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Cyber Sleuth: Finding Hidden Connections in Cyber Data Jennifer Reif Developer Advocate, Neo4j [email protected] @JMHReif

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Who is Jennifer Reif? Developer Advocate, Neo4j • Continuous learner • Conference speaker • Tech blogger • Other: geek Jennifer Reif Developer Advocate, Neo4j [email protected] @JMHReif

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Let’s talk Cybersecurity Diverse topic

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Attack chain for CVE-2018-20250 exploit (WinRAR RCE)

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Who are we up against? Everyday data - complex, intricate Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash

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Cybersecurity tasks Identify and prevent: • Attacks (DOS / Ransomware) • Disclosure of private / sensitive data • Unauthorized changes to applications / privileges • Unauthorized account access

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How do we fight (all) these? • Separate hardware solution tools • Tackle multiple aspects: • (Usual) Internal accounts / exploits • External user accounts (customer + partner) • Exploitation pathways (exposed account) • Multiple action paths: • Reactive • Proactive

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Recap The problem(s) • Complex, intricate data • Attackers: looking for gaps across many vectors • Several cybersecurity tasks to manage • Need to compile multiple sources • Need to strategize from multiple perspectives

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What do the scenarios have in common?

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It’s a graph! Connected data = graph

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John Lambert -- Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center

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Defenders: lists Row + Column view of data • List of access user has • List of groups • List of permissions • List of applications • Lists of steps to perform Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

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Attackers: graphs Entrypoint -> What’s connected • Admin user -> workstation -> domain controller • User -> group -> machine <- admin

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Attack chain for CVE-2018-20250 exploit (WinRAR RCE)

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Path Connections present attack path(s)

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Networks are connected graphs Holistic view of network • Surface hidden connections • Combine data sources for direct/indirect relationships • Provide uni fi ed view • Naturally visual analysis/tooling

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Graph can help Approach data di ff erently • Minimize impacts by • Quickly identify risks • Detect anomalies • Protect systems from multiple vectors

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Building a graph

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Graph components Graph theory foundations • Node (vertex) • Relationship (edge)

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Nodes Graph components • Represent objects or entities • Can be labeled • May have properties Order Product Employee orderId: 162468 orderDate: 2019-04-01 productId: 08746589 name: “Ipoh Coffee” id: 247924 startDate: 2016-05-04 position: “Barista”

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Relationships Graph components • Must have a type • Must have a direction • May have properties • Nodes can have multiple Order Product Employee orderId: 162468 orderDate: 2019-04-01 productId: 08746589 name: “Ipoh Coffee” id: 247924 startDate: 2016-05-04 position: “Barista” CONTAINS date: 2022-08-16 tip: 1.00 SOLD CONTACT CREATED

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Label Graph components • A group of nodes • Like a category Person Employee Customer

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Neo4j Export / Import • Cypher + APOC • ETL Tool • Dump fi le (not backward-compatible)

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Cypher: powerful and expressive Jennifer Neo4j WORKS_FOR CREATE (:Person { name: ‘Jennifer’}) -[:WORKS_FOR]-> (:Company { name: ‘Neo4j’}) NODE PROPERTY NODE PROPERTY LABEL LABEL

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Cypher: read Jennifer Neo4j WORKS_FOR MATCH (:Person { name: ‘Jennifer’} ) -[:WORKS_FOR]-> ( whom ) RETURN whom

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Loading a dump file Drag+Drop

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APOC library Import CSVs (or other data) • Cypher LOAD CSV • apoc.load. • MERGE (node) • SET properties • APOC functions/procedures for manipulation and cleaning

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No content

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Resources • Github repository (today’s code): • Sandbox (hands-on - cybersecurity): • GraphAcademy: • NODES 2024: Jennifer Reif Developer Advocate, Neo4j [email protected] @JMHReif