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Shrine Handle file uploads like it’s 2017 janko-m @jankomarohnic

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Shrine Best practices for handling file uploads in Ruby janko-m @jankomarohnic

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Paperclip CarrierWave ★7,253 Refile ★2,314 ★8,357 Dragonfly ★ 1,982 Attache ★184 Paperdragon ★ 116

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Paperclip CarrierWave ★7,253 Refile ★2,314 ★8,357 Dragonfly ★ 1,982 Attache ★184 Paperdragon ★ 116

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Choose a file… picture.jpg Submit POST /photos Content-Type: multipart/form-data … […file content…] { name: "file", filename: "picture.jpg", type: "image/jpeg", tempfile: # } Rack

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Choose a file… picture.jpg Submit POST /albums Content-Type: multipart/form-data … […file content…] #> Rails

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Shrine.storages = { store: "public", prefix: "uploads/store") } Shrine.plugin :sequel # or :activerecord class ImageUploader < Shrine # image attachment logic end class Photo < Sequel::Model include ImageUploader[:image] end

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photo = Photo.create(image:"…")) photo.image_data #=> { "storage": "store", "id": "fd9sdf0ag32kf1s.jpg", "metadata": { "filename": "nature.jpg", "size": 883954, "mime_type": "image/jpeg" } }

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IMPROVEMENT A: Retaining file on form redisplays

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Choose a file… picture.jpg Submit Album title Choose a file… No file selected Submit Album title can’t be blank (Waiting for file to be uploaded…)

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Shrine.storages = { cache:…), store:…), } {"storage":"cache", "id":"8ag8fdg.jpg", "metadata":{...}} Choose a file… No file selected Submit Album title can’t be blank

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IMPROVEMENT B: Direct uploads

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Choose a file… picture.jpg Submit

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Shrine.plugin :direct_upload Rails.application.routes.draw do mount ImageUploader::UploadEndpoint, to: "/images" end POST /images/cache/upload jQuery-File-Upload Dropzone FineUploader …

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Choose a file… Submit 32% POST /images/cache/upload

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Choose a file… Submit 100% {"storage":"cache", "id":"8ag8fdg.jpg", …}

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• User has a better idea how long upload will take • User can fill in other fields while file is uploading • Multiple files can be uploaded in parallel Benefits

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IMPROVEMENT C: External storage

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• Receiving file uploads uses server resources • Stored files are served through the app • Doesn’t work with multiple servers • Heroku doesn’t support storing on disk • Heroku has a 30-second request timeout Downsides of filesystem

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Shrine.storages = { cache:…), store:…), } Shrine.storages = { cache:…), store:…), }

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1. GET /images/cache/presign { "url": "", "fields": { "key": "b7d575850ba61b44c8a9ff889dfdb14d88cdc25", "policy": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAxNS0QwMToxMTo...", "x-amz-credential": "5TQ/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request", "x-amz-algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256", "x-amz-date": "20151024T001129Z", "x-amz-signature": "c1eb634f83f96b69bd675f535b3..." } } 2. POST Content-Type: multipart/form-data […file content…]

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IMPROVEMENT D: Resumable uploads

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• Flaky connection terminates the upload • User needs to change location during upload • Computer freezes in the middle of upload Large files => User needs to retry the whole upload

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB …

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 32%

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ 17%

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ ❌

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ 43%

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ ✅

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ ✅ 17% 54% 32%

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Chunking 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 5MB 1 2 3 4 5 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅

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• S3 & Azure • Concurrent chunking • Numerous other features • Well-designed protocol • iOS & Android • Ruby implementation

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# require "tus/server" map("/files") { run Tus::Server } janko-m/tus-ruby-server Shrine.storages = { cache:, store:…), } janko-m/shrine-url

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• Uploads can be resumed in case of interruption • Concurrent chunking can speed up the upload • Checksums can ensure that no bytes were lost Benefits

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IMPROVEMENT E: Backgrounding

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2048×1365 800×800 500×500 300×300

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previous_cover_photo = album.cover_photo album.update(cover_photo:"...")) previous_cover_photo.exists? #=> false

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album.destroy album.cover_photo.exists? #=> false

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Deleting ↓ Processing (= downloading + processing + uploading) ↓ SLOW SLOW

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class PromoteJob include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(data) Shrine::Attacher.promote(data) end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote do |data| PromoteJob.perform_async(data) end mperham/sidekiq

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class PromoteJob include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(data) Shrine::Attacher.promote(data) end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote do |data| PromoteJob.perform_in(3, data) end mperham/sidekiq

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class PromoteJob include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(data) ActiveRecord::Base.with_connection do Shrine::Attacher.promote(data) end end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote do |data| PromoteJob.perform_async(data) end mperham/sidekiq

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class PromoteJob include SuckerPunch::Job def perform(data) Shrine::Attacher.promote(data) end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote do |data| PromoteJob.perform_async(data) end brandonhilkert/sucker_punch

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class PromoteJob < RocketJob::Job key :data, Hash def perform(data) Shrine::Attacher.promote(data) end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote do |data| PromoteJob.create!(data: data) end rocketjob/rocketjob

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class DeleteJob < RocketJob::Job key :data, Hash def perform(data) Shrine::Attacher.delete(data) end end Shrine.plugin :backgrounding Shrine::Attacher.promote { |data| … } Shrine::Attacher.delete { |data| … } rocketjob/rocketjob

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album.cover_photo #=> nil album.cover_photo ="...") # background job is kicked off album.cover_photo.storage_key #=> "cache" # … background job finishes album.reload album.cover_photo.storage_key #=> "store"

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album.destroy album.cover_photo.exists? #=> true # … background job finishes album.cover_photo.exists? #=> false

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Benefits • Fast for the user • Removes impact on request throughput • Can be scaled individually • Can automatically retry timeouts • Easier to manually retry failures that require action • Easier to monitor performance

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Credits to Refile @jnicklas

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