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Object Reorientation @mathiasverraes

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Mathias Verraes Independent Consultant @mathiasverraes

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Systems are all about behaviour

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State as a side effect

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Functions f(x, y) -> z

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What does it do? f(x, y) -> z

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Types f(x, y) -> z where x : "A dog named Charles" y : [[1, 4], [76, "D5004375571"]] z : WAT?!

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Types f(x, y) -> z where x : int y : int z : 1 | 0 | -1

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Types function compare($left, $right) { if($left > $right) return 1; elseif($left == $right) return 0; else return -1; }

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Hacklang function compare(int $left, int $right) : int { if($left > $right) return 1; elseif($left == $right) return 0; else return -1; }

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Types are logical propositions about your code

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Types make it easier for programs to reason about programs

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Tools for typing in PHP: Classes interfaces type hints

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Types prevent type bugs function send( $articleId, $subscriberId ) send($subscriberId, $articleId) // bug function send( ArticleId $articleId, SubscriberId $subscriberId )

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Recurring pattern f(d : T, a, b) -> d' : T

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Recurring pattern function doOperation($onData, $withArg, $andArg) { // ... return $newData; } function otherOp($onData, $withArg) { // ... return $newData; }

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$article = [ 'title' => "Object Reorientation", 'body' => "Encapsulate all the things", 'author' => "@mathiasverraes", 'published' => "no", ]; $article['published'] = "yes";

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without encapsulation, changes propagate $article = [ 'title' => "Object Reorientation", 'body' => "Encapsulate all the things", 'author' => "@mathiasverraes", 'published' => false, ]; $publishedArticle = publish($article, 10); $publishedArticle = [ 'title' => "Object Reorientation", 'body' => "Encapsulate all the things", 'author' => "@mathiasverraes", 'published' => false, ];

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That's not what arrays are for

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Arrays are collections of values of the same type

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NOT OK $article = [ 'title' => "Object Reorientation", 'body' => "Encapsulate all the things", 'author' => "@mathiasverraes", 'published' => false, ];

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OK $fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]; $articles = [ $objectReorientation, $understandingFibonacci, ]; $indexedArticles = [ 34 => $objectReorientation, 951 => $understandingFibonacci, ];

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Encapsulation doOperation($onData, $withArg, $andArg) -> $object->doOperation($withArg, $andArg) $article->publish()

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Design objects from the outside $article = new Article($title, $body, $author); $article->publish(); $this->setExpectedException( CantChangePublishedArticle::class ); $this->rename($newTitle); // throws!

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Objects guard their own consistency $article = new Article(); // <-inconsistent $article->setTitle($title); // <-inconsistent $article->setBody($body); // <-inconsistent $article->setAuthor($author); // <-consistent

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Objects guard their own consistency final class Article { private $title, $body, $author; public function __construct($title, $body, $author) { if(empty($title) || !is_string($title)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException; } // etc... $this->body = $body; $this->author = $author; $this->title = $title; } }

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Objects are contracts final class StoryUpdates { public function notify(Article $source, Subscriber $subscriber) { // ... } }

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Objects compose final class Article { private $title; private $body; private $author; public function __construct( Title $title, Body $body, Author $author ) { $this->body = $body; $this->author = $author; $this->title = $title; } }

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Objects decompose final class TimeSlot { public function __construct( Time $startTime, Time $endTime ) { // ... } }

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Object patterns

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Value Object final class TwitterHandle { private $name; public function __construct($name) { if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,15}$/', $name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException; } $this->name = $name; } public function __toString() { return $this->name; } }

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No, you will not have too many objects.

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Trust me on that.

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Value Object final class Money { private $amount; private $currency; public function __construct($amount, Currency $currency) { // guards ... $this->amount = $amount; $this->currency = $currency; } }

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attracts behaviour final class Money { /** @return Money **/ public function add(Money $other) /** @return Money[] **/ public function allocate([6, 3, 1]) }

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values are immutable $jim_price = new Money(2500, new Currency('EUR')); $hannah_price = $jim_price; $coupon = new Money(500, new Currency('EUR')); $jim_price->subtract($coupon); $jim_price->equals($hannah_price); // true!

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values objects are immutable $new_price = $jim_price->subtract($coupon);

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values objects are immutable /** @return Money **/ public function add(Money $other) { if(!$this->hasSameCurrencyAs($other)){ throw new CantAddDifferentCurrencies; } return new Money( $this->amount + $other->amount, $this->currency ); }

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Entity final class Article { private $id; private $title; private $published = false; public function __construct(ArticleId $id, Title $title) { $this->id = $id; $this->title = $title; } public function publish() { $this->published = true; } }

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lifecycle changes over time stable identity

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Repositories collect entities final class ArticleRepository { private $db; public function __construct(Database $db) /** @return Article */ public function find(ArticleId $articleId) /** @return Article[] */ public function findAll() /** @return Article[] */ public function findByAuthor(Author $author) }

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Procedural -> abstractions into objects

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$countOrders = DB::query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE customerId = :customerId', [ 'customerId' => $customer['id']] ); if($countOrders > 5) { $template = 'gold.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } else { $totalAmountSpent = DB::query( 'SELECT ...', [ 'customerId' => $customer['id']] ); if($totalAmountSpent > 5000) { $template = 'silver.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } else { $template = 'bronze.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } }

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$customer['id'] vs $customer->getId();

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Specification final class CustomerHas5Orders { private $db; public function __construct(DB $db) { $this->db = $db; } /** @return bool */ public function isSatisfiedBy(Customer $customer) { // ... } }

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Strategy final class MailingTemplateStrategy { //... private $strategy; public function __construct(Db $db, Mailer $mailer) { //... $this->strategy = [ 'gold.html' => new CustomerHas5Orders($db), 'silver.html' => new CustomerSpent5000EUR($db), 'bronze.html' => new CustomerBought1Product($db), ]; } public function getTemplateFor(Customer $customer) { // ... return $template; } }

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Polymorphism final class TenantAStrategy implements MailingTemplateStrategy { /* ... */} final class TenantBStrategy implements MailingTemplateStrategy { /* ... */}

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Give up control $campaign = new PromotionCampagin( new TenantAStrategy() ); tell a story $campaign->sendNewsletterTo( $customers->registeredBefore($date) );

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looks like code $countOrders = DB::query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE customerId = :customerId', [ 'customerId' => $customer['id']] ); if($countOrders > 5) { $template = 'gold.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } else { $totalAmountSpent = DB::query( 'SELECT ...', [ 'customerId' => $customer['id']] ); if($totalAmountSpent > 5000) { $template = 'silver.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } else { $template = 'bronze.html'; sendMail($template, ...); } }

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looks like business $campaign->sendNewsletterTo( $customers->registeredBefore($date) );

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great programming is great Storytelling

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Links » Final Classes, Mathias Verraes » DRY is about Knowledge, Mathias Verraes » Value Objects, Tony Piper » Object Thinking, David West » Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler » Domain-Driven Design, Eric Evans

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inheritance is (mostly) evil