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Go Global Cookpad Techconf 2017 Kentaro Takiguchi

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@rejasupotaro came from↓

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15 languages 58 countries 30M+

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Mission: Solve social problems through Cooking and Technology

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Imagine what you should do when you launch your service in MENA

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Go Global Product Development Team

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Global Product

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How fast your service is adapted

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Religion affects your service

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Each country has different regulations

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We can’t launch our service without understanding local culture

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Lifestyle Climate Folk culture Structure of “Local Culture” Speed of change

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How much should we localize?

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Meet must-be quality before release Meet attractive quality continuously Kano model How much should we localize?

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“quality” varies by country e.g. cafes provide free Wi-Fi in Vietnam (must-be quality)

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e.g. Japanese people expects high quality for services “quality” varies by country

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Analyse users by context, not attributes age, gender,… users who want to communicate… why, when, how

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Global Development

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Globalization Internationalization Localization Translation

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Internationalization The process of designing a service so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and region without engineering changes In terms of web development,

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Localization The process of adapting internationalized service for a specific language or region by adding locale specific components or text

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“͜Μʹͪ͸” id: hello “͜Μʹͪ͸” (#), “Xin chào” ($) Internatiozalise Localize

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en-US ISO 639 ISO 3166 Locale

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Language != Country en-US American English en-GB British English es-ES Spanish Spanish es-419 Latin American Spanish pt-PT Portuguese in Portugal pt-BR Portuguese in Brazil zh-CN Simplified Chinese zh-TW Traditional Chinese

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1. Search 2. Translation 3. Everything else 3 things you should consider

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1. Search Understanding language characteristics + Steady exception handling

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Dictionary Tokenizer Normaliser …

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%☕ Café amargo ' Caña amarga Grammatical Gender (amargo = bitter)

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1. bò kho * Strict match * Should NOT find bò khô since it includes accents in the query. 2. dau hu * Fuzzy match * Should find recipes with Đậu hũ since the original query doesn't have accents. 3. chay * Strict match * chay is defined in dictionary, so it should not return cháy, chấy, etc. Accents Examples

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* Green peas cream soup (4 words) + Zöldborsókrémleves (1 word) Compound words

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Compound words Zöldborsókrémleves άϦʔϯϐʔεͷΫϦʔϜεʔϓ Fokhagymakrémleves χϯχΫͷΫϦʔϜεʔϓ Brokkoli krémleves ϒϩοίϦʔͷΫϦʔϜεʔϓ

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Consider region

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Consider religion

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2. Translation

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* Alphabets: * Syllabaries: * Logographies:

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name + “ added ” + number + “ person to his list” How many problems in this program?

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MARY + “ added ” + 7 + “ person to his list” Should be “her” Plurals Number could be changed Female / Male How many problems in this program?

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How to say “Butterfly” # ௏ , Farfalla - Mariposa . Papillon / SCHMETTERLING!!!

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No enough padding problem Fatty button problem Set length limitation

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Explain what it is OR ? translate

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Translation depends on context OR translate

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“Premium” could be offended

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“Premium Service” * Cookpad Premium * Cookpad Prime * Cookpad Deluxe * Cookpad Extra * Cookpad Select * …

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es-ES es-419

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* Text direction * Layout direction * Locale * Format * Connectivity * Application size * Traffic 3. Everything else * Writing system * Character * Encode * Font * Text size * Grammer * Text length

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Formatter.format(new Date()); // => # 2016/06/09 ޕޙ11:50 Formatter.format(new Date()); // => * 6/9/16 11:50 PM Formatter.format(new Date()); // => 0 09/06/16 11:50 PM

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Format US English French German Spanish Italian Japanese Time hh:mm:ss am/pm (12- hour clock) hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock) hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock) hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock) hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock) hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock) Decimal Separator period (.) comma (,) comma (,) comma (,) comma (,) period (.) Thousand Separator comma (,) space ( ) space ( ) or period (.) space ( ) space ( ) or period (.) comma (,) Number Example 12,345.67 12 345,67 12 345,67 or 12.345,67 12 345,67 12 345,67 or 12.345,67 12,345.67 Currency $12,345.67 12 345,67¢ 12 345,67¢ 12 345,67¢ ¢12.345,67 ¥12,345 Ordinal 1st 2nd 3rd … 1er 2e 3e … or 1re 2e 3e … … 1o 2o 3o … or 1a 2a 3a … 1o 2o 3o … or 1a 2a 3a … 1ͭ 2ͭ 3ͭ …

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Unicode and Characters

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# This app doesn’t seem to support Japanese

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Text Size

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Text Size 27sp 25sp 21sp 19sp 17sp 15sp 13sp 11sp 26sp 24sp 20sp 18sp 16sp 14sp 12sp 10sp

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Text Size Default (ar) +1 sp (ar)

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Word Order: SVO * I eat bread = [Subject] [Verb] [Object]

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Word Order: SOV # I bread eat = [Subject] [Object] [Verb]

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Word Order: VSO 1 Eat I bread = [Verb] [Subject] [Object]

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Word Order • * = [Subject] [Verb] [Object] • # = [Subject] [Object] [Verb] • 1 = [Verb] [Subject] [Object]

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Quantity: Ingredient Name?

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Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left

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Ramadan ?

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Arabic Indonesian

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Global Team

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3 4 * 5 6 # 7 8 - 9 : ; 0 < =

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Objective and Key Results Objective Key Result Key Result Key Result Plan … … … Plan … … … Plan … … …

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Build - Measure - Learn

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Hiring Developer blog Talk at conferences Attend hackathons Join local dev communities

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Replacing Tools to let non-Japanese employees use tools

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Communication is going to be English including documents, emails meetings, …

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Learning from each other

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Product Localization A guaranteed growth hack “Local” is based on Climate + Folk Culture + Lifestyle Make users satisfied Must-be quality and Attractive quality Analyse data by context When, why and how users use your service Development 1. Search = Understanding language characteristics + Steady error handling Consider accents, compound words, gender of nouns… Everything starts from what local people want to see 2. Translation Context makes translation better Translation is not only for text 3. Everything else writing system, character, encode, font, text size, text length, grammar, layout direction, format, peak time, payment, law, connectivity, religion, infrastructure, unit, … Team Make global team work Think not only development but also back-office operation

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Thank you for listening! Kentaro Takiguchi @rejasupotaro