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 Music and Jupyter A combo for creating collaborative narratives for teaching Carol Willing Project Jupyter Cal Poly SLO August 24, 2017 JupyterCon 2017 @carolwilling

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Headline Slide Sub-headline Hello

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Headline Slide Sub-headline Hi

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Carol Willing Project Jupyter Steering Council and Developer Cal Poly SLO Software Engineer Python Software Foundation Recent Director CPython Core Developer Fab Lab San Diego Geek in Residence @willingcarol

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Learning results from what a student does and thinks and only what the student does and thinks. Herbert A. Simon

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Why music?

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Real world interest matters.

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Jupyter notebooks engage learners

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Engaging students and musicians PyCon 2014

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Universal Cross-cultural understanding

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Lifelong learning

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Access and opportunities

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...see mistakes interesting opportunities to learn Photo taken by Matthew Bowers Benjamin Zander

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 Tools Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab markdown language kernels (Python, R, Julia) ipywidgets nbconvert RISE, nbpresent Sphinx JupyterHub and Binder

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 Content music21 - Michael Cuthbert magenta - tensorflow music generation Allen Downey’s Think DSP notebooks Extempore - live coding of music Visualizing music - AnnMarie Thomas

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Jupyter Notebook A Jupyter Notebook document with a visualization of measles data.

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Jupyter Notebook Interactive Browser-based computing environment Exploratory Science, machine learning, visualization, analysis, stats Reproducible document format Code Narrative text (markdown) Equations (LaTeX) Images, visualizations Over 50 programming languages Everything open-source (BSD license)

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 Prose Code Visualizations Video and animations Widgets Audio Jupyter ingredients

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Prose #, ##, ### Headings *music* music **corpus** corpus `print(chord)` chord Shift-Enter Execute cell

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Live preview in JupyterLab preview source

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Code • JupyterLab (attach a console for exploration) • List and install requirements • Drop into file system • Export as script \

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Run code in the notebook Shift-Enter to execute a code cell. Shift-Command-Enter to enter single document mode. Similar to classic notebook.

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Visualizations music21 - sheet music

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\ Visualizations music21 interact with MuseScore

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Visualizations \ music21 translate to braille

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Video and Animation \

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ipywidgets Docs cookiecutter to simplify creating new widgets Interactive Documentation Engaging User Content Rapid “what if” scenarios Widgets

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Audio \

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Audio \

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Audio \ Ian Simon and Sageev Oore. "Performance RNN: Generating Music with Expressive Timing and Dynamics." Magenta Blog, 2017. rnn

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Audio \

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Everyday Sounds \

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Nature’s music \

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How? Start with content (videos, code, notebooks) Gather into a repo Create and iterate on notebooks Use Binder to share Run a workshop or lesson (RISE, nbpresent) Publish (Sphinx supports markdown, reStructuredText, notebooks) Create a website

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Live code on Binder

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Exploration and experimentation Physical media with electronics Real world, self-directed projects Teaching Signal Processing using Wearables and Jupyter Notebooks Dr. Demba Ba

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Using Jupyter Notebooks with R in the classroom Tanya Schlusser Excellent resource on using tmpnb and JupyterHub for teaching

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What can you do with Jupyter? Extend Remix Apply Collaborate ? ?

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Creating gateways to learning PyLadies DjangoGirls Workshops Conferences User groups Sprints Documentation Credit:

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You create the future Credit:

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Sub-headline Thank you

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• Demba Ba • Jeremy Freeman, Binder • Michael Cuthbert, music21 • Allen Downey, Think DSP • AnnMarie Thomas, Visualizing Music Attributions and recognition A huge thank you to the Project Jupyter team and community. Your hard work and passion makes this all possible. • Tanya Schuller • Magenta team • FabLab San Diego • Photo credits on individual slides • Content credit on slides

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 Music and Jupyter A combo for creating collaborative narratives for teaching Carol Willing Project Jupyter Cal Poly SLO August 24, 2017 JupyterCon 2017 @carolwilling