Slide 18
Slide 18 text
Described by Agile Manifesto author, Alistair Cockburn (1), The “early victory” strategy is
based on the work of sociologist Karl Weick (1), showing that achieving results helps people
come to trust each other more, raises morale and helps them perform better. Architectural
decision making to should consider “Early victory” to prioritise small meaningful wins.
At the beginning of a project it is often wise to implement a “Walking Skeleton” to provide
an early victory to the team and stakeholders. It’s the first deliverable, a thin end-to-end
implementation which exercises the core architecture, de-risking potential design flaws
and known constraints.
2) Karl Weick, The Social Psychology of Organizing, McGraw-Hill Humanities/ Social
Sciences/Languages; 2nd edition, 1979.