Slide 31
Slide 31 text
Line item Open Source / Self managed Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
App Migration Use 5-tips for data-modeling and modify app
End-to-end migration guide
Data Migration
pg_dump/pg_restore, pgcopydb for online migration
pg_azure_storage extension: Query and load data directly from blob.
ADF, Azure Databricks, Azure Stream Analytics, any integration to PG.
Deployment Docker images for dev/test
Burstable Compute for dev/test
ARM/BICEP templates
High Availability Patroni HA for Citus Auto HA with SLAs
Upgrades Open Source Docs Self-serve upgrades
Disaster Recovery pg_dump/pg_restore
pgbackrest, wal-e, wal-g
Automatic Cross-AZ Backups + PITR
Cross-region read replicas
Infra Metrics Self-managed using any PG monitoring tool Azure Monitor Integration
PG Bouncer Setup using community docs Pgbouncer support included
DB tuning and
troubleshooting Performance tuning 1, Performance tuning 2, Useful Diagnostic Queries
Security Roles, RLS Roles, RLS, Azure Firewall, Azure Private Endpoint
Scale Self-manage addition, removal of infra
Use fully OSS shard rebalancer
Out-of-box support for vertical and horizontal scale
Checklist to run app in production with Citus