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Dependency Tracking with Deptrac Jan Schädlich @jschaedl SensioLabs 2020-10-13 | Symfony User Group Hamburg An Introduction with Examples

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Software Architecture

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–Ralph Johnson „Architecture is about the important stuff. Whatever that is.“

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Core Admin Customer Driven Driving Hexagonal Architecture Onion Architecture Separation of Concerns ‣ Separation is achieved by dividing the software into layers ‣ At least one layer for business rules and another for interfaces

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How to ensure that our code follows the defined architecture?

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✓ PHAR | ✓ phive install -g sensiolabs-de/deptrac ✓ composer require --dev sensiolabs-de/deptrac-shim X composer require --dev sensiolabs-de/deptrac

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The depfile.yaml

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# depfile.yaml paths: - ./src exclude_files: - .*Tests.* - .*Resources.* - .*DependencyInjection.*

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# ... layers: - name: Entity collectors: - type: className regex: .*\\App\\Entity\\.* ‣ There are also other collector types available.

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# ... layers: # ... - name: UseCase collectors: - type: className regex: .*\\App\\UseCase\\.*

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# ... layers: # ... - name: Controller collectors: - type: className regex: .*\\App\\Controller\\.*

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# ... ruleset: Entity: ~ UseCase: - Entity Controller: - Entity - UseCase The Entity layer must not depend on other layers. The UseCase layer only depends on the Entity layer. The Controller layer can depend on the Entity and the UseCase layer.

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# directory - name: Controller collectors: - type: directory regex: ./App/Controller/.*

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# className - name: Controller collectors: - type: className regex: .*App\\.*Controller.*

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# classNameRegex - name: Controller collectors: - type: classNameRegex regex: '#.*App\\.*Controller.*#'

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# bool - name: Admin collectors: - type: bool must: - type: className regex: .*\\Admin\\.* must_not: - type: className regex: .*\\AdminBundle\\.*

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# method - name: Foo services collectors: - type: method name: .*foo

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# implements - name: Foo collectors: - type: implements name: 'App\SomeInterface'

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# extends - name: Foo collectors: - type: extends name: 'App\SomeClass'

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# uses - name: Foo collectors: - type: uses name: 'App\SomeTrait'

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# inherits - name: Foo collectors: - type: inherits name: 'App\{Interface|Class|Trait}'

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Console ‣ This is the default formatter.

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Github Actions ‣ Default formatter in Github Actions environment.

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Github Actions

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$ deptrac analyze examples/ControllerServiceRepository1.depfile.yml \ -—formatter-graphviz=1 \ --formatter-graphviz-display=1 \ --formatter-graphviz-dump-image=path/to/file.png \ --formatter-graphviz-dump-dot=path/to/ \ —-formatter-graphviz-dump-html=path/to/file.html Graphviz

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$ deptrac analyze examples/ControllerServiceRepository1.depfile.yml \ -—formatter-junit=1 \ —-formatter-junit-dump-xml=./junit-report.xml JUnit

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$ deptrac analyze examples/ControllerServiceRepository1.depfile.yml \ -—formatter-xml=1 \ —-formatter-xml-dump-xml=./deptrac-report.xml XML

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# skip_violations skip_violations: App\SomeClass: - App\SomeDependency

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Thank you!