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Open and Agile Matt Jordan @mattcjordan Applying Agile Tenets to an Open Source Project

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2 Background Or: Why I'm in Düsseldorf

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3 A Personal Road to Agile Director of Technology at Digium

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4 A Personal Road to Agile  Started in Closed Source Commercial Software  911 Emergency Systems

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5 A Personal Road to Agile

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6 A Personal Road to Agile  Government/Defense Contractor  Missile Defense

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7 A Personal Road to Agile

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8 A Personal Road to Agile

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9 Open Source: Asterisk  Open Source communications framework  Long history – Started in 1999 by Mark Spencer – Many contributors over the years  Digium: Primary Maintainer and Sponsor

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10 Asterisk Statistics  Primarily written in C – ~722000 SLOC – ~26,628 commits over ~16 years – ~100 unique contributors per year  Active: Past Week – +2457/-429 – 166 commits to all branches – 21 commits to master – 15 authors  Global Developer Community – Digium team: ~10 devs – Digium: ~50% commits

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11 Open Source: A Community Core Devs Other Devs Power Users Community Users Unknown Users

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12 Asterisk Project ? Open Source: Development Methodology Digium Agile Company C Heroic Effort Company A Waterfall Company B Agile

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13 What happens when we apply an Agile philosophy to the overall project?

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14 Problems Or: I've got 99 developers and I don't control any of them

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15 A Hypothesis  Our problems are implementation independent – “Backlog”, “Sprints”, “Stand-ups” are all tools – Issues are more fundamental  Agile Development – Maximize productivity of a software team  Open Source Development – Maximize contributions from a community (Thierry Carrez, DoE Open Stack Foundation)  Obvious differences!

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16 Agile Manifesto

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17 Questioning the Agile Manifesto  Individuals and interactions over processes and tools  Open Source: highly individualistic – Enterprise to contractors – Many motivations/goals  Need a level playing field

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18 Questioning the Agile Manifesto  Working software over comprehensive documentation  Open Source: Not a homogeneous environment – Language – Ability – Time

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19 Questioning the Agile Manifesto  Customer collaboration over contract negotiation  Open Source: who are the customers? – Each company has their own customer – All participants are customers

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20 Questioning the Agile Manifesto  Responding to change over following a plan  Open Source: the only constant is change  If there is no plan, there is no coordination

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21 Agile Manifesto We have to pay more attention to these!

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22 Some Specifics to Address  Concept of Customers is “fuzzy” – The Agile Manifesto assumes we have an explicit customer – Open source development blurs the line between customer and developer  You are not in control – The Agile Manifesto assumes an element of control over the team and environment – Open source development surrenders control  Primary motivation is different – Agile development: focus is on the team – Open source development: focus is on the community  Community != Team – Can we build one from it?

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23 The Big Picture

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24 (Possible) Solutions Or: It is really hard to manage a kitten in a box

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25 Customers  All contributors have their own customers – Very few driven solely by boredom – Customers each have different needs that may not overlap  Contributors are customers! – Product is the project – Payment is contributions  Customer collaboration is a constant  Contract is the Open Source License

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26 Customers  Keep your contributors happy – Keep the rules consistent – Give ownership  Keep your (paying) customers happy – None of it matters if you can't eat – If you can eat, others will be able to as well  Conflicts will occur – Be honest about conflict – Assume (most) people are reasonable

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27 Customers  All contributors have their own customers – Very few driven solely by boredom – Customers each have different needs that may not overlap  Contributors are customers! – Product is the project – Payment is contributions  Customer collaboration is a constant  Contract is the Open Source License

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28 Managing the Chaos  Control: People (more or less) working on what you hope for  Control is not explicit – There is no money exchanged – There are no contracts – Anyone may fork a project  “Control” comes through mutually agreed benefits

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29 Mutually Agreed Benefits  Problems that a project solves are generally shared – High likelihood of overlap – Lack of overlap is not necessarily bad  Problems are generally larger than the participants – Simple problems typically don't require open source  Developers like to solve problems – Often, the harder, the better  Transparency & Communication

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30 Building a Team out of a Community  Transparency – Everything that can be open must be open – People watch, then do – Open code is necessary but not sufficient for open source success  Transparency builds teams out of loose groups

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31 Building a Team out of a Community  Communication – Open Source requires a lot more – Written communication trumps all  IRC/Chat  E-mail  Wiki docs  Real Time Communication must be the last resort

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32 Can We Learn Anything from This?  Typical Agile practices assume a different environment – Well defined customer – Well defined team  Adapting Agile requires: – Balancing two different customers  Developers  Those who pay you – More written communication  Provides intrinsic planning  Allows for participation  Build the team from the community

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33 Agile is about dealing with People

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34 Open Source just adds a lot more People

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36 Questions Danke!