起來來

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=>; const compose = (!!...fns) !=> (args) !=> fns.reduceRight((args, f) !=>, args), args) function onClick (value) { console.log(value); !// ['290', '123', '234']; const result = compose(sum, map(Number))(value); console.log(result); } 把 function 組合起來來

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const sum = arr !=> arr.reduce((x, y) !=> x + y, 0); const map = fn !=> arr !=> const compose = (!!...fns) !=> (args) !=> fns.reduceRight((args, f) !=>, args), args) const sumArrayString = compose(sum, map(Number)); function onClick (value) { console.log(value) !// ['290', '123', '234']; const result = sumArrayString(value); console.log(result); } 把 function 組合起來來

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import * as R from 'ramda'; const sumArrayString = R.compose(R.sum,; function onClick (value) { console.log(value) !// ['290', '123', '234']; const result = sumArrayString(value); console.log(result); } 改⽤用 Ramda

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讓我們抽象的來來看 Function Composition

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f g

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f g h

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f g h = g 。 f

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f g h = g 。 f X Y Z

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怎麼到處都有 map?

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Haskell - Type signature

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const add = (x: number) !=> (y: number): number !=> x + y TypeScript

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Haskell add !:: Number !-> Number !-> Number add x y = x + y 回傳值 參參數

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那些年年我們⼀一直看到的 map

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⼤大家最常⾒見見的 Array map

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!// map !:: (a !-> b) !-> Array a !-> Array b[1, 2, 3]) !// ['1', '2', '3']

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有些⼈人看過的 Observable map

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!// map !:: (a !-> b) !-> Observable a !-> Observable b map(String)(Observable.of(1)) !// Observable.of('1')

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其實還有很多的 map

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data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

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import * as R from "ramda"; import * as Maybe from 'folktale/maybe'; !// Just('1'); !// Nothing data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a map !:: (a !-> b) !-> Maybe a !-> Maybe b map _ Nothing = Nothing map f Just a = Just f a add x y = x + y add1 = add 1 map add1 (Just 1) !-- Just 2 map add1 (Nothing) !-- Nothing JavaScript Haskell

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map(String)([1]) !// ['1'] map(String)(Observable.of(1)) !// Observable.of('1') map(String)(Maybe.Just(1)); !// Just('1') Functor

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這些型別都具有 map

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他們都是 Functor

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class Functor f where fmap !:: (a !-> b) !-> f a !-> f b Functor

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fmap id = id fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g fmap 須滿⾜足

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const id = x !=> x; const arr = [1, 2, 3]; !// fmap id = id !// [1, 2, 3] id(arr) !// [1, 2, 3] !// fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g R.compose( R.add(1), R.add(2) ) )(arr); !// [4, 5, 6] R.compose(, )(arr); !// [4, 5, 6]

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抽象化來來看 fmap

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fmap f fmap g M x M y M z

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fmap f fmap g h = fmap g 。fmap f M x M y M z

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回想⼀一下 還有哪些型別也是 Functor

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Promise.resolve(1) .then(String) !// Promise.resolve('1')

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Function 其實也是 Functor

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那 Function 的 fmap 是什什麼?!

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fmap f add1 add3

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compose add2 add1 add3

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Function 的 map 就是 compose

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再回過頭去學各個程式語⾔言 會發現簡單很多

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比如說 Swift 跟 Scala

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Swift Optional Scala Optional

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學習好的抽象化可以幫助 我們學習⼀一個完全不同領域的知識

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Learn How To Learn

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Think How To Think

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Reference • Learn How To Learn ❤ • 知識地圖 • 教你成為 IT 界的德魯魯伊 • Developer Roadmap • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience ❤ • The 3 Zone Everyone Should Know About • 法語吐槽影片 • Haskell Book • Mostly Adequate Guide • 中⽂文版 • Why Functional Programming Matter • 抽象: 設計的藝術 • 封⾯面圖

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Jerry Hong Tech Leader | Website: Facebook: J.H.MingChen