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Swift 2 Error Handling V.S. Result 2015/06/27 Swift 2 (& LLDB) Symposium Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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Who? • Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy • LINE Corp • WWDC 2015 Attendee • guard case .Left(let Him) = photo else {
 // It’s me
 throw stone 

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Good old days…

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Error Handling in Objective-C + (id)JSONObjectWithData:(NSData *)data options: (NSJSONReadingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)error NSData* jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; id json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:1 error:NULL]; Method Usage

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Passing Error Pointer (Obj-C) NSError* error = nil; id json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error]; if (error) { // do error handling return } // do success handling

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Async Error Handling (Obj-C) NSURLSessionDataTask* task = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) { if (error) { // do error handling return } // do success handling }];

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or, Exception Handling (Obj-C) @try { // Code that can potentially throw an exception } @catch (NSException *exception) { // Handle an exception thrown in the @try block } @finally { // Code that gets executed // whether or not an exception is thrown } … but rarely used in Objective-C

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Swift 1 (Either/Result) • Optional + Error • map, flatMap … functional • 3rd party: LlamaKit/LlamaKit → antitypical/Result enum Result { case Success(T) case Failure(Error) }

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We were pretty happy with Result, until …

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Swift 2 Error Handling

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do { try doSomething(arg) } catch { // do error handling }

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throws / rethrows

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Java’s Exception Handling Model

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Swift 2 Error Handling • Throwing Function • Returns value, or throws error (ErrorType) • Must declare throws / rethrows • Supertype of non-throwing function • Works swiftly with existing Objective-C Cocoa APIs • Can set breakpoint (e.g. br s -E swift -O MyError) • Similar to Java’s Checked Exception (not NSException)

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Ref: Checked/Unchecked Exceptions • Checked Exception • Error from outside of program control & should be recoverable • Forces caller to use do-catch conditional blocks • No unwinding callstack penalties for unhandled errors • Unchecked Exception • Programmer’s mistake & should NOT be recoverable

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do-try-catch / try! • do-try-catch, not “try-catch” • try expression is required for **every ** call of throwing function • or, try! (forced-try) to omit do-catch blocks • catch clause can be used like switch statement • Use defer in replace of “finally”

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Sequential flow (Result) let result3 = doSync1(arg) .flatMap(doSync2) .flatMap(doSync3) switch result3 { case .Success(let value3): // do success handling case .Failure(let error): // do error handling }

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Sequential flow (Result) let result3 = doSync1(arg) .flatMap(doSync2) .flatMap(doSync3) switch result3 { case .Success(let value3): // do success handling case .Failure(let error): // do error handling } Functional All Error types must be same...

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Sequential flow (Result) let result3 = doSync1(arg) .flatMap(doSync2.mapError {…}) .flatMap(doSync3.mapError {…}) switch result3 { case .Success(let value3): // do success handling case .Failure(let error): // do error handling } Error conversion is sometimes required...

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Sequential flow (Throwing Func) do { let value1 = try doSync1(arg) let value2 = try doSync2(value1) let value3 = try doSync3(value2) // do success handling } catch { // do error handling }

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Sequential flow (Throwing Func) do { let value1 = try doSync1(arg) let value2 = try doSync2(value1) let value3 = try doSync3(value2) // do success handling } catch { // do error handling } Imperative Can catch any ErrorTypes

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Swift 2 Error Handling LGTM

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Issues in Throwing Function • Too loose ErrorType • Async Issue • Separation of Concerns

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Too loose ErrorType func throwLikeCrazy(x: Int) throws { switch x { case 0: throw MyError.XXX case 1: throw YourError.YYY default: throw HisError.ZZZ } }

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func throwLikeCrazy(x: Int) throws { switch x { case 0: throw MyError.XXX case 1: throw YourError.YYY default: throw HisError.ZZZ } } Too loose ErrorType No ErrorType info Can throw many different ErrorTypes

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do { try throwLikeCrazy(x) } catch { // do error handling } Too loose ErrorType Catch… What???

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Throwing Function execution block + return value, or throw error =

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all at once

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Throwing Function only works synchronously

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Workaround for asynchrony

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Separation of Concerns

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execution block + return value, or throw error

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execution evaluation

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Just like Result

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Essentially... Void throws -> T Result 㱻

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Sync + Lazy Throwing let result = doSync(arg) do { let value = try result() // do success handling } catch { // do error handling }

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try result rather than try execution

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Async + Lazy Throwing doAsync(arg) { result in do { let value = try result() // do success handling } catch { // do error handling } }

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Lazy Throwing LGTM

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Issues in Lazy Throwing • try result() is ugly • No `()`, please… • Ideally, it’s better if we can try Result enum rather than try throwing function • Too verbose for sync task & can’t throw immediately • Use lazy throwing for async only? 
 (but it will lack consistency…)

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… Shouldn’t we just go back to Result?

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Result LGTM I changed my mind

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Issues in Result • Result is just an Enum • Same weight for both success value and error • No compiler support (breakpoint, do-catch) • Too easy to ignore errors • var value: T? … Result → Optional conversion • map() / flatMap() … using success value without checking error

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Error Handling in Rust // before fn write_info(info: &Info) -> io::Result<()> { let mut file = File::create("list.txt").unwrap(); if let Err(e) = writeln!(&mut file, "name: {}", { return Err(e) } if let Err(e) = writeln!(&mut file, "age: {}", info.age) { return Err(e) } return Ok(()); }

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Error Handling in Rust // after fn write_info(info: &Info) -> io::Result<()> { let mut file = try!(File::create("list.txt")); // Early return on error try!(writeln!(&mut file, "name: {}",; try!(writeln!(&mut file, "age: {}", info.age)); Ok(()) }

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If rewrite in Swift…

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func doSomething() -> Result { let result: Result = ... let value = try result

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func doSomething() -> Result { let result: Result = ... let value = try result let value: T1 switch result { case .Success(let v1): value = v1 case .Failure(let e1): return .Failure(E2.convertFrom(e1)) } 㱻

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func doSomething() -> Result { let result: Result = ... let value = try result let value: T1 switch result { case .Success(let v1): value = v1 case .Failure(let e1): return .Failure(E2.convertFrom(e1)) } Early-exit with auto-mapping Error! 㱻

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Rust uses Result + try result

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Much cleverer & type safe than throw

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Recap • Both throwing function and Result have pros and cons • “try result” is more important than ”try execution” • Rust’s Error Handling is awesome

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Q. Will we be able to ”try result” in future Swift?

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Let’s dream!

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Thank you!