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Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: Spring Boot 1.3 pour le web Stéphane Nicoll @snicoll Brian Clozel @brianclozel

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Comment créer une appli web avec Spring Boot 1.3?

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Externalized Configuration § Gérer la configuration d’une application § application-*.properties, application.yml § Clés définies par l’équipe Spring Boot
 « server.port », « spring.datasource… »

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L’équipe Spring Boot doit gérer
 ces clés de propriétés!

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Création d’une appli web pour gérer ces clés de props § Charger les artifacts maven § Lire les méta-données depuis les artifacts maven § Générer un modèle représentant les différences § Orchestrer le tout dans une application web!

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Toutes les étapes sont déjà ici: §

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Live coding!

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Custom banner.txt !

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Avec Spring Boot 1.4
 #TweetABootBanner on Twitter

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Validation: JSR-303 support org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-validation @Constraint(validatedBy = VersionValidator.class)

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§ boot-devtools.html Spring Boot Developer Tools org.springframework.boot spring-boot-devtools true

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Spring MVC Resource chain + Boot integration § Gérer les ressources statiques de l’application § Plus d’exemples: • •

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Actuator: custom Health check @Bean public HealthIndicator forTheWebHealthIndicator() { return () -> { if (new Random().nextBoolean()) { return Health.up().build(); } else { return Health.down() .withDetail("Ooops", 42).build(); } }; }

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Actuator: CounterService @Autowired private CounterService counterService; private void logMetrics(DiffRequest diffRequest) { this.counterService.increment("diff.from." + diffRequest.getFromVersion()); this.counterService.increment("" + diffRequest.getToVersion()); }

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Caching auto-configuration in Spring Boot @Bean public JCacheManagerCustomizer cacheManagerCustomizer() { return cm -> { cm.createCache("diffs", new MutableConfiguration<>() .setExpiryPolicyFactory(CreatedExpiryPolicy .factoryOf(Duration.ONE_HOUR)) .setStoreByValue(false) .setStatisticsEnabled(true)); }; }

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Create your own type safe config classes § Describe app properties in POJOs + javadoc § Declare them as @ConfigurationProperties § Scan them with @EnableConfigurationProperties § Metadata is generated by spring-boot-configuration-processor § Get IDE support and type-safe configuration in your app!

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Spring Framework 4.2 integration § Jackson @JsonView § HTTP Caching improvements § CORS support with @CrossOrigin

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Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: The Spring BOF Jeudi 19h45-20h35

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Merci! Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are 
 © 2013-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: Stéphane Nicoll 
 Brian Clozel