Slide 32
Slide 32 text
Algorithm unrolling: setting
Sparse Blind Source Separation: minimization of the cost function
• Let us consider sparse BSS, in which (for the moment) we only want to estimate from a
(when is estimated, can be quite well estimated by least squares)
X S* A*
• Let us further assume that :
• We have training datasets such that:
1X, 2X, . . , atrainX
X = A* S* + N
1X = 1A* 1S* +1 N
2X = 2A* 2S* +2 N
. . .
atrainX = atrainA* atrainS* +atrain N
• For each training dataset , we have access to the corresponding source
iX iS*
with « of the same kind as » (same for and
1A*, 2A*, . . , atrainA* A* 1S*, 2S*, . . , atrainS*
Algorithm unrolling is then a principled method to construct neural network architectures
enabling to recover S*