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@crichardson Enabling DevOps and Team Topologies thru architecture: architecting for fast fl ow Chris Richardson Founder of Founder of the original Author of POJOs in Action and Microservices Patterns @crichardson Copyright © 2024. Chris Richardson Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved

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@crichardson “You need to deliver better software faster”

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@crichardson Presentation goal Better software faster → Fast Flow Fast fl ow architecture Enables Enables

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@crichardson About Chris

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@crichardson About Chris

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@crichardson Agenda Introduction to fast fl ow, DevOps and Team Topologies Architecting for fast fl ow Architectural styles for fast fl ow About modular monoliths Designing a microservice architecture

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@crichardson The software delivery feedback loop Development Production Changes: Features, defects, risk, tech debt Feedback Users

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@crichardson Traditional software delivery, especially outsourced IT projects Changes Feedback Long Infrequent Occasional e.g. every 1 or 2 years Development Production Feedback Users

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@crichardson Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous Building complex applications Often using new, unfamiliar technologies + Slow feedback loops = Build the wrong application, the wrong way

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@crichardson Fast fl ow for business succe$$ Development Production Continuous stream of small changes, many times a day Continuous feedback and learning Users

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@crichardson O VID -19 The success triangle Process: DevOps/Continuous Delivery & Deployment Organization: Network of small, loosely coupled, product teams IT must continuously deliver a stream of small changes to customers Businesses must be nimble, agile and innovate faster S/W VUCA Architecture: ??? Enables Enables

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About DevOps Set of principles and practices where developers, testers (dev) and IT operations (ops) collaborate and communicate to deliver software rapidly, frequently, and reliably Three ways Flow Feedback Learning

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@crichardson Have a fast deployment pipeline Production Fast, automated deployment pipeline Developer laptop Application repository 15 minutes Must scale to support rate of Git pushes Measure using the DORA metrics >= 1 push / developer / day

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About Team Topologies: organizing for fast fl ow Stream-aligned team, e.g. Order Management Team Requirements Develop Test Deploy Code in production Work High trust/psychological safety: Small 5-9 people, long lived Stream-aligned team Platform team Facilitating Collaboration Sometimes Sometimes Enabling Team Platform team API Tools Complicated Subsystem team Stream-aligned team API XaaS Mostly

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@crichardson Agenda Introduction to fast fl ow, DevOps and Team Topologies Architecting for fast fl ow Architectural styles for fast fl ow About modular monoliths Designing a microservice architecture

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@crichardson About software architecture “The software architecture of a computing system is the set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both.” Documenting Software Architectures, Bass et al Development • Maintainability • Testability • Deployability • … Non-functional requirements Runtime • Scalability • Performance • Availability • … Satis fi es Architecture Focus

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@crichardson Architectural requirement: loose design-time coupling Order Management Customer Management Owns Owns Unaffected by changes to the other Conway’s law Autonomous Loosely coupled Degree of design-time coupling = probability of lockstep changes

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@crichardson Software elements should be like icebergs* Implementation Small and stable Larger and unstable * Modules should be deep - J. Ousterhout. A Philosophy of Software Design

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@crichardson Architectural requirement: testable Production Automated deployment pipeline (Build, test and deploy) Must be fast running Must be testable using automated tests deployment Must be locally testable commit Handle >= 1 push / developer / day Edit Build Test

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@crichardson Architectural requirement: deployable Handle >= 1 push / developer / day Automated Fast Reliable Incremental Undoable Production Automated deployment pipeline (Build, test and deploy) deployment commit

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@crichardson Agenda Introduction to fast fl ow, DevOps and Team Topologies Architecting for fast fl ow Architectural styles for fast fl ow About modular monoliths Designing a microservice architecture

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@crichardson Teams develop loosely design- time coupled subdomains… Team-sized slice of business functionality Necessary for fast fl ow BUT insuf fi cient

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@crichardson … but architecture is multi-dimensional • Loose design-time coupling • Testable • Deployable Determines: Domain «Service» Order Management «Service» Consumer Management «Service» Credit Card Payments «Service» Restaurant Management «Service» Accounting «Service» Kitchen Management «Service» Service «Database» Database Uses API Legend Part-of «Service» API Gateway «async» «subscribes to» «async» «async» «async» «async» «sync» «sync» «sync» «sync» «sync» Scenarios Domain «Service» Order Management «Service» Consumer Management «Service» Credit Card Payments «Service» Restaurant Management «Service» Accounting «Service» Kitchen Management «Service» Service «Database» Database Uses API Legend Part-of «Service» API Gateway «async» «subscribes to» «async» «async» «async» «async» «sync» «sync» «sync» «sync» «sync» Component Repository & Pipeline 3 AZ EKS cluster Ingress managed ALB 3 AZ RDS Aurora React application static resources S3 bucket Browser Cloudfront <> Order management API Gateway Managed Apache Kafka React SPA CircleCI deployment pipeline «AWS ECR repository» ftgo-XYZ-service «Github Repository» ftgo/ftgo-XYZ-service Commit Push Image «Github Repository» Kubernetes YAML Kubernetes API EKS cluster Commit Deployment Scenarios

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@crichardson Component Component Component view: organizes subdomains into components Subdomain Executable/deployable unit, e.g. executable JAR • Loose design-time coupling • Testable • Deployable Determines:

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@crichardson Repository and Pipeline view: source code => components • Testable • Deployable Component Git Repository Build project Subdomain Deployment pipeline Determines: Component Component

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@crichardson Runtime (monitoring and management) infrastructure Component Instance (Process) Deployment view: de fi nes runtime infrastructure • Deployable Component Instance (Process) Component Determines:

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@crichardson Two architectural styles that structure the component and repository/pipeline views Monolithic architecture Microservice architecture

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@crichardson Monolithic architecture: one component Production Deployment pipeline Application repository Developer laptop App

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@crichardson Simple yet risk of outgrowing architecture Loose design- time coupling Single component => any coupling is internal ✅ Testable • Test execution time ∝size of code base • Commit frequency ∝organization size => bottleneck • Too complex to test locally ✅→❌ Deployable • Commit frequency ∝organization size => bottleneck? ✅→❌

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@crichardson Microservice architecture: two or more components Production Deployment pipeline Service Repo Deployment pipeline Service Repo Deployment pipeline Service Repo Independently deployable Loosely coupled Svc Svc Svc Some system operations span multiple services

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@crichardson Enables large scale development BUT more complicated* distributed architecture Loose design-time coupling ✅ BUT careful design required to ensure services are loosely design-time coupled Testable ✅ • Smaller components => faster test execution + test locally • Multiple deployment pipelines => fast feedback Deployable ✅ • Multiple deployment pipelines => concurrent, fast deployments * Eventual consistency, consequences of inter-service communication

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@crichardson Selecting an architectural style What’s the architecture style? Application size/complexity + Organization size Fast fl ow architecture • Loosely coupled • Testable • Deployable

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@crichardson Agenda Introduction to fast fl ow, DevOps and Team Topologies Architecting for fast fl ow Architectural styles for fast fl ow About modular monoliths Designing a microservice architecture

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@crichardson Teams Code repository Designing a monolith: key goals Large monolith Production Deployment pipeline App Maximize team autonomy Minimizing build times

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@crichardson Monolithic architecture patterns The Monolithic Architecture Pattern Language Monolithic architecture Layered monolith Modular monolith API project Segregated implementation projects Segregated API projects Motivating Pattern Solution Pattern Solution A Solution B General Specific

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@crichardson Pattern: Traditional layered monolith Application «layer» Web «layer» Domain «layer» Persistance/infrastructure Organized around technical layers Consumer team Order team Delivery team DevOps (Stream-aligned) team Consumers Orders Deliveries … Consumers Orders Deliveries … Consumers Orders Deliveries … $ mkdir web $ mkdir domain $ mkdir infrastructure Low autonomy ❌ Poor encapsulation ❌ Long builds ❌

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@crichardson Pattern: modular monolith «Module» Main System operations: createOrder() cancelOrder() findOrderHistory() createConsumer() «Module» Consumer Management «Subdomain» Consumer Management «Aggregate» Consumer «Module» Delivery Management «Subdomain» Delivery Management «Aggregate» Delivery «Aggregate» Courier Consumer team Order team Delivery team Owns Owns Owns «Module» Order Management «Subdomain» Order Management «Aggregate» Order DevOps (Stream-aligned) team Application Owned by all teams Organized around subdomains rather than technology $ mkdir orders $ mkdir consumers $ mkdir deliveries High autonomy ✅ Subdomain

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@crichardson About domain modules «package» com.acme.application «domain module» «package» consumers «domain module» «package» orders «domain module» «package» deliveries «package» web «package» domain «package» infrastructure «package» web «package» domain «package» infrastructure «package» web «package» domain «package» infrastructure Top-level package Vertical slice

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@crichardson Domain module has a facade- style API • Iceberg like • Good encapsulation ✅ • Mockable No inter-domain module aggregate references

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Prefer private domain module DB schema Essential for loose design- time coupling Violate encapsulation at your peril But be pragmatic: cross- domain module SQL - sometimes simple, ef fi cient, … Database Server «Module» Order Management «Table» Order «Table» OrderLineItem Order Management tables Order Management tables «Module» Customer Management Customer Management tables «Table» Customer «FK» API API-based collaboration X

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Minimizing build-time coupling to accelerate builds… Software element X is build- time coupled to software element Y if it must be rebuilt (i.e. tested) whenever Y changes Exists within components but not between components Less build-time coupling = fast builds X Y Build-time coupling Retest Change

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… Minimizing build-time coupling to accelerate builds Gradle project structure determines build-time coupling Project is graph of inter-dependent sub- projects Build is graph of inter-dependent tasks Incremental task execution => rerun task only if inputs or outputs have changed Test task is re-executed when the following change: Project’s classes Project’s transitive (test classpath) dependencies Project X Project Y Test Task Project Z classpath Project … Main classes Test classes Minimize to reduce build- time coupling

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Pattern: Domain API sub- project Clients only depend on API project Test clients using a mock API Less build-time coupling ✅ «Gradle project» Customer API «Gradle project» Client «Gradle project» Customer Domain Split «Facade» CustomerService «Facade» CustomerServiceImpl «DTO» CustomerInfo ClientTest Tests Mocks createCustomer() getCustomer() reserveCredit() releaseCredit() «Service» Customer ServiceClient «Gradle project» Customer Domain «Facade» CustomerServiceImpl «DTO» CustomerInfo «Facade» CustomerService createCustomer() getCustomer() reserveCredit() releaseCredit()

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Pattern: Segregated API projects Apply Interface Segregation Principle De fi ne multiple API (Gradle) sub-projects Clients are build-time coupled to only what they need Customer API Credit Management API Customer Implementation Client A Client B

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Pattern: Segregated implementation projects De fi ne a (Gradle) sub-project for the domain and each adapter Adapters are only build-time coupled the domain - not to each other Customer Web Customer Infrastructure Customer Domain

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Key limitation: Single technology stack Tight design-time coupling e.g. single classpath = one version of a dependency Risk of change requiring new/upgraded dependency that requires other teams to change their code Upgrades are application-wide Prevents use of other technologies «Module» Main System operations: createOrder() cancelOrder() findOrderHistory() createConsumer() «Module» Consumer Management «Subdomain» Consumer Management «Aggregate» Consumer «Module» Delivery Management «Subdomain» Delivery Management «Aggregate» Delivery «Aggregate» Courier Consumer team Order team Delivery team Owns Owns Owns «Module» Order Management «Subdomain» Order Management «Aggregate» Order DevOps (Stream-aligned) team Application Owned by all teams Organized around subdomains rather than technology Tech stack • Global dependency • Owned by all teams

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@crichardson Key limitation: single deployment pipeline becomes a bottleneck Deployment pipeline Queued changes = slow feedback Batched changes = dif fi cult troubleshooting Slow build Change to widely used API or library Volume of changes

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@crichardson Agenda Introduction to fast fl ow, DevOps and Team Topologies Architecting for fast fl ow Architectural styles for fast fl ow About modular monoliths Designing a microservice architecture

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@crichardson Designing a microservice architecture: key challenge Designing services that loosely coupled and independently deployable WHILE Avoiding problems of a distributed architecture (aka. Dark matter forces)

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Rule #6: Design loosely (design-time*) coupled services * vs runtime and build-time coupling Customer Service Customer Subdomain Order Service Order Subdomain API Stable Infrequent lock step changes

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@crichardson Rule #7: design independently deployable services Production Order Service Order Service Deployment pipeline Test in isolation Test Service Test Double Service Sole criteria for release Includes contract- testing to enforce API interoperability Deploy automatically

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@crichardson Avoid the Distributed monolith anti-pattern: Tightly design-time coupled services End-to-end testing before release Friction of the monolith + complexity of microservices

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@crichardson Microservice architecture = not only services AND Application «Subdomain» Consumer Management «Aggregate» Consumer «Subdomain» Delivery Management «Aggregate» Delivery «Aggregate» Courier Consumer team Order team Delivery team Owns Owns Owns Order Service «Subdomain» Order Management «Aggregate» Order Delivery Service Consumer Service API Gateway DevOps (Stream-aligned) team «Subdomain» Money «Value object» Money «Subdomain» Money «Value object» Money Consumer Service API Gateway createConsumer() Operations Local Distributed Services Process/transaction boundary Process/transaction boundary API Gateway Consumer Service createOrder() Order Service createOrder() reserveCredit() Spans

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Distributed operation design criteria Simplicity - maintainability (ease of understanding and development) Ef fi ciency - performance Runtime coupling - availability, latency Prefer ACID over BASE - maintainability

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@crichardson Designing an architecture = making trade-offs Application System operations: createOrder() cancelOrder() findOrderHistory() createConsumer() «Subdomain» Consumer Management «Aggregate» Consumer «Subdomain» Delivery Management «Aggregate» Delivery «Aggregate» Courier Order Service «Subdomain» Order Management «Aggregate» Order Delivery Service Consumer Service API Gateway «Subdomain» Money «Value object» Money «Subdomain» Money «Value object» Money Service design • Loose-coupling • Testability • Deployability Determines Process/transaction boundary Process/transaction boundary API Gateway Consumer Service createOrder() Order Service createOrder() reserveCredit() Operation design Determines • Simplicity • Ef fi ciency • Runtime coupling • Prefer ACID over BASE Determines Constrains Requirements for fast fl ow Con fl ict

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@crichardson Assemblage: design process Incrementally de fi nes One operation at a time fi nition-process.html Subdomain A «Aggregate» X Subdomain B «Aggregate» Y Service A Service B Attraction Simple interactions Efficient interactions Prefer ACID over BASE Minimize runtime coupling Minimize design time coupling Simple components Team autonomy Fast deployment pipeline Support multiple technology stacks Segregate by characteristics Repulsion Dark energy Dark matter Metaphor for Metaphor for

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@crichardson Step 1: de fi ne system operations Application ≪commands≫ createConsumer() createOrder() cancelOrder() … ≪queries≫ findOrder() findOrderHistory() … ≪entity≫ Order ≪entity≫ Customer ≪entity≫ Delivery Model application behavior Mutate and query

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@crichardson Step 2: design subdomains createOrder() Kitchen team Order team Accounting team … Implemented by Owns Owns Owns Owns

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@crichardson Step 3: incrementally de fi ne service architecture… How to implement someOperation() Work-in-progress architecture Subdomain A «Aggregate» X Subdomain B «Aggregate» Y Service A Service B Attraction Simple interactions Efficient interactions Prefer ACID over BASE Minimize runtime coupling Minimize design time coupling Simple components Team autonomy Fast deployment pipeline Support multiple technology stacks Segregate by characteristics Repulsion Dark energy Dark matter Metaphor for Metaphor for Group subdomains + Revised architecture Iterate Operation realization For each operation:

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@crichardson …Step 3: incrementally de fi ne service architecture

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@crichardson Summary Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous Fast flow architecture Modular Monolithic architecture Microservice architecture Requires createOrder() createOrder() Subdomain A «Aggregate» X Service A Attraction Simple interactions Efficient interactions Prefer ACID over BASE Minimize runtime coupling Minimize design time coupling Simple components Team autonomy Fast deployment pipeline Support multiple technology stacks Segregate by characteristics Repulsion Dark matter Metaphor for M Creates Dark energy and dark m Is Fast flow: delivering a continuous stream of changes to customers Understand the context Define the problem Define evaluation criteria Find candidate solutions Evaluate the trade-offs Pick the best solution Document decision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rational decision making Uses Architectural requirements: • Loosely coupled • Testable • Deployable • Observable Fast flow Success Triangle Assemblage Defines IS-A

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@crichardson @crichardson Questions?