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Views, from the top RubyConf AU 2019

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@timriley @icelab

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@timriley @icelab dry-rb

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@timriley @icelab dry-rb Hanami

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dry-rb Hanami

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dry-rb Hanami +

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Views, from the top

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Views, from the top

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11am meeting: Views

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Server-rendered views

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Things are out of hand

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Controllers Helpers Templates Past and present:

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Controllers Helpers Templates Past and present:

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No content

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No content

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Controllers Helpers Templates

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Controllers Helpers Templates

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities Disorganised, mostly gross

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities Disorganised, mostly gross Decorators?

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities Disorganised, mostly gross Decorators? Friction, limited

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities Disorganised, mostly gross Decorators? Friction, limited

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Controllers Helpers Templates Too many responsibilities Disorganised, mostly gross Decorators? Friction, limited Cluttered, too much logic

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It’s too hard to write good view code

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Good view code

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Good view code

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Let’s build a better view system

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pssssst! dry-view already exists! This guy is just “acting” "

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dry-view requirements

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects

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class Show < Dry::View end

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class Show < Dry::View end view =

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class Show < Dry::View attr_reader :article_repo def initialize(article_repo:) @article_repo = article_repo end end view = article_repo)

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class Show < Dry::View attr_reader :article_repo def initialize(article_repo:) @article_repo = article_repo end end view = repo)

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals

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class Show < Dry::View config.template = "articles/show" expose :article do |slug:| article_repo.find_by_slug(slug) end end view = repo)

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class Show < Dry::View config.template = "articles/show" expose :article do |slug:| article_repo.find_by_slug(slug) end end view = repo)

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class Show < Dry::View config.template = "articles/show" expose :article do |slug:| article_repo.find_by_slug(slug) end end view = repo)

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Templates!

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/ Template written in Slim h1 = article.title

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view =…) slug: "together-breakfast", ).to_s # => "

Together breakfast

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view =…) slug: "together-breakfast", ).to_s # => "

Together breakfast

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view =…) slug: "together-breakfast", ).to_s #=> "

Together breakfast


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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Templates!

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Templates!

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Templates! SIMPLE templates

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Templates! SIMPLE templates

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h1 = article.title == markdown(article.body)

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h1 = article.title == article.body_html

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class Parts::Article < Dry::View::Part def body_html render_markdown(body) end private def render_markdown(str) # … end end

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class Parts::Article < Dry::View::Part def body_html render_markdown(body) end private def render_markdown(str) # … end end

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic

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class Show < Dry::View config.template = "articles/show" config.part_namespace = Parts expose :article # => Parts::Article end

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class Show < Dry::View config.template = "articles/show" config.part_namespace = Parts expose :article # => Parts::Article end

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic • View facilities are integrated

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h1 = article.title == article.body_html .share-widget[ data-share-url=article.url data-share-title=article.title data-share-body=article.body_preview_text ]

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h1 = article.title == article.body_html == render(:share_widget, url: article.url, title: article.title, preview_text: article.body_preview_text)

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class Parts::Article < Dry::View::Part def share_widget render( :share_widget, url: url, title: title, preview_text: body_preview_text, ) end end

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class Parts::Article < Dry::View::Part def share_widget render( :share_widget, url: url, title: title, preview_text: body_preview_text ) end end

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h1 = article.title == article.body_html == article.share_widget

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic • View facilities are integrated • View logic on specific templates

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== render(:related_article, article: article)

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- show_author = \ defined?(show_author) ? show_author : false - link_prefix = \ defined?(link_prefix) ? link_prefix : "Related: " .related-article a href=article.url = "#{link_prefix} #{article.title}" - if show_author .author …

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- show_author = \ defined?(show_author) ? show_author : false - link_prefix = \ defined?(link_prefix) ? link_prefix : "Related: " .related-article a href=article.url = "#{link_prefix} #{article.title}" - if show_author .author …

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- show_author = \ defined?(show_author) ? show_author : false - link_prefix = \ defined?(link_prefix) ? link_prefix : "Related: " .related-article a href=article.url = "#{link_prefix} #{article.title}" - if show_author .author … 4c391850cabe4809a6b6ab1a155529… 16 March 2016 Totally wrote this code. FIXME!

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class Scopes::RelatedArticle < Dry::View::Scope def show_author? locals.fetch(:show_author, false) end def link_text prefix = locals.fetch(:link_prefix, "Related:") "#{prefix} #{article.title}” end end

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class Scopes::RelatedArticle < Dry::View::Scope def show_author? locals.fetch(:show_author, false) end def link_text prefix = locals.fetch(:link_prefix, "Related:") "#{prefix} #{article.title}” end end

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class Scopes::RelatedArticle < Dry::View::Scope def show_author? locals.fetch(:show_author, false) end def link_text prefix = locals.fetch(:link_prefix, "Related:") "#{prefix} #{article.title}” end end

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class Scopes::RelatedArticle < Dry::View::Scope def show_author? locals.fetch(:show_author, false) end def link_text prefix = locals.fetch(:link_prefix, "Related:") "#{prefix} #{article.title}" end end

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.related-article a href=article.url = link_text - if show_author? .author …

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== scope(:related_article, article: article)

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== scope(:related_article, article: article).render

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic • View facilities are integrated • View logic on specific templates

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic • View facilities are integrated • View logic on specific templates • Common helpers

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class Context < Dry::View::Context def initialize(assets:, **args) @assets = assets super(**args) end def asset_path(asset_name) @assets[asset_name] end end

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class Context < Dry::View::Context def initialize(assets:, **) @assets = assets super end def asset_path(asset_name) @assets[asset_name] end end

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class Context < Dry::View::Context def initialize(assets:, **) @assets = assets super end def asset_path(asset_name) @assets[asset_name] end end

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img src=asset_path("header.png") h1 = article.title == article.body_html == article.share_widget

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class Parts::Article < Dry::View::Part def feature_image_url url = value.feature_image_url url || asset_path("article.png") end end

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class Context < Dry::View::Context def initialize(assets:, **) @assets = assets super end def asset_path(asset_name) @assets[asset_name] end end

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dry-view requirements • Views as objects • Explicit template locals • Simple templates • View logic on decorated values • View facilities are automatic • View facilities are integrated • View logic on specific templates • Common helpers

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View concepts

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures • Exposures - prepare values

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures • Exposures - prepare values • Template & partials - markup

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures • Exposures - prepare values • Template & partials - markup • Parts - behaviour on values

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures • Exposures - prepare values • Template & partials - markup • Parts - behaviour on values • Scopes - behaviour for templates

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View concepts • View - config, dependencies, exposures • Exposures - prepare values • Template & partials - markup • Parts - behaviour on values • Scopes - behaviour for templates • Context - baseline rendering environment

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What have we learnt?

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Views are complex

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Views are complex

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Views are complex View · Exposures Templates & partials Parts · Scopes · Context

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Minimum viable views

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Better view code

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Making the easy thing

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also the right thing Making the easy thing

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Separation of concerns

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Separation of concerns Encapsulation

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Separation of concerns Encapsulation Immutability

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Separation of concerns Encapsulation Immutability Testability

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Better OOP = Better views

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Better OOP = Better views

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Better OOP = Joyful views

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Better apps

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Better apps Better Ruby

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Diversity Flexibility

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Diversity Flexibility Innovation

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No content

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No content

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@timriley Thank you!

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@timriley Thank you! Say hello! Learn more!