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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛ RxΆ͘͢Δ 2019/12/24 ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Yaruki00 @Yaruki00 @Yaruki_00 ઒ล༟ଠ Yuta Kawabe J04։ൃྺ೥͘Β͍ ࠷ۙ͸3YΛ࢖ͬͨ.77.͕޷͖ ΫϦεϚεͰࢥ͍ग़͢͜ͱ͸ಛʹແ͍ BOEGBDUPSZגࣜձࣾ J04ΤϯδχΞ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ݩʹͳͬͨهࣄ ▸ ͍͍Ͷ͍ͩ͘͞ʂ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. subscribeʹ ৭ʑॻ͖͕ͪ Rxॳ৺ऀ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag)

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) σʔλͷม׵

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) Φϓγϣφϧͷ Ξϯϥοϓ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ϑΟϧλϦϯά

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) Φϒβʔόʔʹ ΤϨϝϯτΛૹΔ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΠϚΠνͳsubscribe tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag)

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ॻ͖׵͑ͯ ͍͖·͢

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ σʔλͷม׵ tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) σʔλͷม׵

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ σʔλͷม׵ let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } func map(_ transform: @escaping (Self.Element) throws -> Result) -> RxSwift.Observable લ ޙ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΦϓγϣφϧͷΞϯϥοϓ tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) Φϓγϣφϧͷ Ξϯϥοϓ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΦϓγϣφϧͷΞϯϥοϓ guard let int = optionalInt else { return } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } func flatMap(_ selector: @escaping (Self.Element) throws -> Source) -> RxSwift.Observable where Source : RxSwift.ObservableConvertibleType લ ޙ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ϑΟϧλϦϯά tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ϑΟϧλϦϯά

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ϑΟϧλϦϯά if int > 0 { … } .filter { $0 > 0 } func filter(_ predicate: @escaping (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) -> RxSwift.Observable લ ޙ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΦϒβʔόʔʹΤϨϝϯτΛૹΔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) Φϒβʔόʔʹ ΤϨϝϯτΛૹΔ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ΦϒβʔόʔʹΤϨϝϯτΛૹΔ someObserver.on(.next(int)) .bind(to: someObserver) func bind(to observers: Observer...) -> RxSwift.Disposable where Observer : RxSwift.ObserverType, Self.Element == Observer.Element લ ޙ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag)

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag) σʔλͷม׵

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag) Φϓγϣφϧͷ Ξϯϥοϓ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ϑΟϧλϦϯά

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ϦϨʔʹ ΤϨϝϯτΛૹΔ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ϏϑΥΞ&Ξϑλʔ tableView.rx.itemSelected .map { dataSource?[$0.row] } .flatMap { $0.flatMap(Observable.just) ?? .empty() } .filter { $0 > 0 } .bind(to: someObserver) .disposed(by: disposeBag) tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in let optionalInt = dataSource?[indexPath.row] guard let int = optionalInt else { return } if int > 0 { someObserver.on(.next(int)) } }) .disposed(by: disposeBag)

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ͋Δ͋ΔLT Vol.9 | ΠϚΠνͳsubscribeΛRxΆ͘͢Δ ศརͳΦϖϨʔλʔ͸ͨ͘͞Μ͋Δ ▸ ▸ merge ▸ distinct ▸ skip, take ▸ zip ▸ observeOn, subscribeOn ▸ ͳͲͳͲ

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© and factory,inc. All Rights Reserved. ΦϖϨʔλʔΛ ࢖͍͜ͳͯ͠ ָ͍͠RxϥΠϑΛʂ