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Speaker Deck 公開バージョン
Intel, Tofino への投資凍結を発表
Intel Q4 2022 Earnings Call | Tofino 開発中止を中心とした NEX Group 視点でのまとめ | 2023/01/28
Intel Sunsets Network Switch Biz, Kills RISC-V Pathfinder Program
(2023/01/26 PST)
"NEX continues to do well and is a core part of our strategic transformation, but we will end
future investments in our network switching product line, while still fully supporting
existing products and customers," said Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger.
There's no word on how many Intel employees could face layoffs as a result of the action.
The network switch business marks the seventh non-core business Intel has ended since Pat
Gelsinger's arrival, including winding down Optane Memory production, jettisoning the
company's drone business, and selling the SSD storage unit to SK Hynix to generate $1.5
billion for investment in areas that are core to Intel's business.
Intel is halting development of the networking chip it got from Barefoot Networks
(2023/01/26 PST)
Intel Corp. plans to shut down future development of the networking chip technology it
acquired less than four years ago. The Santa Clara tech giant intends to cease work on its
Tofino networking switch chips, CEO Pat Gelsinger said in an earnings conference call
late Thursday.
The move to end development of the Tofino chips is only the latest example of Intel buying a
Silicon Valley startup for its promising technology and later dropping the effort. In 2016, for
example, the company acquired Nervana Systems Inc., a developer of artificial intelligence
software and a machine-learning chip. Intel shut down Nervana two years ago, soon after it
bought Habana Labs, which makes AI chips.
(2022年度 Q4 決算発表:2023/01/26 )
• あくまでも投資家(株主)向けの発表
• 今後のユーザ企業(製品ベンダ含む)との会話で方針が調整され
• Intel NEX Group としての方針は近日業界に向けたレターが発行
• からのアナウンスも注目
Intel オフィシャルコメント:
Earning Comments from CEO Pat Gelsinger and CFO Dave Zinsner
We are making tough decisions to right-size the organization, and we further
sharpened our business focus within our BUs (business units) by rationalizing product
roadmaps and investments. NEX continues to do well and is a core part of our
strategic transformation, but we will end future investment on our network
switching product line, while still fully supporting existing products and
customers. Since my return, we have exited seven businesses, providing in excess of
$1.5 billion in savings. We are also well underway to integrating AXG (Accelerated
Computing Systems and Graphics) into CCG (Client Computing Group) and DCAI
(Data Center and AI Group), respectively, to drive a more effective go-to-market
capability, accelerating the scale of these businesses while further reducing costs.
Tofino を利用しているベンダ
• NoviFlow ...
• Kaloom ...
• Arrcus (SRv6MUP専用?) ... Press Release
• Oxide Computer (IaaS) ...