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Sustainability Compliance to Creativity Engineering to Ethos Landmark, Beacon Court, Dublin | 19.12.07 | John Manoochehri | RV for

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Agenda Points JM Intro Policy/Research, Strategy Consulting, Design Consulting and Design Sustainability Survey History, International Context, UK/Ireland Context Summary of Sustainability Science/Design Key Themes, Systematic Sustainability, Concepts Sustainable development

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History Pre-Enlightenment Ancients Lao Tzu, Plato, Asoka: c.500 BCE Industrial Revolution Romantics Muir, Ruskin, Thoreau: late 19th C Early Scientists Brandeis, Pinchot, Leopold: 19th-20th 20th C disasters Minamata Bay, Torrey Canyon, Chernobyl: 60s-80s Scientists Carson, Meadows, Commoner, Ehrlich: 60s, 70s Green Ideologues Kelly, Bahro, Porritt: 80s

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History Pre-Enlightenment Ancients Lao Tzu, Plato, Asoka: c.500 BCE Industrial Revolution Romantics Muir, Ruskin, Thoreau: late 19th C Early Scientists Brandeis, Pinchot, Leopold: 19th-20th 20th C disasters Minamata Bay, Torrey Canyon, Chernobyl: 60s-80s Scientists Carson, Meadows, Commoner, Ehrlich: 60s, 70s Green Ideologues Kelly, Bahro, Porritt: 80s

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History Pre-Enlightenment Ancients Lao Tzu, Plato, Asoka: c.500 BCE Industrial Revolution Romantics Muir, Ruskin, Thoreau: late 19th C Early Scientists Brandeis, Pinchot, Leopold: 19th-20th 20th C disasters Minamata Bay, Torrey Canyon, Chernobyl: 60s-80s Scientists Carson, Meadows, Commoner, Ehrlich: 60s, 70s Green Ideologues Kelly, Bahro, Porritt: 80s

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History: Summary of Ideas Lack of Harmony Separation from Nature Pollution Humankind spoiling its own living environment Wise-use Lack of strategy in exploiting resources Industrial Ugliness Machinery harming Nature, humankind brutalising/being brutalised Englightenment Inverted Separation from natural systems, lack of immediate feedbacks, lack of contextual limits Hypertechnology, Systems Complexity Super-pollution, Mega-catastrophe Politico-economic ‘anthropocentrism’ (c.f. ‘geocentrism’) Defective theories of economic development

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Policy 19th C National parks (Yellowstone, 1872), game reserves, scientific conservation Post-war Some intl interest (UNSCCUR ‘49) 50s-70s Anti-pollution legislation, toxics legislation, government ministries 80s Green parties, consumer action 90s Rio (UNCED ‘92) decade, international meetings

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Policy 19th C National parks (Yellowstone, 1872), game reserves, scientific conservation Post-war Some intl interest (UNSCCUR ‘49) 50s-70s Anti-pollution legislation, toxics legislation, government ministries 80s Green parties, consumer action 90s Rio (UNCED ‘92) decade, international meetings

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Policy 19th C National parks (Yellowstone, 1872), game reserves, scientific conservation Post-war Some intl interest (UNSCCUR ‘49) 50s-70s Anti-pollution legislation, toxics legislation, government ministries 80s Green parties, consumer action 90s Rio (UNCED ‘92) decade, international meetings

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Policy 19th C National parks (Yellowstone, 1872), game reserves, scientific conservation Post-war Some intl interest (UNSCCUR ‘49) 50s-70s Anti-pollution legislation, toxics legislation, government ministries 80s Green parties, consumer action 90s Rio (UNCED ‘92) decade, international meetings

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Policy: Summary of Action Mandates Policy frameworks (Agenda 21), Changed mandates (GATT) Institutional development Government Agencies and Ministries Policies Regulatory: Preservation, Anti-pollution Fiscal: Resource-use taxes, Behaviour taxes, Funding for research Informational: consumer education/information Concepts Sustainable development

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Science Yield Resources/Media Forests (productivity, area) Fisheries (productivity, species) Minerals/Fossils (availability) Rangelands (cattle health/productivity, feed sustainability, toxification) Pastures (soil depth, soil fertility, productivity, toxification): Land (urbanisation, toxification) Air (pollution) Water (freshwater stocks, pollution) Non-yield Resources Ecosystem resilience Carbon/Nitrogen/Water Cycles Climate stability Drainage Nature Species Ecosystems Biomes Aggregate Impact Eco-Footprint Environmental Space Ecosystem health CO2e concentration

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Science Yield Resources/Media Forests (productivity, area) Fisheries (productivity, species) Minerals/Fossils (availability) Rangelands (cattle health/productivity, feed sustainability, toxification) Pastures (soil depth, soil fertility, productivity, toxification): Land (urbanisation, toxification) Air (pollution) Water (freshwater stocks, pollution) Non-yield Resources Ecosystem resilience Carbon/Nitrogen/Water Cycles Climate stability Drainage Nature Species Ecosystems Biomes Aggregate Impact Eco-Footprint Environmental Space Ecosystem health CO2e concentration

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Science Yield Resources/Media Forests (productivity, area) Fisheries (productivity, species) Minerals/Fossils (availability) Rangelands (cattle health/productivity, feed sustainability, toxification) Pastures (soil depth, soil fertility, productivity, toxification): Land (urbanisation, toxification) Air (pollution) Water (freshwater stocks, pollution) Non-yield Resources Ecosystem resilience Carbon/Nitrogen/Water Cycles Climate stability Drainage Nature Species Ecosystems Biomes Aggregate Impact Eco-Footprint Environmental Space Ecosystem health CO2e concentration

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Science: Summary of SoE Yield Resources Forests: 36M hectare loss 2000-2005 [1] Fisheries: 70% decline in cod catch in 30 years, collapsing stocks (Newfoundland), ICES calling for zero cod quota for EU [2] Non-Yield Resources Climate stability: 550ppm/3° C rise in century [3]; half global nature reserves destroyed, 400 million more in poverty [4] Nature Species Loss: 20% bird species threatened [5] 2. [ fisheries_management/index.cfm] References 1. [ ] 3. 5. 4.

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Structure IMPACT MANAGEMENT DEMAND MANAGEMENT ETHICAL TRANSFORM Pollution Reduction Conservation Management Preservation Resource Productivity Multifunctionality Use Efficiency Welfare Efficiency Sheer reductions in all consumption Scientific Management Substitution Technology Park Management Preservation Research/Management Remeditation and Restoration Cycling Durability Recycled materials Process Efficiency Product Efficiency Multiple simultaneous Functionality Multiple sequential Functionality Intensive simultaneous use Intensive sequential use Smart Technology Skills-in-use development Choice of impact managed lifestyles Choice of demand managed lifestyles Direct, personal reductions of impacts and resource demands.

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Structure: Methods Economics Pricing Subsidy Theory Engineering Clean Efficient Social Sciences Aware Responsible Collaborative Design Clean Recyclable Durable Repairable Efficient Interface Systems

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Visions Clean by Technology Biotech, Bioremeditation, Nuclear, Hypertech Efficiency by Design Full-system design, Advanced composites, Intelligent Controls, Passive Systems Better-organised by (Lifestyle) Systems Public systems, Commercial Services, Changed business models Sufficiency by Simplicity Downshift, Locality

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90% resource demand reductions

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90% resource demand reductions in a consumer world

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90% resource demand reductions in a consumer world twice as populated

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90% resource demand reductions in your lifetime in a consumer world twice as populated

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90% resource demand reductions in your lifetime in a consumer world twice as populated