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With Rust Extend elixir Rust MX

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@phonnz Intuitivo

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Agenda ● Elixir ● NIF ● Rustler ● Basics ● Example

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Elixir ● Functional language (10 years). ● Erlang BEAM runtime. ● Process order (M) ● Macro system. ● Let It Crash philosophy. ● Concurrency. ● Other languages best practices based.

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● C functions. ● Transparent functions. ● Shared Library. (SO, dll) ● Runtime loadable. NIFs ● Dynamically linked ● Fastest way of calling C-code, Rust, Go.

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Rustler ● Erlang NIFs ● Safe Rust Code ● No BEAM crash ● Catches rust panics. ● Supports Erlang as well ● Decoding Rust Values ● Encoding Rust values ● Type composition ● Safe reference passing.

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Elixir Dependecy {:rustler, "~> 0.21.1"}

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Compiler defp rustler_crates do [ rustex: [path: "native/rustex", mode: if(Mix.env() == :prod, do: :release, else: :debug)] ] end

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@phonnz [email protected] Q&A