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Su Myat Tun Mastering Apps for Large Screens

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What + Why Large Screens ?

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Why large screens Matter for your app It is not just larger, but it’s optimal in that new context. Why adapt apps How to adapt your app design in portrait posture, ways to consider approach to adapting tablets Approaches 01 02 03 What + Why Large Screen?

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1. Phones, Foldables, and Tablets 2. Android 12L + Android 13 3. Optimized UXs for different forms of Input 4. Multi-tasking 280M Active large-screen devices Section #

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Beyond mobile phones, foldables and tablets are fasted growing devices

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It is not only about stretch to fit but also adapt new form factors

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Large screen gives user more immersive experience

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User expectations that change when an app is adapted to a larger screen Device Basics What + Why Large Screen?

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User approach tablets often because it helps people get more done.

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1. Comfort 2. Capability 3. Efficiency 4. Immersion Design challenge for Large screens

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1. Comfort - less constrained by portable form; space to see more at the same time 2. Capability 3. Efficiency 4. Immersion

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1. Comfort 2. Capability - Ability to see more and do more 3. Efficiency 4. Immersion

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1. Comfort 2. Capability 3. Efficiency - Makes multitasking is easier 4. Immersion

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1. Comfort 2. Capability 3. Efficiency 4. Immersion

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Way to consider when approaching adapting the composition of your mobile apps for tablets. Way to Adapt Approach

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Expand & reorganize 01 Combine content 02

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21 Expand & reorganize A great option would be expand the canvas of a phone screen, and reorganize the content. This is different from simply “stretching” the mobile phone design Approach

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22 Combine content Based on your mobile app hierarchy, this would be essentially taking multiple screens from one user flow and present them in a single view, when on a tablet. Approach +

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Way to consider when approaching adapting the composition of your mobile apps for tablets. Building blocks Approach

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25 Layout regions Foundation for interactive experiences. Navigation, App bar,Body Building blocks

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In tablet, move nav bar to the edges that make easier to access

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The compositions can be helpful when defining layouts and organizing common elements involved in adapting your app. Canonical layouts Adapting

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Layout regions How to organize the content and actions in your app to best suit the use-cases you support. Adapting

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1. List Detail Many layouts can be established based on the relationship between a list of items and a detailed view for a selected item.

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1:1 layout 1:2 layout

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Supporting panel The supporting panel layout extends a screen which different from list and detail view layout because the primary and secondary regions represent functionally distinct panels. Adapting

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Feed Feeds are a common layout found in news and social apps. A feed layout can be used to show different pieces of content thought cards and lists. Feeds

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Large Screen Quality Tiers measurement

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Large screen ready Full screen Basic support for external support devices Large Screen optimized Layout optimization Enhanced support for external input devices Tier 3: Basic Tier 2: Better Large Screen differentiated Multitasking Foldable postures Drag & drop Tier 1: Best 01 02 03 Quality Tiers

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Large Screen Restricted

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Keep learning How to build great Android apps for large screens and foldables on youtube

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Thank You Su Myat Tun Senior Android Developer @ Lomotif