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Recreating the Du Bois Data Portraits

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“I can hardly realize they are all my people; that this great assembly of youth and intelligence are representatives of a race which twenty years ago was in bondage.” W.E.B. Du Bois at Fisk, circa 1885

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Atlanta University Debating Team, c. 1900 Women seated on steps of building at Atlanta University c. 1900

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W.E.B. Du Bois in Paris 1900 Exposition of the American Negro, Paris, 1900

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Historical Context 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 “Black America” Fair Plessy v. Ferguson Phila. Negro begins Wilmington Overthrow Lynchings Peak Paris Exposition

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We are here This is who we are This is how far we have come

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22” 28”

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Taxonomy Bars 52.63% Maps 15.79% Blocks 14.04% Circles 12.28% Graphs 5.26% Bars Maps Blocks Circles Graphs

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Color Palette black brown tan gold pink red green blue purple #000000 #654321 #d2b48c #ffd700 #ffc0cb #dc143c #00aa00 #4682b4 #7e6583

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Typography Public Sans Charter DU BOIS

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Pen, Ink, Watercolor, Paper, Expos 1900 Scripting, Digital Fonts, PDF, Internet Today

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decksh Structure Text Lists Arrows Images Graphics Charts Loops Data Utility

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent Grid

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Code Output Reference

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plate06/gapoly.dsh 800 plate20/galand.dsh 548 plate05/gapop.dsh 448 plate26/bardata.dsh 276 plate10/conjugal.dsh 256 plate08/migration.dsh 231 plate07/wc.dsh 208 plate09/agedist.dsh 199 plate53/conjugal.dsh 185 plate23/property.dsh 164 plate45/occupations.dsh 152 plate08/l.dsh 117 plate37/overview.dsh 114 plate43/occupation.dsh 112 plate31/income.dsh 111 plate25/household.dsh 109 plate21/propvalue.dsh 106 plate54/dline.dsh 100 plate30/tenant.dsh 94 plate03/statepop.dsh 94 plate40/popcompare.dsh 90 plate49/enrolled.dsh 89 plate44/proportion.dsh 89 plate41/countries-pop.dsh 89 plate15/children.dsh 88 plate62/religion.dsh 84 plate56/land.dsh 76 plate52/ur.dsh 71 plate47/natill.dsh 70 plate22/propval.dsh 67 plate14/illiteracy.dsh 67 plate50/generation.dsh 66 plate63/church.dsh 65 plate11/population.dsh 65 plate57/business.dsh 64 plate27/occupation.dsh 63 plate02/uspop.dsh 55 plate51/free-slave.dsh 54 plate46/teachers.dsh 54 plate13/color.dsh 50 plate60/crime.dsh 48 plate54/pop.dsh 47 plate24/farming.dsh 47 plate17/students.dsh 46 plate06/gapop2.dsh 42 plate16/teachers.dsh 40 plate26/occupation.dsh 39 plate42/population-proportion.dsh 38 plate55/property.dsh 37 plate38/dist.dsh 32 plate18/land.dsh 32 platexx/illiteracy.dsh 30 plate58/pauper.dsh 29 plate61/news.dsh 28 plate48/enrollment.dsh 22 plate01/georgia-negro.dsh 21 plate19/land.dsh 13 plate59/mortality.dsh 11 plate39/population.dsh 8 plate37/pie.dsh 6 plate23/lb4.dsh 6 plate23/lb3.dsh 6 plate23/lb2.dsh 6 plate23/lb1.dsh 6 plate23/db1.dsh 6 plate04/georgia-pop.dsh 6 Lines of decksh code Machine-Generated (mean=298.67) Hand-Coded (mean=59.83) Plates: Total LoC: Average LoC: 57 6,492 98.37

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Code Management and Automation Directory Scripting Source Control dubois-data-stories data-portraits.pdf mkdeck-all plate01 f.pdf f1.png original-plate01.jpg georgia-negro.dsh mkdeck mkdeck-png ... plate02 data.csv ... plate63 ./mkdeck # make the page ./mkdeck-png # make image ./mkdeck-all # make all pages git add ... git commit -m 'Add plate 23' git push origin master

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// Plate 39, Increase of the Negro population deck opts="-fulldeck=f -hbar -color red -val=f -ls 3.5" slide ctext "Increase of the Negro population in the United States of America" 50 95 2.5 "serif" "rgb(100,100,100)" ctext "Accroissement de la population Negre aux États-Unis d'Amérique" 50 90 1.5 "serif" "gray" dchart opts pop.d eslide edeck 1750 - 220,000 220000 1760 - 310,000 310000 1770 - 462,000 462000 1780 - 562,000 562000 1790 - 757,208 757208 1800 - 1,002,037 1002037 1810 - 1,377,808 1377808 1820 - 1,771,656 1771656 1830 - 2,328,642 2328642 1840 - 2,873,648 2873648 1850 - 3,638,808 3638808 1860 - 4,441,830 4441830 1870 - 4,880,009 4880009 1880 - 6,580,793 6580793 1890 - 7,470,040 7470040

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deck slide h1=3 h2=h1*0.70 h3=h1*0.5 // Top matter ctext "Pauperism among American Negroes." 50 97 h1 "serif" ctext "Pauperisme parmi les Nègres Americains" 50 92 h2 "serif" ctext "Done by Atlanta University" 50 87 h3 "serif" ctext "PROPORTION OF ALMSHOUSE PAUPERS IN EVERY 100,000 NEGROES." 50 75 h2 hline 40 90 20 0.075 hline 40 85 20 0.075 // Population and Paupers ctext "100,000" 50 70 h2 arc 50 30 50 50 0 180 50 "rgb(101,67,33)" arc 50 30 1.5 1.5 0 180 2 "crimson" ctext "86" 50 28 h2 ctext "PAUPERS" 50 26 h2 ctext "MALE" 25 19 h2 hline 0 15 55 8 "green" ctext "FEMALE" 75 19 h2 hline 55 15 45 8 "gold" ubrace 50 25 50 2 2 eslide edeck

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barwidth=30 freecolor="darkgreen" slavecolor="black" peasantcolor="maroon" tenantcolor=freecolor // left-hand bar left1=25 bot1=5 h1=30 top1=bot1+h1 len1=top1-bot1 slave1=len1*0.89 free=len1*0.11 f1=bot1+slave1 // right-hand bar left2=80 bot2=20 h2=60 top2=bot2+h2 len2=top2-bot2 prop=len2*0.19 p1=top2-prop vline left1 bot1 len1 barwidth slavecolor vline left1 f1 free barwidth freecolor vline left2 bot2 len2 barwidth freecolor vline left2 p1 prop barwidth peasantcolor

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Modern Data

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Original and Modern: Expenditures

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Data from the Social Sciences

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Links and Resources Presentation Catalog Repo Dubois Style/Modern Data "The" Book Library of Congress Collection Style Guide decksh Code decksh Presentation Dignity and Debt Black America, 1895 Nightingale Article #DuboisChallenge

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Anthony J. Starks Art + Code [email protected] @ajstarks @duboisviz

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